
PerlNET brings the Perl 5 language to the .NET platform. It is especially useful for migrating legacy applications to .NET and making the abundance of CPAN modules available to.NET developers, even those preferring a different programming language.

The design process for Perl 6 has progressed quite a bit. Some of the design goals focus on support for optional strong typing and for implementation in multiple virtual environments such as the Java Virtual Machine and the .NET runtime. Ideally, a fully native implementation of Perl 6 using IL will be available in a few years .

Interested readers can view the PerlNET reference documentation at http://aspn. activestate .com/ASPN/Perl/Reference/Products/PDK/PerlNET/Reference.html.

Programming in the .NET Environment
Programming in the .NET Environment
ISBN: 0201770180
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 146 © 2008-2017.
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