PackageAs property, 559


packaging options, Simple Editor feature, 553–554

Windows Installer feature, 549

PadLeft() command, 115

PadRight() command, 115

page ranges, printing, 525

PageSetupDialog class, 519–521

Paint event, 397

PaintEventArgs parameter, 993

PaintListView() method, 440–441

<para> element, 931–932

<param> element, 931, 934

Parameter value, attribute targets, 905


args, 141–143

command-line, 141–143

example of, 130

global data versus, 138–140

nonconstant variables, 132

object source, 375

out, 132–133

PaintEventArgs, 993

parameter arrays, 128–129

parameter matching, 128

reference, 131–132

specification, 126

value, 131–132

<paramref> element, 931–932

parent classes, 191

Parent property, 393, 707

ParentNode property, 753

parsers, XML, 742

partial class definitions, 257–258

partial keyword, 257–258

PascalCase naming system, 40, 123

passing data, Web services, 677–680

PasswordChar property, 403

PasswordRecovery security control, 609

path names, file system data, 707

Path property, 732

pause button, Visual Studio, 161

Pen class, 992–995

period (.), 50, 186

Permanent property, 559

<permission> element, 931, 935

permission requirements, deployment, 538

pickling process, 882

pipe character (|), 494

placeholders, 30

Point struct, 987

pointer manipulation, classes, 233–234


interface, 194–195

object-oriented programming and, 193–195

Port property, 958

portal Web services, 657

POST function, 666, 959

PostBackUrl property, 596

precompiling Web sites, 691

preferences, Visual Studio, 14


Publish Wizard, 544

Simple Editor feature, 554–555

presentation layer, networking, 955

presentation tier, multitier applications, 773

primary keys, database tables, 830

printing, Windows applications

AllowPrintToFile property, 523

multiple pages, 516–518

OnBeginPrint() method, 513

OnPrintPage() method, 513

page ranges, 525

PageSetupDialog class, 519–521

Print() method, 513

PrintController class, 515, 517–518

PrintDialog class, 521–523

PrintDocument class, 514–515

printing architecture, 511–512

printing sequence, 512–513

PrintLoop() method, 513

PrintPage event, 513–514

PrintPreviewControl class, 527

PrintPreviewDialog class, 526–527

selected text, 523–524

System.Drawing.Printing namespace, 510

private assemblies, 873–874

private default constructors, 214

Private icon, Class View window, 221

private keyword, 238

private methods, 201

private properties, 185

Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET, second edition (David McAmis), 555

Profile_MigrateAnonymous event, 639

profiles, Web sites

anonymous users, 638–640

characteristics, 636

with components, 638

creating, 636–637

with custom data types, 638

groups, 637

overview, 635

profiles property, 637

serialization mechanisms, 638

Progress dialog

Simple Editor application, 572

User Interface Editor, 564

Project icon, Class View window, 220


project creation, Simple Editor feature, 553

project types, deployment process, 548

solutions, Visual Studio, 10–11


access levels, 240

accessors, 240

Activation, 431

adding to classes, 247–248

Alignment, 431, 443

AllowColumnReorder, 431

AllowDirectoryBrowsing, 693

AllowFullOpen, 530–531

AllowMargins, 520

AllowMerge, 472–473

AllowOrientation, 520

AllowPrinter, 520

AllowPrintToFile, 523

AllowReadAccess, 693

AllowScriptChange, 529

AllowScriptSourceAccess, 693

AllowSelection, 523

AllowSomePages, 525

AllowVectorFonts, 529

AllowVerticalFonts, 529

AllowWriteAccess, 693

Anchor, 393, 395

AnyColor, 531

Appearance, 413, 443

Append, 708

Application, 664

Attributes, 706

AutoArrange, 431

AutoCheck, 413

AutoPostback, 634

AutoSize, 464

BackColor, 393

BannerText, 567

BaseAddress, 962

BodyText, 567

BorderStyle, 402

Bottom, 393

BufferResponse, 665

BulletIndent, 419

button controls, 399

CacheDuration, 665

CanRedo, 419

CanUndo, 419

CausesValidation, 403

CharacterCasing, 403

CheckAlign, 413

CheckBox, 413–414

Checkbox1Label, 567

Checkbox1Property, 567

Checkbox2Visible, 567

Checkbox3Visible, 567

Checkbox4Visible, 567

CheckBoxes, 432

Checked, 413, 455

CheckedChanged, 413–414, 455

CheckedIndices, 427, 432

CheckedItem, 427

CheckedItems, 432

CheckedListBox controls, 426–427

CheckOnClick, 427, 455

CheckState, 414

CheckStateChanged, 414

class member definition example, 243–244

Click, 413

ClientTarget, 597

CloseVerb, 643

CodeFile, 633

Color, 531

Columns, 432

ColumnWidth, 426

Command, 561–562

Condition, 559

ConformanceClaims, 666

ConnectDisplayMode, 651

ConsumerConnectionPointID, 650

ConsumerID, 650

Context, 664

Control class, 393

Create, 708

CreateNew, 708

CreationTime, 706

Credentials, 962

Current, 287

CustomColors, 530–531

DefaultDocument, 693

defining, 240–243

Description, 532, 561–562, 665

DetectUrls, 419

Directory, 706

DirectoryName, 706

Dock, 393, 395

Document, 522

DoubleClickEnable, 464

DropDownItems, 455

EmitConformanceClaims, 666

EnableCaching, 620

Enabled, 393, 399, 455

EnabledRaisingEvents, 732

EnableSession, 665

EnableViewState, 599–600

Encoding, 962

Exclude, 559

ExecutePermissions, 693

Exists, 706

Extension, 706

Extensions, 562

File System Editor, 559

File Types Editor, 561–562

Filter, 732

FilterIndex, 495

FirstChild, 753

FixedPitchOnly, 529

FlatStyle, 399, 402

FocusedItem, 432

ForeColor, 393

FormBorderStyle, 733

FullName, 706

FullOpen, 530–531

FullRowSelect, 432

GridLines, 432

HasChildNode, 754

HasValue, 328

Headers, 962

HeaderStyle, 432

HeaderText, 617

Height, 393

Host, 958

HotTrack, 443

HoverSelection, 432

Icon, 562

ID, 650

Image, 399, 402

ImageAlign, 402

IncludeOne, 939

IncludeSelf, 939

InitialDirectory, 493

InnerText, 757

InnerXml, 757

int Capacity, 335

int Count, 335

isMdiContainer, 469

IsReadOnly, 706

Items, 426, 432

Kind, 519

LabelEdit, 432

LabelWrap, 432

LargeImageList, 432

LastAccessTime, 706

LastChild, 753

LastWriteTime, 706

Left, 393

Length, 706

LinkArea, 402

LinkColor, 402

Links, 402

LinkVisited, 402

ListBox control, 426–427

ListView control, 431–433

Location, 666

LogVisits, 693

MaximizeBox, 733

MaxLength, 403

MaxSize, 529

MergeAction, 473

MergeIndex, 473

Message, 366

MessageName, 665

MinimizeBox, 733

MinSize, 529

Multicolumn, 426

Multiline, 403, 443

MultiSelect, 432

Name, 393, 561–562, 665–666

Namespace, 665–666

NextSibling, 753

NotifyFilter, 732

Nullable, 916

objects and, 184–185

Open, 708

OpenOrCreate, 708

PackageAs, 559

Parent, 393, 707

ParentNode, 753

PasswordChar, 403

Path, 732

Permanent, 559

Port, 958

PostBackUrl, 596

private, 185

profiles, 637

ProviderConnectionPointID, 650

ProviderID, 650

Proxy, 962

public, 185

QueryString, 962

RadioButton control, 413

ReadOnly, 403, 559

read-only access, 240

read/write access, 184–185

RedoActionName, 419

ResponseHeaders, 962

RichTextBox controls, 418–420

Right, 393

Root, 707

RootFolder, 532

RowCount, 443

Rtf, 419

Scheme, 958

Scrollable, 432

ScrollBars, 403

SelectCommand, 617

SelectedIndex, 426, 443

SelectedIndices, 426, 432

SelectedItem, 426

SelectedItems, 432

SelectedPath, 533

SelectedRtf, 419

SelectedTab, 443

SelectedText, 403, 419

SelectionAlignment, 419

SelectionBullet, 419

SelectionColor, 419

SelectionFont, 419

SelectionItems, 426

SelectionLength, 404, 419

SelectionMode, 426

SelectionProtected, 419

SelectionStart, 404

SelectionType, 419

Server, 664

Session, 664

ShowApply, 529

ShowColor, 529

ShowEffects, 529

ShowHelp, 495

ShowNewFolderButton, 533

ShowSelectionMargin, 419

Size, 733

SmallImageList, 432

SoapVersion, 664

SolidColorOnly, 530–531

Sorted, 426

Sorting, 433

StartPosition, 733

StateImageList, 433

StaticConnections, 650

StatusStripStatusLabel control, 464–465

TabControl control, 443

TabCount, 443

TabIndex, 393

TabPages, 443–445

TabStop, 393

Tag, 393

Text, 393, 427, 733

TextAlign, 402

ThreeDCheckBoxes, 427

ThreeState, 414

ToolStrip control, 458–459

ToolStripButton, 458

ToolStripComboBox, 459

ToolStripDropDownButton, 459

ToolStripLabel, 458

ToolStripProgressBar, 459

ToolStripSeparator, 459

ToolStripSplitButton, 459

ToolStripTextBox, 459

Top, 393

TopItem, 433

TransactionOption, 665

Truncate, 708

UndoActionName, 419

UseDefaultCredentials, 962

User, 664

user controls, 481–482

ValidateNames, 495

ValidationExpression, 596

Value, 328, 757

value keyword, 241

View, 433

VirtualDirectory, 693

Visible, 393

VisitedLinkColor, 402

Vital, 559

Width, 393

Windows programming, 392–393

WordWrap, 404

write-only access, 240

Properties window, Visual Studio

overview, 17

user interface components, 22

Property icon, Class View window, 220

Property value, attribute targets, 905

protected accessibility, inheritance, 191

Protected event, 420

Protected icon, Class View window, 221

protected keyword, 238


FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 956

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 956

IP (Internet Protocol), 955

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 956

SoapHttpClientProtocol class, 666

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 955, 958–959

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 955, 958–959

provider objects, ADO.NET, 775

ProviderConnectionPointID property, 650

ProviderID property, 650

Proxy property, 962

public classes, 206

public keyword, 103, 238

public properties, 185

Publish Wizard

Application Files button, 543

deployment process, 542

Prerequisites dialog, 544

Ready to Publish! options, 541

starting, 540

Beginning Visual C# 2005
Beginning Visual C#supAND#174;/sup 2005
Year: 2005
Pages: 278

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