SaveShoppingCart method, 199–200, 204, 208

Schemas.microsoft.com.2003.10.Serialization.Array.xsd, 69

Secure Application Markup Language (SAML) 1.0, 365–366

SecureConversation, 247–248

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 85


configure, 268–271

data contract serialization and, 178

defined, 81–83

implementing in Windows domain, 86–116

and performance, 303

specify requirements for operations in WCF service, 151–156

streaming and, 320

See also Claims-based security;

specific types of security

SecurityAction.Deny, 111

SecurityBindingElement class, 257

Security domain, 81

SecurityException exception, 112

Security Token Service (STS), 376–380

Self-issued information card, 364.

See also Information card

SendTimeout property, 277

“Sequence terminated” SOAP fault message, 239

Sequencing operations, 205–213

Serializable isolation level, 216

Serialization, 12.

See also Data contract serializer

Server’s certificate store

export and import certificates into, 137

Service address, 32

Service AuthorizationManager class, 369

Service behavior, 23, 263–265

ServiceBehavior attribute

change threading model, 283–284

interplay between InstanceContextMode property and, 205

investigate InstanceContextMode property of, 196–198

PerSession instance context mode, 194, 198

deploying application if behavior enabled, 75

enable behavior using application configure file, 231

InstanceContextMode property of, 193

processing client request, 34

Service contract, 266–268

create ShoppingCartRouter service, 330

define, for WCF service, 13–14

defined, 12–13

modifying, 150–165

add parameter to existing operation in, 159–160

making breaking and nonbreaking changes to, 163–165

selectively protecting operations, 150–156

test, 153–156

versioning service, 156–163

routing messages to other services, 325–326

See also Contract

ServiceContract attribute, 69, 162, 267, 342

ServiceDebug service behavior, 255

Service definition file, 18–19, 42

Service endpoints, 32

Service host application

handling faults in, 77

handling unexpected messages in, 77–79

managing exceptions in, 75–79

ServiceHost class, 35–37, 50, 75

ServiceHost constructor, 36, 260

ServiceHostController class, 54

ServiceHost events, 37

ServiceHost object

AddServiceEndpoint method of, 324

function of, 260

hosting WCF service in user application, 35–37, 40

managing exceptions in service host applications, 75–77

state transition diagram for, 76

See also Service behavior

ServiceHost states and transitions, 75–76

Service installer, create, 54

Service instance context mode

defined, 193

PerCall instance context mode, 195

PerSession instance context mode, 194

single instance context mode, 196–198

transactions and, 231–232

Service instance deactivation, selectively controlling, 203–204

Service instance pooling, 308–311

ServiceModel source, 90

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), 28–30

ServiceSecurityContext class, 132

ServiceThrottle class, 304–305

ServiceThrottle object, 305

ServiceThrottle property, 304

Service throttling, 303, 311–311

Service ThrottlingBehavior class, 305

ServiceThrottling behavior element, 308

ServiceThrottlingBehavior object, 305

Service Trace Viewer, 91, 152–153, 162

SessionMode property, 207, 245

SetTransactionComplete method, 227

Shopping cart, defined, 183

ShoppingCartBehavior class, 263–264

ShoppingCartBehavior method, 263

ShoppingCartBehavior service, 263

ShoppingCartClient application, and Windows CardSpace, 369–371

ShoppingCartGUIClient form, 315–316

ShoppingCartInspector object, 264

ShoppingCartPhotoServiceBindingConfig binding configuration, 317

ShoppingCartPhotoServiceImpl class, 314

ShoppingCartPhotoService service, 319–320

ShoppingCartRouter service, 330–337

ShoppingCartServiceHost application, 335–336

ShoppingCartServiceImpl class, 193, 217

ShoppingCartService service

amend, to authorize users based on email address, 367–369

apply throttling to, 306–311

configure, to flow transactions from client applications, 220–221

configure, to use claims-based security, 364–367

configure client application to flow transactions to, 224–225

control sequence of operations in, 207–208

create, 182–188

create client application to test, 10–193

create custom binding for, 247–250

create host application for, 188–189

create information card for testing, 371–372

create service behavior for, 263–265

enable reliable sessions in, 236–2349

manage state in, 198–202

modifying to execute in traditional Internet environment, 326–328

programmatically create and use binding in, 258–261

reconfigure, to use transport level security, 328–330

test, 372–375

test operation sequencing in, 207–213

test state management feature of, 202–204

test transactional implementation of, 225–229

use Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) to transmit photographic images from, 314–318

using PerSession instance context mode rather than PerCall, 205

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 5

SimpleProductsService, 271

Single instance context mode, 196–198

“Small-endian” 32-bit processor, 3

SOA. See Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

SOAP. See Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

SOAP buffer, 339

SOAP fault

add code to WCF client application to catch, 62–63

add code to WCF service to throw, 60–62

test FaultException handler, 63–64

throwing and catching, 60–64

use FaultContract attribute to specify, operation can throw, 65–66

SOAP fault message, 65, 239

SOAP message

adding parameter to existing operation, 164

modifying data contract, 165

modifying service contract, 150

and ProcessMessage method, 331

transmitting data, 311

SOAP message level security, 100

SOAP protocol, 332

SOAP serialization, 171

SQL Injection attack, 18, 157

SQL Membership Provider, 118–132

SQL Role Provider, 84, 108, 118–132

SQL Server database, 139–141

SSL. See Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

SSL certificate, 94–98

SslStreamSecurityBindingElement class, 258


maintaining, with PerCall instance context mode, 198–204

manage, in ShoppingCartService service, 198–202

managing, in WCF service, 182–205

StateData parameter, 288

State management feature, 202–204

State property, 346

State transition diagram, 76

Streamed, 319

StreamedRequest, 319

StreamedResponse, 319

Streaming data, from WCF service, 318–320

Strongly-typed fault, add code to WCF client application to catch, 71–72

Strongly-type faults, 65–72

STS. See Security Token Service (STS)

Subject, 362

Subscribe operations, 354–356

SubscriberToPriceChanged method, 354–355

Subscribing, delivery models for, 358

Svcutil command, 293

Svcutil utility

connecting to service programmatically, 265–266

and creating proxy class, 286, 294, 381

handling unexpected messages in host application, 77

sending messages programmatically, 271

SymmetricSecurityBindingElement class, 257

Synchronous parameter, 288

System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine method, 279

System.IdentityModel assembly, 11

System.Runtime.Serialization assembly, 11

System.Runtime.Serialization namespace, 11

System.ServiceModel assembly, 11

System.ServiceModel.Channels namespace, 47

System.ServiceModel.ClientBase generic abstract class, 269

System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher namespace, 311

System.ServiceModel namespace, 12, 35, 48, 256, 369

System.TimeoutException, 277

System.Transactions assembly, 214–215

System.Transactions namespace, 214

System.Web.Security.Roles class, 132

Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step
Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step (Step By Step Developer Series)
ISBN: 0735623368
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 105
Authors: John Sharp

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