


accuracy testing of, 318–319

assembling for request and parsing response in integration layer, 522–523

communicating application data for static payloads, 242–243

consumer decisions about payload integrity, 532

converting with CInt conversion call, 578

defining data integration for hotel reservation consumer requests, 564–565

defining for transport payloads, 35–36

defining with entities, 86–87

developing logic for availability request, 478–480

embedding binary data in XML documents, 211

extracting certificate, 511–512

extracting for hotel reservation service listener, 446–447

extracting with recordset object and building XML with, 492–493

formatting and defining during transport payload, 34–36

maintaining session data for static payloads, 242, 244–245

presentation data included in static payloads, 242, 246–247

profile, 273–275

referencing with XSLT expressions, 182

retrieving for reservation request (HRSWS), 501–504

session data access with stored procedures for HRSWS database, 468–470

sharing with linked presentation layers, 5–8

storing in typed variable for request documents, 301

structuring in XML documents, 80–81

transforming formats vs. performance, 58

validating for mortgage calculator Web service, 295–297

validating user, 215–218

See also data types

data layer

content data model for hotel reservation system, 454

in logical architecture, 47–48, 51, 52

session data model for hotel reservation system, 452–453

of Web applications, 3, 4

data types

attribute group declarations, 129

binary, 105

derived, 110–112

DTD, 85, 104

element declarations, 124–128

group declarations, 128

primitive, 105–110, 113

relationships among schema, 113

schema namespaces, 123–124

simple and complex (XSD), 111–116

XSD, 104

data-oriented Web services

about, 205–209

style of, 214

validation of, 218–219

DCOM (Distributed COM), 12

debugging distributed applications, 576

declaration tags, 86


attribute group (XSD), 129

defining DTD attribute, 89–92

element (XSD), 124–128

group (XSD), 128

at top of XML document, 81

XML text, 81–82

defining XML, 84–135

overview, 84

purpose of DTDs, 85

qualifying elements with namespaces, 93–99

switching from DTDs to XSDs, 95

XSD improvements over DTDs, 100

XSD vs. DTD data types, 104

XSDs for, 99–101

See also DTDs; XML; XSDs

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 260

derived data types

about, 110–112

complex types, 113–116

illustration of schema data type relationships, 113

simple types, 111–112, 113

See also primitive data types

design sublayer, 60, 62–63

detail interaction schema, 415

detailRequestTemplate (HRSWS), 573–574

development life cycle for Web services, 14–18

determining objective for service, 15–16

identifying service offerings around, 18

identifying solutions for, 16–17

illustrated, 15

implementing services, 17

devices, 267

direct load method for building XML, 342

distributed applications

debugging, 576

reusing objects across, 12

Distributed COM (DCOM), 12

DMZ (demilitarized zone), 260

document node, 78

Document Type Definition. See DTDs

Document_Fragment_Node node type (DOM), 144–145

Document_Node node type (DOM), 144

documents, 77–84

document node, 78

example of invalid, 78

optional XML declaration at top, 81

returning to consumer for mortgage calculator service, 307–308

structuring data in, 80–81

syntax rules for XML, 82–84

text declarations, 81–82

well-formed, 79–80

Document_Type_Node node type (DOM), 145–146

DOM (Document Object Model) standard, 138–161

attribute properties in, 151

Attribute_Node type, 147–148

attributes of node type, 150–153

building XML in, 342

CDATA_Section_Node type, 149–150

Comment_Node type, 148–149

Document_Fragment_Node type, 144–145

Document_Node type, 144

Document_Type_Node type, 145–146

Element_Node type, 147

Entity_Node type, 146

Entity_Reference_Node type, 146–147

methods of, 154–156

node interfaces, 141–142

Notation_Node type, 150

overview, 138–140

for parsing XML, 31, 43

Processing_Instruction_Node type, 148

SAX vs., 162, 167–168

scenario using, 156–160

selecting DOM-based parsers, 294

Text_Node type, 149

tree structure for, 138–139

types of nodes, 143–150

for working with XML, 31, 43, 137–138

writing efficient calls in, 579

XSLT and, 170

See also SAX standard

DOMException method, 156

double colon (::), 186

double period (..), 185

double quotes (""), 76

double slash (//), 184


all source code, xii

generic test client for testing, 318

Hotel Reservation System simulated application, 368

Visual Age for Java, 282

DTDs (Document Type Definitions), 85–99

building, 88–89

data types for, 85

declaration tags, 86

defining attribute declarations, 89–92

defining in mortgage calculator Web service, 288–289

elements, 87–88

entities, 86–87

implementing, 92–93

purpose of, 85

switching to XML Schema from, 95

syntax for, 85–92

XSD data types vs., 104

XSD improvements over, 100

dynamic payloads, 247–257

conditional responses for, 252–257

dynamic requests and, 248–250

dynamic responses, 250–252

exception handling for conditional responses, 254–257

overview, 247–248

Architecting Web Services
Architecting Web Services
ISBN: 1893115585
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 77 © 2008-2017.
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