Saving Multiple Information in One Cookie

for (var el in data) {   namevalue += "&" + escape(el) +     "=" + escape(data[el]); } 

Remember the limitations for a cookie-driven site: Only 20 cookies per domain are allowed. Also, if users get a warning when a cookie arrives, the more cookies you send the more annoyed your users will be. Therefore, it can be a clever idea to store more than one bit of information in a cookie.

For this to work, the cookie data must be serialized. There are several different approaches to this, including some really advanced ones. However, if you just want to store a list of name/value pairs, URL encoding is the easiest thing to implement:

Serializing an Object (serialize.html; excerpt)

function serialize(data) {   var namevalue = "";   for (var el in data) {     namevalue += "&" + escape(el) +                  "=" + escape(data[el]);   }   return namevalue.substring(1); } 

When complex data is used in a cookie, code in the following fashion may be used:

document.cookie = "data=" + serialize(myComplexData) 

The way back requires a bit more code, but consists largely of splitting the data into individual pairs and extracting names and values out of the result:

Unserializing an Object (serialize.html; excerpt)

function unserialize(data) {   var object = new Array();   var pairs = data.split(/&/g);   for (var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++) {     if (pairs[i].indexOf("=") > -1) {       object[unescape(pairs[i].substring(         0, pairs[i].indexOf("=")))] =         unescape(pairs[i].substring(         pairs[i].indexOf("=") + 1));     }   }   return object; } 

The code file serialize.html serializes and unserializes an object, without using cookies to make the code a bit shorter.


At, a more complex serializer is shown that converts an object into XML. Also, the discussion on JSON from Chapter 11, "AJAX (and Related Topics)," may be of interest here.

JavaScript Phrasebook(c) Essential Code and Commands
JavaScript Phrasebook
ISBN: 0672328801
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 178 © 2008-2017.
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