The SqlClient Namespace and Stored Procedures


ASP.NET Developer's JumpStart
By Paul D. Sheriff, Ken Getz
Table of Contents
Chapter 15.  Using Stored Procedures with ADO.NET

The SqlClient Namespace and Stored Procedures

Now that you've seen how to call stored procedures using the OleDb namespace, it's interesting to compare the same tasks using the SqlClient namespace. Remember that when you use the SqlClient namespace, you're using code that's written to interact specifically with SQL Server, and this code can take advantage of specific SQL Server features. The code you'll see, EmpAddSqlClient, works almost identically to the EmpAddOleDb procedure you saw earlier, but there are some subtle differences.

Listing 15.6 shows the entire procedure.

Listing 15.6 Using the SqlClient Namespace to Call a Stored Procedure
 Private Sub EmpAddSqlClient()   Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand   Dim strSQL As String   Dim strConn As String   Dim intRows As Integer   ' Set up the connection and SQL strings.   strConn = Session("ConnectStringSQL").ToString   strSQL = "EmployeeAdd"   Try     cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand()     With cmd       ' Create a Connection object       .Connection = _         New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strConn)       ' Set the SQL       .CommandText = strSQL       .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure       ' Create OUTPUT Parameter for       ' EmployeeID which will be       ' fetched using @@IDENTITY       With .Parameters.Add("@EmpID", _        SqlDbType.Int)         .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output       End With       ' Create input parameters       With .Parameters.Add("@FirstName", _        SqlDbType.Char, 10)         .Value = txtFirst.Text       End With       ' Create input parameter for LastName       With .Parameters.Add("@LastName", _        SqlDbType.Char, 20)         .Value = txtLast.Text       End With       ' Create Return Value parameter       ' Doesn't need to be the first parameter added!       With .Parameters.Add("ReturnValue", _        SqlDbType.Int)         .Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue       End With       ' Open the connection       .Connection.Open()       ' Execute the stored procedure       intRows = .ExecuteNonQuery()       ' Get the output parameter       lblEmpID.Text = _        CStr(.Parameters("@EmpID").Value)       ' Get the return value parameter       lblError.Text = "Return Value = " & _        CStr(.Parameters("ReturnValue").Value) & _        "<BR>Rows Affected=" & intRows.ToString()     End With     ' Reload DropDownList control     EmpLoad()   Catch exp As Exception     lblError.Text = exp.Message   Finally     ' Close the Connection     With cmd.Connection       If .State = ConnectionState.Open Then         .Close()       End If     End With   End Try End Sub 

If you look carefully, you'll note some subtle differences:

  • The parameter types use a different enumeration (SqlDbType as opposed to OleDbType).

  • The parameter names must match the exact names used in the stored procedure. That is, the parameters you create in your code must include "@," which is part of the stored procedure names:

     With .Parameters.Add("@EmpID", SqlDbType.Int)   .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output End With ' Create input parameters With .Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.Char, 10)   .Value = txtFirst.Text End With ' Create input parameter for LastName With .Parameters.Add("@LastName", SqlDbType.Char, 20)   .Value = txtLast.Text End With 
  • The order of the parameters doesn't matter given the names you supply, SQL Server can figure out which parameters go where. This is distinctly different from using the OleDb namespace, in which parameter order is significant.


    ASP. NET Developer's JumpStart
    ASP.NET Developers JumpStart
    ISBN: 0672323575
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2002
    Pages: 234 © 2008-2017.
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