

Panes collection (Windows object), 151
mandatory or optional, 130 ‚ 131
of methods , 128
passing by name , 131
Parent object, 138
Parent property, 138
Password, setting for an add-in, 300
Password exploit of Excel object model, 263
Password parameter (Workbooks), 130
Paste method (ActiveSheet object), 140
PasteSpecial method, 158, 210, 262, 266
Pattern matching, with Like operator, 75
Perspective property (3-D object), 292
Pie charts , 171 ‚ 172
Pipe () symbol, 213
PlotBy parameter (ChartWizard method), 173 ‚ 174
PName class module, creating, 194 ‚ 198
Pop-up submenu
creating, 295 ‚ 299
removing, 298 ‚ 300
Preserve (keyword), 22
Print dialog, 113 ‚ 115
PrintOut method (Range object), 158
PrintOut method (Workbook object), 148
PrintOut method (Worksheet object), 154
PrintPreview method (Range object), 158
PrintPreview method (Workbook object), 148
PrintPreview method (Worksheet object), 154
Private (keyword), 30
Procedure argument data types, 31
Procedure stepping (debugging), 81
executing at regular time intervals, 235 ‚ 236
viewing the statements that call, 81 ‚ 82
Project Explorer (VBA), 4 ‚ 7, 9
Project tree (Project Explorer), 4 ‚ 5, 9
Properties, 126 ‚ 133
dot notation for, 23
explained, 128
manipulating, 128 ‚ 130
read-only or read/write, 128
Property Let and Property Get statements, 194 ‚ 195
Protect method (Worksheet object), 154
ProtectContents property, 129
Public function, 257
Public (keyword), 30

Excel VBA Macro Programming
Excel VBA Macro Programming
ISBN: 0072231440
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 141 © 2008-2017.
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