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I'll close this chapter by describing some other things you need to know that I didn't cover earlier. These include two more ways of building IRPs and a word or two about how to locate a device object to use as a target for IoCallDriver.

Using IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest

I'll discuss IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest in Chapter 9 when I discuss how to perform I/O control operations. As far as cleanup and cancellation are concerned, IRPs created with this function are like ones created by IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest.

Using IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest

IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest is another routine that you can use to build one of the IRPs listed in Table 5-3. The prototype of the function is as follows:

 PIRP IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest(ULONG MajorFunction, PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Length, PLARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock); 

This prototype differs from that for IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest in that there's no Event argument and the IoStatusBlock pointer can be NULL. The DDK goes on to tell you to install a completion routine whose job will be to call IoFreeIrp on this IRP and return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED.

I wondered about the different treatment for IRPs built with the two IoBuildXxxFsdRequest functions, so I dug a little deeper. The code for these two functions is essentially identical. In fact, IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest calls IoBuildAsynchronous FsdRequest as a subroutine. I'm not telling you anything here that you couldn't find out on your own after five minutes with a kernel debugger. IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest's only additional actions are saving your event pointer in the IRP (reasonable, since that's how the I/O Manager can find it to signal it) and putting the IRP on the queue of IRPs for the current thread, which allows the IRP to be cancelled when the thread dies.

I've been able to discern only two situations in which you'd want to call IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest. The first situation is when you find yourself executing in an arbitrary thread context and need to create an IRP. IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest is ideal for this purpose, since termination of the current (arbitrary) thread should not result in cancelling the new IRP. The other situation is when you're running at APC_LEVEL in a nonarbitrary thread and need to synchronously—yes, synchronously—execute an IRP. IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest won't work for this purpose because the IRQL blocks the APC that would normally set the event. So you call IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest and wait on an event that your completion routine will set. This second case won't come up often, if ever, for a device driver.

In a general case, the completion routine you use with IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest has to do quite a bit more work than just call IoFreeIrp. In fact, you need to duplicate the functionality of the internal routine (IopCompleteRequest ) that the I/O Manager uses to clean up completed IRPs. You can't just create an IRP with IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest and launch it into the void, relying on the I/O Manager to clean up. Since the cleanup requires an APC in the current releases of Windows 98 and Windows 2000, and since it would be incorrect to depend on executing an APC in an arbitrary thread, the I/O Manager doesn't do the cleanup for you. You must do all the cleanup yourself.

If the device object to which you send the IRP has the DO_DIRECT_IO flag set, IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest will create an MDL that you must release with code like the following:

 NTSTATUS CompletionRoutine(...) { PMDL mdl; while ((mdl = Irp->MdlAddress)) { Irp->MdlAddress = mdl->Next; IoFreeMdl(mdl); } ... IoFreeIrp(Irp); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } 

If the device object to which you send the IRP has the DO_BUFFERED_IO flag set, IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest will allocate a system buffer that you need to release. If you're doing an input operation, you also have to copy the input data from the system buffer to your real input buffer—before releasing the memory! If you need to do this copy, you need to be sure that the real buffer is in nonpaged memory because completion routines might run at DISPATCH_LEVEL. You also need to be sure that you've got a kernel address for the buffer, because completion routines run in arbitrary thread context. If these restrictions aren't enough to discourage you from using IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest with a DO_BUFFERED_IO device, consider that you must also test the undocumented flag bits IRP_BUFFERED_IO, IRP_INPUT_OPERATION, and IRP_DEALLOCATE_BUFFER to discover what to do in your completion routine. I'm not going to show you the code to do this because I took a solemn pledge to avoid undocumented tricks in this book.

My advice is to use IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest only when you know that the device you're sending the IRP to doesn't use DO_BUFFERED_IO.

Where Do Device Object Pointers Come From?

The call to IoCallDriver requires a PDEVICE_OBJECT as its first argument. You might be wondering where you get a pointer to a device object so that you can send an IRP to something.

One of the obvious ways to get a pointer to a device object is by calling IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack, which is something that every WDM driver's AddDevice function does. In all of the sample drivers in this book, you'll see a line of code like this one:

 pdx->LowerDeviceObject = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack(fdo, pdo); 

We use this device object pointer whenever we want to pass an IRP down the driver stack.

Another common way to locate a device object is to start with an object name that you happen to know about:

 PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName; //  something gives you this PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; //  an output from this process PFILE_OBJECT FileObject; //  another output NTSTATUS status = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(DeviceName, <access mask>, &FileObject, &DeviceObject); 

You get back a pointer to the device object having the name you specify and a pointer to a file object. A file object is the thing a file handle points to. Eventually, you'll need to dereference the file object, as shown here:

 ObDereferenceObject(FileObject); //  DeviceObject now poison! 

As soon as you dereference the file object, you also release your implicit reference to the device object. If you want to continue using the device object, be sure to reference it first:

 ObReferenceObject(DeviceObject); ObDereferenceObject(FileObject); //  DeviceObject still okay 

You shouldn't automatically put the preceding two lines of code in your driver, however. In fact, when you send an IRP to a device object whose address you obtained by calling IoGetDeviceObjectPointer, you should send the address of the file object along:

 PIRP Irp = IoBuildXxxRequest(...); PIO_STACK_LOCATION stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); stack->FileObject = FileObject; IoCallDriver(DeviceObject, Irp); 

Here's the explanation for this extra statement. IoGetDeviceObjectPointer internally opens a regular handle to the device object, which causes the driver to receive an IRP_MJ_CREATE request with a pointer to the same file object you'll later be getting as a return value. The driver might create some auxiliary data structure that it associates with the file object, and it might require access to that structure to handle later IRPs. It will destroy that structure when it processes the IRP_MJ_CLOSE operation that occurs when the last reference to the file object disappears. For this to work right, you need to set the FileObject pointer in the first stack location for each IRP you send the driver.

You don't always set the file object pointer in a new IRP you create, by the way. If you're the driver that owns the file object by virtue of being the real implementor of IRP_MJ_CREATE, no one below you has any business looking at the file object. In the case I just described, however, the owner of the file object is the driver for the device object you found by calling IoGetDeviceObjectPointer. In that situation, you must set the file object pointer.

Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model
Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model
ISBN: 0735618038
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 93
Authors: Walter Oney

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