/r filename switch, 74
RaiseEvent statement, 980
random access, text files, 841
random number generator, initializing, 980
RandomColor function, 928
RandomIntegers function, 374-375
Randomize statement, 980
randomizing, ranges, 375-377
Range object
Cells property, 182-183
Range property, 181
range objects, 16
Range property, 179-182
RangeNameExists function, 357-358
RangeRandomize function, 375-377
bold formula entries, 647
changes, monitoring for, 647-651
in charts , 595-598
contained in another, determining, 334-335
copying, 316-317
copying, noncontiguous, 342-344
copying variably sized , 318-319
counting visible cells, 366
drag and drop over chart, 603
dragging over chart, 603
exporting to HTML file, 849-852
exporting to XML file, 852-855
moving, 318
naming, 53-54, 952
randomizing, 375-377
reading, 336-337
scope, 56
selected, looping through, 329-332
types, 327-329
UserForms, selecting in, 452-453
validate data entry, 648-651
variant arrays, transferring to, 339
writing to, 336-339
RangeToVariant function, 340
Rate function, 985
R1C1 notation, 50
read position, text files, 985
ranges, 336-337
text files, 843, 844
from text files, 979
read-only workbooks, 124
RecolorChartAndPlotArea procedure, 927
recording macros, 930, 937
recursion, 833
RecursiveDir procedure, 834-835
ReDim statement, 980
#REF! error, 60
RefEdit control
Frame control, 453
MultiPage control, 453
text strings, 453
UserForms, 418, 452-453
CommandBar objects, 764
UserForm controls, 444-445
References collection, VBProjects collection, 863
Add-in Manager and, 93
application entries, 980
Converters section, 93
deleting settings, 978
Error Checking section, 93
File MRU section, 93
Options section, 93
Recent Templates section, 93
Registry Editor, 91
Resiliency section, 93
Security section, 93
settings, 92-94
settings, listing, 983
Spell Checker section, 93
StatusBar section, 93
UserInfo section, 93
values, listing, 983
relative cell references
introduction, 49
macro recorder, 159-162
.rels file, RibbonX code, 740
Rem keyword, comments and, 192
Rem statement, 980
Remote server machine doesn't exist or is unavailable error, 992
RemoveControl event, 661
RemoveDuplicates procedure, 465
RemoveVowels function, 299-300
directories, 830
files, 830
repeating characters or strings, 986
Replace function, 985
Replacements too long error, 992
ReplaceModule procedure, 868-869
replacing, modules, 868-869
Require Variable Declaration option (VBE), 153
reserved words, 194
Reset method, 768
Reset statement, 980
ResetAll method, 769
resetting shortcut menus , 768-769
Resize event, 603, 654, 661
Resume statement, 980
Resume without error error, 990
Return without GoSub error, 989
reverse pivot table, creating, 568-570
ReversePivot procedure, 570
Review tab (Ribbon), 728
RGB color system, 902-903
RGB function, 902, 985
RGB (red/green/blue) color code, 985
RGB2DECIMAL function, 904
access, keyboard, 24-25
Add-Ins tab, 728
buttons , simple, 22
buttons, split, 23
buttons, toggle, 22
check boxes, 23
commands, appearance, 730
commands, executing, 408-410
controls, accessing, 732
controls, demo, 745-752
custom interface, 550-554
customizing, 114
Data tab, 728
Developer tab, 728
drop- downs , simple, 22
dynamicMenu control, 752-754
Formulas tab, 728
hiding/showing, 931
Home tab, 728
Insert tab, 728
Page Layout tab, 728
Review tab, 728
spinners, 23
Sub procedures, 243
tabs, activating, 735-736
View tab, 728
RibbonX code
callback procedures, 739-740
controls, creating, 746-752
errors, displaying, 737
GetEnabled callback procedure, 743-744
GetPressed callback procedure, 743-744
groups, creating, 746
imageMso images, 741
Initialize callback procedure, 743-744
introduction, 736
Page Layout tab, 742-743
.rels file, 740
tabs, creating, 745-746
TogglePageBreakDisplay callback procedure, 743-744
workbook, creating, 737-739
Right function, 985
RmDir command, 830
RmDir statement, 980
Rnd function, 985
Round function, 985
rounded numbers , 985
row absolute cell references, 49
deleting empty, 332
duplicating, 333-334
empty, deleting, 332
hiding, 123
increasing number, 933
naming, 55
selecting, ListBoxes and, 474-476
RowsetComplete event, 638
RSet statement, 980
RTrim function, 985
Run method, 244
Run Sub/UserForm command, procedures, 241
running macros, 930
runtime errors, error-handling and, 255
runtime version of Excel, 127
RunTimeButton procedure, 873

Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA
Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheets Bookshelf)
ISBN: 0470044012
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 319

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