The Methodology

 < Day Day Up > 

This book is first and foremost a hands-on course. Every exercise in this book is designed to help you begin editing in Final Cut Pro at a professional level as quickly as possible. Each lesson builds on the previous lesson and continues to step you up through the program's functions and capabilities. If you are new to Final Cut Pro, start at the beginning, and progress through each lesson in order. If you are familiar with an earlier version of Final Cut Pro, you can pop into a specific section and focus on that topic, since every lesson is self-contained.

Course Structure

This book is designed to get you up and running with the basic Final Cut Pro editing and trimming functions first, then give you a broader understanding of how to customize and use the program for your own purposes, and finally to immerse you in the more advanced features of Final Cut Pro effects, titling, and output. The lessons fall into the following categories:

  • Lessons 1 7

Basic editing and trimming

  • Lessons 8 9

Customizing and capturing

  • Lessons 10 13

Video and audio effects and audio mixing

  • Lesson 14

Multicam editing

  • Lessons 15 16

Titling and final outputting

Each lesson begins with a "Preparing the Project" section, which shows you what you will create in that lesson. In addition to the exercises contained within each lesson, most lessons include a section called "Project Practice," which gives you an opportunity to stop and practice what you've learned before moving on to new material.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Apple Pro Training Series. Final Cut Pro 5
    Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro 5
    ISBN: 0321334817
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 235
    Authors: Diana Weynand © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: