List of Listings

Chapter 1: Getting Started

Listing 1.1: Configurable Controller Servlet Implementation
Listing 1.2: Sample ActionForm

Chapter 2: Struts Framework Components

Listing 2.1: A sample ActionMapping from struts-config.xml
Listing 2.2: validate() method in the CustomerForm
Listing 2.3: Sample struts-config.xml
Listing 2.4: CustomerDetails JSP
Listing 2.5: Generated HTML from CustomerDetails JSP

Chapter 3: Your First Struts Application

Listing 3.1: web.xml for the Struts Application
Listing 3.2: struts-config.xml with all entries for App1
Listing 3.3: CustomerForm Form Bean for App1
Listing 3.4: CustomerAction Action Bean for App1
Listing 3.5: CustomerDetails.jsp
Listing 3.6: Generated HTML for CustomerDetails.jsp
Listing 3.7:
Listing 3.8: validate() method in CustomerForm
Listing 3.9: Updated
Listing 3.10: index.jsp
Listing 3.11: Success.jsp
Listing 3.12: CustomerAction modified for mutltiple button Forms

Chapter 4: All About Actions

Listing 4.1: Example DispatchAction
Listing 4.2: ActionMapping for the DispatchAction
Listing 4.3: Example LookupDispatchAction
Listing 4.4: web.xml setting for Multiple Application module Support
Listing 4.5: The Base Action class

Chapter 5: Form Validation

Listing 5.1: Required rule in validation-rules.xml
Listing 5.2: Application specific validations for CustomerForm
Listing 5.3: Application specific validations for CustomerForm
Listing 5.4: Sample DynaActionForm
Listing 5.5: CustomerAction Action Bean for App1

Chapter 6: Struts Tag Libraries

Listing 6.1: MybankBaseTag Customized BaseTag
Listing 6.2: TextTag with built-in error indicator
Listing 6.3: JavaScript function to add ActionError into a JavaScript data structure
Listing 6.4: MyErrorsTag invoking the JavaScript functions
Listing 6.5: JavaScript function to display alert with ActionError messages
Listing 6.6: CustomerForm using ImageButtonBean
Listing 6.7: HtmlButton
Listing 6.8: ListForm
Listing 6.9: JSP for the ListForm
Listing 6.10: Generated HTML from JSP in Listing 6.9
Listing 6.11: Using Pager taglib with Struts

Chapter 7: Struts and Tiles

Listing 7.1: CustomerDetail JSP using <jsp:include>
Listing 7.2: SiteLayout.jsp The layout used by Tiles in the banking app

Chapter 8: Struts and I18N

Listing 8.1: Extracting data from a ResourceBundle
Listing 8.2: Formatting currencies using NumberFormat
Listing 8.3: Formatting currencies using NumberFormat
Listing 8.4: Using MessageFormat to create message

Chapter 9: Struts and Exception Handling

Listing 9.1: Losing Exception stack trace
Listing 9.2: Losing Exception stack trace
Listing 9.3: Preserving Exception stack trace
Listing 9.5: Declarative Exception Handling in Struts
Listing 9.6: Alternative to declarative exception handling
Listing 9.7: Enumeration class for Exception Category
Listing 9.8: Exception Info class
Listing 9.9: Simple Unique ID Generator
Listing 9.10: MybankException class
Listing 9.11: MybankRuntimeException class
Listing 9.12: Stack Trace printing utility.
Listing 9.13: Sample Exception Logging
Listing 9.14: Base JSP class for error pages
Listing 9.15: Custom Tag for exception logging
Listing 9.16: Mybank Base Action
Listing 9.17: SMTP Appender setup

Chapter 10: Effectively Extending Struts

Listing 10.1: struts-config.xml for custom action mapping
Listing 10.2: struts-config.xml with global custom action mapping
Listing 10.3: The new and modified methods in MybankBaseAction
Listing 10.4: struts-config.xml with global custom action mapping
Listing 10.5: execute() method for controlling validation
Listing 10.6: struts-config.xml for duplicate form submission handling
Listing 10.7: The complete base Action class
Listing 10.8: Base Action class with DispatchAction like features

Struts Survival Guide. Basics to Best Practices
Struts Survival Guide: Basics to Best Practices (J2ee Survival Series)
ISBN: 0974848808
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 96 © 2008-2017.
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