Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently

Using ADO.NET Command Objects to Submit Updates

As you now know, the ADO cursor engine builds parameterized queries to submit updates. You can use what you learned in Chapter 4 to build equivalent parameterized queries in ADO.NET. Later in the chapter, you'll learn how to use these parameterized Command objects to submit the changes stored in an ADO.NET DataSet to your database.

Our ADO.NET Command objects will not be quite as dynamic as their ADO counterparts. To simplify the process, we'll build one Command to handle updates, one to handle insertions, and one to handle deletions. They'll be based on the following parameterized queries:

UPDATE [Order Details]     SET OrderID = ?, ProductID = ?, Quantity = ?, UnitPrice = ?     WHERE OrderID = ? AND ProductID = ? AND            Quantity = ? AND UnitPrice = ? INSERT INTO [Order Details] (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice)     VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) DELETE FROM [Order Details]     WHERE OrderID = ? AND ProductID = ? AND            Quantity = ? AND UnitPrice = ?


The UPDATE and INSERT queries submit new values to the database for each column in the original query. These queries reference each column in the original query in their WHERE clauses. This approach has its benefits and drawbacks, which I'll discuss later in the chapter.

The following code snippet builds our three parameterized Command objects. In each case, the code assumes that there is an externally defined OleDbConnection object called cn.

Visual Basic .NET

Private Function CreateUpdateCommand() As OleDbCommand     Dim strSQL As String     strSQL = "UPDATE [Order Details] " & _              "    SET OrderID = ?, ProductID = ?, " & _              "        Quantity = ?, UnitPrice = ? " & _              "    WHERE OrderID = ? AND ProductID = ? AND " & _              "          Quantity = ? AND UnitPrice = ?"     Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn)     Dim pc As OleDbParameterCollection = cmd.Parameters     pc.Add("OrderID_New", OleDbType.Integer)     pc.Add("ProductID_New", OleDbType.Integer)     pc.Add("Quantity_New", OleDbType.SmallInt)     pc.Add("UnitPrice_New", OleDbType.Currency)     pc.Add("OrderID_Orig", OleDbType.Integer)     pc.Add("ProductID_Orig", OleDbType.Integer)     pc.Add("Quantity_Orig", OleDbType.SmallInt)     pc.Add("UnitPrice_Orig", OleDbType.Currency)     Return cmd End Function Private Function CreateInsertCommand() As OleDbCommand     Dim strSQL As String     strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Order Details] " & _              "   (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice) " & _              "   VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"     Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn)     Dim pc As OleDbParameterCollection = cmd.Parameters     pc.Add("OrderID", OleDbType.Integer)     pc.Add("ProductID", OleDbType.Integer)     pc.Add("Quantity", OleDbType.SmallInt)     pc.Add("UnitPrice", OleDbType.Currency)     Return cmd End Function Private Function CreateDeleteCommand() As OleDbCommand     Dim strSQL As String     strSQL = "DELETE FROM [Order Details] " & _              "    WHERE OrderID = ? AND ProductID = ? AND " & _              "          Quantity = ? AND UnitPrice = ?"     Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn)     Dim pc As OleDbParameterCollection = cmd.Parameters     pc.Add("OrderID", OleDbType.Integer)     pc.Add("ProductID", OleDbType.Integer)     pc.Add("Quantity", OleDbType.SmallInt)     pc.Add("UnitPrice", OleDbType.Currency)     Return cmd End Function

Visual C# .NET

static OleDbCommand CreateUpdateCommand() {     string strSQL;     strSQL = "UPDATE [Order Details] " & _              "    SET OrderID = ?, ProductID = ?, " +              "        Quantity = ?, UnitPrice = ? " +              "    WHERE OrderID = ? AND ProductID = ? AND " +              "          Quantity = ? AND UnitPrice = ?";     OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn);     OleDbParameterCollection pc = cmd.Parameters;     pc.Add("OrderID_New", OleDbType.Integer);     pc.Add("ProductID_New", OleDbType.Integer);     pc.Add("Quantity_New", OleDbType.SmallInt);     pc.Add("UnitPrice_New", OleDbType.Currency);     pc.Add("OrderID_Orig", OleDbType.Integer);     pc.Add("ProductID_Orig", OleDbType.Integer);     pc.Add("Quantity_Orig", OleDbType.SmallInt);     pc.Add("UnitPrice_Orig", OleDbType.Currency);     return cmd; }     static OleDbCommand CreateInsertCommand() {     string strSQL;     strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Order Details] " +              "    (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice) " +              "    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";     OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn);     OleDbParameterCollection pc = cmd.Parameters;     pc.Add("OrderID", OleDbType.Integer);     pc.Add("ProductID", OleDbType.Integer);     pc.Add("Quantity", OleDbType.SmallInt);     pc.Add("UnitPrice", OleDbType.Currency);     return cmd; }     static OleDbCommand CreateDeleteCommand() {     string strSQL;     strSQL = "DELETE FROM [Order Details] " +              "    WHERE OrderID = ? AND ProductID = ? AND " +              "          Quantity = ? AND UnitPrice = ?";     OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn);     OleDbParameterCollection pc = cmd.Parameters;     pc.Add("OrderID", OleDbType.Integer);     pc.Add("ProductID", OleDbType.Integer);     pc.Add("Quantity", OleDbType.SmallInt);     pc.Add("UnitPrice", OleDbType.Currency);     return cmd; }    

Using our parameterized Command objects to submit updates is fairly straightforward. We need to examine the modified rows in our DataTable and determine the type of change stored in each of these rows (update, insert, or delete). Then we can use the contents of the row to populate the values of the parameters of the appropriate command.

After we call the ExecuteNonQuery method to execute the query stored in the Command, we can use the method's return value to determine whether the update attempt succeeded. If we successfully submit the pending change, we can call the AcceptChanges method of the DataRow. Otherwise, we can set the DataRow object's RowError property to indicate that the attempt to submit the pending change failed.

Visual Basic .NET

Private Sub SubmitChangesByHand()     Dim cmdUpdate As OleDbCommand = CreateUpdateCommand()     Dim cmdInsert As OleDbCommand = CreateInsertCommand()     Dim cmdDelete As OleDbCommand = CreateDeleteCommand()     Dim row As DataRow     Dim intRowsAffected As Integer     Dim dvrs As DataViewRowState     dvrs = DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent _            Or DataViewRowState.Deleted Or DataViewRowState.Added     For Each row In tbl.Select("", "", dvrs)         Select Case row.RowState             Case DataRowState.Modified                 intRowsAffected = SubmitUpdate(row, cmdUpdate)             Case DataRowState.Added                 intRowsAffected = SubmitInsert(row, cmdInsert)             Case DataRowState.Deleted                 intRowsAffected = SubmitDelete(row, cmdDelete)         End Select         If intRowsAffected = 1 Then             row.AcceptChanges()         Else             row.RowError = "Update attempt failed"         End If     Next row End Sub Private Function SubmitUpdate(ByVal row As DataRow, _                               ByVal cmd As OleDbCommand) As Integer     Dim pc As OleDbParameterCollection = cmd.Parameters     pc("OrderID_New").Value = row("OrderID")     pc("ProductID_New").Value = row("ProductID")     pc("Quantity_New").Value = row("Quantity")     pc("UnitPrice_New").Value = row("UnitPrice")     pc("OrderID_Orig").Value = row("OrderID", _                                    DataRowVersion.Original)     pc("Quantity_Orig").Value = row("Quantity", _                                     DataRowVersion.Original)     pc("ProductID_Orig").Value = row("ProductID", _                                      DataRowVersion.Original)     pc("UnitPrice_Orig").Value = row("UnitPrice", _                                      DataRowVersion.Original)     Return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery End Function Private Function SubmitInsert(ByVal row As DataRow, _                               ByVal cmd As OleDbCommand) As Integer     Dim pc As OleDbParameterCollection = cmd.Parameters     pc("OrderID").Value = row("OrderID")     pc("ProductID").Value = row("ProductID")     pc("Quantity").Value = row("Quantity")     pc("UnitPrice").Value = row("UnitPrice")     Return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery End Function Private Function SubmitDelete(ByVal row As DataRow, _                               ByVal cmd As OleDbCommand) As Integer     Dim pc As OleDbParameterCollection = cmd.Parameters     pc("OrderID").Value = row("OrderID", DataRowVersion.Original)     pc("ProductID").Value = row("ProductID", DataRowVersion.Original)     pc("Quantity").Value = row("Quantity", DataRowVersion.Original)     pc("UnitPrice").Value = row("UnitPrice", DataRowVersion.Original)     Return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery End Function

Visual C# .NET

static void SubmitChangesByHand() {     OleDbCommand cmdUpdate = CreateUpdateCommand();     OleDbCommand cmdInsert = CreateInsertCommand();     OleDbCommand cmdDelete = CreateDeleteCommand();     DataViewRowState dvrs;     dvrs = DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent _             DataViewRowState.Deleted _ DataViewRowState.Added;     int intRowsAffected = 0;     foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Select("", "", dvrs))     {         switch (row.RowState)         {             case DataRowState.Modified:                 intRowsAffected = SubmitUpdate(row, cmdUpdate);                 break;             case DataRowState.Added:                 intRowsAffected = SubmitInsert(row, cmdInsert);                 break;             case DataRowState.Deleted:                 intRowsAffected = SubmitDelete(row, cmdDelete);                 break;         }         if (intRowsAffected == 1)             row.AcceptChanges();         else             row.RowError = "Update attempt failed";     } } static int SubmitUpdate(DataRow row, OleDbCommand cmd) {     OleDbParameterCollection pc = cmd.Parameters;     pc["OrderID_New"].Value = row["OrderID"];     pc["ProductID_New"].Value = row["ProductID"];     pc["Quantity_New"].Value = row["Quantity"];     pc["UnitPrice_New"].Value = row["UnitPrice"];     pc["OrderID_Orig"].Value = row["OrderID",                                     DataRowVersion.Original];     pc["ProductID_Orig"].Value = row["ProductID",                                       DataRowVersion.Original];     pc["Quantity_Orig"].Value = row["Quantity",                                      DataRowVersion.Original];     pc["UnitPrice_Orig"].Value = row["UnitPrice",                                       DataRowVersion.Original];     return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } static int SubmitInsert(DataRow row, OleDbCommand cmd) {     OleDbParameterCollection pc = cmd.Parameters;     pc["OrderID"].Value = row["OrderID"];     pc["ProductID"].Value = row["ProductID"];     pc[Quantity"].Value = row["Quantity"];     pc["UnitPrice"].Value = row["UnitPrice"];     return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } static int SubmitDelete(DataRow row, OleDbCommand cmd) {     OleDbParameterCollection pc = cmd.Parameters;     pc["OrderID"].Value = row["OrderID", DataRowVersion.Original];     pc["ProductID"].Value = row["ProductID",                                  DataRowVersion.Original];     pc["Quantity"].Value = row["Quantity", DataRowVersion.Original];     pc["UnitPrice"].Value = row["UnitPrice",                                  DataRowVersion.Original];     return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }


The preceding code snippet used the DataTable object's Select method to loop through the modified rows. I had a good reason to not use a For or For Each loop to examine each item in the DataTable object's Rows collection. When you successfully submit a pending deletion and call the AcceptChanges method of that DataRow, the item is removed from its parent collection. The Select method returns an array of DataRow objects. The array essentially contains pointers to the modified rows. If we remove items from the DataTable object's collection of DataRow objects, the code will still succeed.

Now it's time to put all this code to good use.

The following code snippet fetches the details for the order into a DataTable, modifies the contents of the order, and submits the changes to the database. The code will demonstrate that the code from the previous snippets will successfully submit pending changes. It relies on the procedures we defined earlier in the chapter. The code also includes a procedure to display the current contents of the DataTable, which is used to verify that we've successfully updated the contents of the order. To ensure that you can run this code snippet more than once, the code also includes a ResetOrder procedure, which re-creates the original contents of the order.

Visual Basic .NET

Dim cn As OleDbConnection Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter Dim tbl As DataTable = GenTable() Sub Main()     Dim strConn, strSQL As String     strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=(local)\NetSDK;" & _               "Initial Catalog=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"     strSQL = "SELECT OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice " & _              "FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID = 10503 " & _              "ORDER BY ProductID"     cn = New OleDbConnection(strConn)     da = New OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, cn)     cn.Open()     ResetOrder()     da.Fill(tbl)     DisplayOrder("Initial contents of database")     ModifyOrder()     DisplayOrder("Modified data in DataSet")     SubmitChangesByHand()     tbl.Clear()     da.Fill(tbl)     DisplayOrder("New contents of database")     cn.Close() End Sub Private Sub ModifyOrder()     Dim row As DataRow     row = tbl.Rows(0)     row.Delete()     row = tbl.Rows(1)     row("Quantity") = CType(row("Quantity"), Int16) * 2     row = tbl.NewRow     row("OrderID") = 10503     row("ProductID") = 1     row("Quantity") = 24     row("UnitPrice") = 18.0     tbl.Rows.Add(row) End Sub Public Sub DisplayOrder(ByVal strStatus As String)     Dim row As DataRow     Dim col As DataColumn     Console.WriteLine(strStatus)     Console.WriteLine("        OrderID      ProductID       " & _                       "Quantity         UnitPrice")     For Each row In tbl.Select("", "ProductID")         For Each col In tbl.Columns             Console.Write(vbTab & row(col) & vbTab)         Next         Console.WriteLine()     Next     Console.WriteLine() End Sub Private Sub ResetOrder()     Dim strSQL As String     Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = cn.CreateCommand()     strSQL = "DELETE FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID = 10503"     cmd.CommandText = strSQL     cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()     strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Order Details] " & _              "    (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice) " & _              "    VALUES (10503, 14, 70, 23.25) "     cmd.CommandText = strSQL     cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()     strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Order Details] " & _              "    (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice) " & _              "    VALUES (10503, 65, 20, 21.05)"     cmd.CommandText = strSQL     cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End Sub Public Function GenTable() As DataTable     Dim tbl As New DataTable("Order Details")     Dim col As DataColumn     With tbl.Columns         col = .Add("OrderID", GetType(Integer))         col.AllowDBNull = False         col = .Add("ProductID", GetType(Integer))         col.AllowDBNull = False         col = .Add("Quantity", GetType(Int16))         col.AllowDBNull = False         col = .Add("UnitPrice", GetType(Decimal))         col.AllowDBNull = False     End With     tbl.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {tbl.Columns("OrderID"), _                                        tbl.Columns("ProductID")}     Return tbl End Function

Visual C# .NET

static OleDbConnection cn; static OleDbDataAdapter da; static DataTable tbl; static void Main(string[] args) {     string strConn, strSQL;     strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=(local)\\NetSDK;" +                "Initial Catalog=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=Yes;";     strSQL = "SELECT OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice " +              "FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID = 10503 " +              "ORDER BY ProductID";     cn = new OleDbConnection(strConn);     da = new OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, cn);     tbl = GenTable();     cn.Open();     ResetOrder();     da.Fill(tbl);     DisplayOrder("Initial contents of database");     ModifyOrder();     DisplayOrder("Modified contents of DataSet");     SubmitChangesByHand();     tbl.Clear();     da.Fill(tbl);     DisplayOrder("New contents of database");     cn.Close(); } static void ModifyOrder() {     DataRow row;     row = tbl.Rows[0];     row.Delete();     row = tbl.Rows[1];     row["Quantity"] = (Int16) row["Quantity"] * 2;     row = tbl.NewRow();     row["OrderID"] = 10503;     row["ProductID"] = 1;     row["Quantity"] = 24;     row["UnitPrice"] = 18.0;     tbl.Rows.Add(row); } static void DisplayOrder(string strStatus) {     Console.WriteLine(strStatus);     Console.WriteLine("        OrderID      ProductID       " +                        "Quantity         UnitPrice");     foreach(DataRow row in tbl.Select("", "ProductID"))     {         foreach(DataColumn col in tbl.Columns)             Console.Write("\t" + row[col] + "\t");         Console.WriteLine();     }     Console.WriteLine(); } static void ResetOrder() {     string strSQL;     OleDbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand();     strSQL = "DELETE FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID = 10503"     cmd.CommandText = strSQL;     cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();     strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Order Details] " +              "    (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice) " +              "    VALUES (10503, 14, 70, 23.25) "      cmd.CommandText = strSQL;     cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();     strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Order Details] " +              "    (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice) " +              "    VALUES (10503, 65, 20, 21.05)";     cmd.CommandText = strSQL;     cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } static DataTable GenTable() {     DataTable tbl = new DataTable("Order Details");     DataColumn col;     col = tbl.Columns.Add("OrderID", typeof(int));     col.AllowDBNull = false;     col = tbl.Columns.Add("ProductID", typeof(int));     col.AllowDBNull = false;     col = tbl.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(Int16));     col.AllowDBNull = false;     col = tbl.Columns.Add("UnitPrice", typeof(Decimal));     col.AllowDBNull = false;     tbl.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {tbl.Columns["OrderID"],                                         tbl.Columns["ProductID"]};     return tbl; }

We just wrote a huge amount of code in order to submit pending updates. The code that we used to generate the parameterized Command objects is specific to the initial query. The code in the SubmitChangesByHand procedure, however, is generic. It examines the cached changes in our DataTable, determines the type of change stored in each modified DataRow, calls a function to execute the query to submit the pending change, and then marks the DataRow appropriately, depending on the function's return value.

Essentially, we just re-created the updating functionality available through the DataAdapter object, which I'll cover next.

Microsoft ADO. NET Core Reference
Microsoft ADO.NET (Core Reference) (PRO-Developer)
ISBN: 0735614237
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 104
Authors: David Sceppa © 2008-2017.
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