Well-Designed Protection

Based on everything I said earlier, I'd like to give an example of a well-designed (in my opinion) authentication and authorization system.

I should mention that this is just an example, and a real situation can require strengthening the protection or, conversely, removing certain limitations.

Before writing code, I have to decide, on which methods authorization and authentication should be based and which features should be implemented.

Naturally, the system should fulfill all necessary tasks . The example I'm going to present is just an example, and it can't meet all the requirements of a real-life system.

The ideas behind this authentication and authorization system are the following:

  • Primary authentication is done using a login and a password. The login and the password are case-sensitive.

  • Authorization is based on the access level ID returned by the authentication system. The ID value can be as follows : 0 indicates guest access or no access, 1 means user access, and 2 provides administrator access.

  • Information about the users is stored in a MySQL database.

  • After successful primary authentication, the user gets a 128-bit unique session ID.

  • The session ID is stored among the client's COOKIE values.

  • The lifetime of the COOKIE values that contain the session ID is one session.

  • On the server party, the lifetime of the session ID is 30 minutes.

  • After authorized access to a document or a service, the lifetime of the session ID is updated.

  • Users' passwords aren't stored unencrypted on the server. Rather, 128-bit password hashes are stored. The md5 hash function is used.

  • The following user information is stored in the database: the login, the password hash, the access level, the session ID, the session ID lifetime, and the user's e-mail address.

  • A password recovery subsystem is implemented. After a demand containing a user's login, a newly-generated password is sent to the user.

In an actual system, it would be best to replace the last item with the following:

  • A password recovery subsystem is implemented. After a demand containing a user's login, a link with a random ID is sent to the user. After the user follows this link with his or her browser, a newly-generated password is displayed in the browser window.

The replacement of the last item is aimed at preventing an attacker from changing a user's password. Otherwise, the attacker can change the password. If the user lost access to the e-mail account or made a mistake when entering the e-mail-address, he or she won't be able to control the system account any longer.

For the system to work, I should create a database table. Let it be as follows:

 -bash-2.05b$ mysql -u root Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.0.18 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> use book1 Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> describe reguser; +-------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+  Field  Type          Null  Key  Default  Extra           +-------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+  id     int(11)             PRI  NULL     auto increment   login  varchar(255)                                       pass   varchar(255)                                       level  int(11)                  0                         sid    varchar(255)                                       exp    int(11)                  0                        +-------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 6 rows in set (0.02 sec) mysql> select * from reguser  +----+-------+----------------------------------+-------+-----+-----+  id  login  pass                              level  sid  exp  +----+-------+----------------------------------+-------+-----+-----+   1  user1  20a0db53bc188la7f739cd956b740039      1         0    2  user2  1926f73f97bf1985b2b367730cb75071      1         0    3  admin  25e4ee4e9229397b6bl7776bfceaf8e7      2         0  +----+-------+----------------------------------+-------+-----+-----+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

The users' passwords are user1pass , user2pass , and adminpass , respectively.

The following is the code of the authentication module. The function returns the user's access level.

image from book  login.inc.php

 <? if(!defined('Phoenix')) exit; // Protection against include                               // file execution mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("book1"); function auth() {  global $_COOKIE, $_POST;  $login=addslashes($_POST['login']); // Avoiding SQL injection  $pass=md5($_POST['pass']); // The password hash is needed.  if(!empty($login)) // Primary authentication  {   $q=mysql_query("select id, level from reguser where BINARY login='$login' and BINARY pass='$pass'");   if($r=mysql_fetch_object($q))   {// Authentication is successful, a session ID is returned    $sid=md5(uniqid(rand(),1));    $time=time()+ 60*30;    mysql_query("update reguser set sid='$sid', exp=$time where id={$r->id} ");    setcookie("sid", $sid, 0, "/");    return $r->level;   }  }  // If the primary authentication wasn't successful or wasn't performed,  // the secondary authentication is done.  $sid=addslashes($_COOKIE['sid']); // Avoiding SQL injection. Although                                    // the program set the session ID in                                    // a cookie, there is no guarantee                                    // that nobody changed it.  if(!empty($sid))  {   $time=time();   $q=mysql_query("select BINARY id, level from reguser where sid='$sid' and exp>=$time");   if($r=mysql_fetch_object($q))   {    return $r->level;   }  }  // Authentication is unsuccessful. A form suggesting that the user enter  // a login and a password is displayed.  echo "  <html><body>  Authentication is required  <form method=POST>  name: <input type=text name=login><br>password: <input type=password name=pass><br>  <input type=submit>  </form>  </body>  </html>  ";  exit; // Execution is interrupted } ?> 

Authorization is done in particular documents and services depending on the access level ID, as shown in the next examples.


 <?  define('Phoenix', 1);  include("login.inc.php");  if(auth()>=1) echo "Welcome to the user account";  else echo "You don't have necessary privileges"; ?> 


 <?  define('Phoenix', 1);  include("login.inc.php");  if(auth()>=2) echo "Welcome to the administrator panel";  else echo "You don't have necessary privileges"; ?> 

The password recovery module could be written in a similar manner.

This system requires that support for session cookies is enabled in the user's browser.

Hacker Web Exploition Uncovered
Hacker Web Exploition Uncovered
ISBN: 1931769494
Year: 2005
Pages: 77

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