

waiters, 582 “583
Web application
architecture, choosing, 39 “42, 55 “58
custom tags, using for selected behaviors, 20 “23
errors, outputting full information about, 14 “17
helper functions and utilities, including, 32
Java servlets, 2 “8
JSP, 8 “14, 32 “33
page output, caching to improve, 23 “28
resources, controlling access, 37 “38
results that can be sorted, manipulated and printed with spreadsheet applications, 33 “36
scriptlet code, reducing by declaring beans ( jsp:useBean element), 17 “20
servlet code, viewing generated, 36 “37
servlet filtering, 28 “32
descriptor file ( web.xml ), 29
production security, 658 “660
security, 658 “660
servlet-centric, 56, 58 “60
Turbine framework, 60
WebWork framework, 60
Web servers, 586
Web Services
clients , creating with WebLogic Server, 686 “694
custom serializers, 697 “702
development tools, 620
document-style messaging, 694 “695
home page, customizing, 695 “696
Java, 675 “683
JMS transport, 708 “709
reservation application, adding to, 716 “721
security, 710 “715
sessions, 696 “697
SOAP attachments, 705 “708
SOAP handlers, 702 “705
SSL/TLS, 433
technology, 665 “669
WebLogic Server architecture, 669 “675
WSDL, 683 “686, 696
Web Services Description Language. See WSDL
WebLogic Console
EJB applications, deploying, 325 “327
J2EE Web applications, deploying, 173 “174
LDAP security provider, mapping, 412
WebLogic server applications, monitoring, 521 “525
WebLogic JMS. See JMS
WebWork framework, 60
Welcome pages, 152
Windows (Microsoft), 414 “415, 549, 616
wrappers. See JMS
WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
described, 666 “667
static, publishing, 696
Web Services, 683 “686
WebLogic Server architecture, 673 “674

Mastering BEA WebLogic Server. Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
ISBN: 047128128X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 125 © 2008-2017.
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