B.2 InputOutput, Conversion, Comparison: Friend Functions


B.2 Input/Output, Conversion, Comparison: Friend Functions

 const int operator == (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

test a == b

 const int operator != (const LINT& a      const LINT& b); 

test a != b

 const int operator < (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

comparison a < b

 const int operator > (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

comparison a > b

 const int operator <= (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

comparison a <= b

 const int operator >= (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

comparison a >= b

 void fswap (LINT& a, LINT& b); 

exchange of a and b

 void purge (LINT& a); 

clear by overwriting

 char* lint2str (const LINT& a,      const USHORT base,      const int showbase); 

representation of a as character string to base base, with prefix 0x, or 0b if showbase > 0

 UCHAR* lint2byte (const LINT& a,      int* len); 

transformation of a into a byte vector, output of length in len, according to IEEE P1363, significance of bytes increasing from left to right

 ostream& LintHex (ostream& s); 

ostream manipulator for hex representation of LINT integers

 ostream& LintDec (ostream& s); 

ostream manipulator for decimal representation of LINT integers

 ostream& LintShowbase (ostream& s); 

ostream manipulator for the display of a prefix 0x (resp. 0b) in hex (resp. binary) representation of LINT integers

 ostream& LintNobase (ostream& s); 

ostream manipulator for omission of a prefix 0x or 0b in hex or binary representation of LINT integers

 ostream& LintShowlength (ostream& s); 

ostream manipulator for display of the binary length in the output of LINT integers

 ostream& LintNolength (ostream& s); 

manipulator for the omission of binary length in the output LINT integers

 LINT_omanip<int> SetLintFlags (int flag); 

manipulator for setting status bits of the value flag in the LINT status variable

 LINT_omanip<int> ResetLintFlags (int flag); 

manipulator to unset status bits of value flag in the LINT status variable

 ostream& operator << (ostream& s,      const LINT& ln); 

overloaded insert operator for output of LINT integers, output stream of type ostream

 ofstream& operator << (ofstream& s,      const LINT& ln); 

overloaded insert operator for writing LINT integers to files, output stream of type ofstream

 fstream& operator << (fstream& s,      const LINT& ln); 

overloaded insert operator for writing LINT integers to files, output stream of type fstream

 ifstream& operator >> (ifstream& s,     LINT& ln); 

overloaded extract operator for reading LINT integers from files, input stream of type ifstream

 fstream& operator >> (fstream& s,     LINT& ln); 

overloaded extract operator for reading LINT integers from files, input/output stream of type fstream


Cryptography in C and C++
Cryptography in C and C++
ISBN: 189311595X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 127

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