

Calculate method (Application object), 143
Calculate method (Range object), 156, 217
Calculate method (Worksheet object), 153
Calculating a range, 217 ‚ 218
Calculation property (Application object), 143
Call command/statement, 26, 28
Call Stack dialog, 81
Cancel button click events, 260
CancelError property, 247
CommonDialog object, 252
UserForm object, 280
Caption property
Application object, 143
command button, 121
control, 242
UserForm, 278
Windows object, 150
Case method, 283
CategoryLabels parameter (ChartWizard method), 173
CDbl (convert to double) function, 49 ‚ 50, 58
Cell interior color , changing, 201
Cell range
calculating, 217 ‚ 218
referencing, 136
transposing, 209 ‚ 211
evaluating, 225 ‚ 227
summing by reference to format, 255 ‚ 258
Cells collection (Range object), 156
Cells in a selection set to Null, 210
Cells that contain formulas, coloring, 251 ‚ 253
Change events for controls, 101 ‚ 105
Character code list (ASCII), 303 ‚ 307
Character search, 220
Characters in a string, replacing, 231 ‚ 233
Chart incorporated into a spreadsheet using VBA, 175
Chart object, 175
ChartObjects collection, 174
Charts collection, 132
Charts and graphs, 171 ‚ 175
ChartWizard method, 171, 174 ‚ 175
ChartWizard method parameters, 173
Check boxes, 101, 269
CheckBox control, 101
CheckSpelling method (Range object), 156 ‚ 157
CheckSpelling method (Worksheet object), 153
Chr function, 20, 48, 239, 303
Class modules, 193 ‚ 198
Class_Initialize routine, 196 ‚ 197
Clear method, 157, 265, 272
ClearComments method (Range object), 157
ClearContents method (Range object), 157
ClearFormats method (Range object), 157
Click event for a button, 199, 242, 260, 288
Client services tier (Excel object model), 125
CLng function, 49
Clnt function, 49
Close method (Windows object), 150
Close method (Workbook object), 147
Code window for an event, 6
Code window for UserForm showing events, 95
Collection indexes, 129
Collections (collection objects)
commonly used, 138
Count property of, 128
creating, 193, 195 ‚ 197
cycling through, 132 ‚ 133
explained, 129, 132 ‚ 133
using, 198
Colon and equal sign (:=), 131
Color dialog, 111
Color Selection dialog, 245
Coloring alternate rows and columns , 245 ‚ 249
Coloring cells that contain formulas, 251 ‚ 253
Column property (Range object), 157
Column and row headings, transposing, 209 ‚ 211
Column.count property (CommonDialog), 248
Columns collection, 144, 157, 249
Columns and rows, coloring alternate, 245 ‚ 249
ColumnWidth property (Range object), 158
COM (Component Object Model), 179, 193
Combo boxes, 99, 269, 272
ComboBox control, 99, 272
ComboBox control properties, 99
Command bars, 117 ‚ 121
Command buttons , 121 ‚ 122, 242, 263, 269
Click event, 199
that call the Office Assistant, 287 ‚ 288
CommandBars object, 117 ‚ 121
CommandButton control, 102
Comment box
displaying a formula in, 213 ‚ 215
enhanced to a cube graphic, 285
using effects in, 277 ‚ 285
Comment enhancer Userform, 277 ‚ 284
Commenting out code lines, 9, 86, 296
Commenting your macros, 140
Comments collection (Worksheet object), 154
Comment.text property, 214
Common Dialog control, 107 ‚ 115, 251 ‚ 252, 277
Color dialog, 111
default dialogs, 114
Font dialog, 112 ‚ 113
Open dialog, 108 ‚ 110
Print dialog, 113 ‚ 114
Save As dialog, 110
on a UserForm, 245 ‚ 246
Common User Interface dialogs, 107
Compare parameter (Instr function), 46
Comparison operators, 70
Compile Error message box, 6
Compile errors, 5 ‚ 7, 77 ‚ 78
Compiler (Visual Basic), 5
Compile-time errors, 78
Concatenating (joining) strings, 43 ‚ 44
Concatenation (&) operator, 44, 70 ‚ 71
Concatenation and addition, rules for, 68
Conditional If statement, 35
Conditional operators, 35
Conditional statements, multiple, 36
Connection object, 180 ‚ 181
shape names as, 280
for use with message boxes, 65
user-defined and predefined, 23
Continuation character (_), 118
Control button, 200, 298
Controls (UserForm), 97
change events for, 101 ‚ 105
placing on a spreadsheet, 122
Conversion functions, 49 ‚ 50
Convert_asc function, 239
ConvertFormula method, 244
Copy method, 158, 210, 262, 266
Count property (of a collection), 128, 230
creating, 197 ‚ 198
of Workbooks collection, 126
CreateObject method, 161, 163
Creation date (document property), 222
Cstr function, 49, 208
Cycling through a collection, explained, 132 ‚ 133

Excel VBA Macro Programming
Excel VBA Macro Programming
ISBN: 0072231440
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 141 © 2008-2017.
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