Lecture 11 Examples

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Open table as spreadsheet




Shows how the bubble sort works.


Contains the definition of a class date which has many methods to include operator overloading on the relational operators.


Contains the definitions of the methods of the class date.


Shows how to use template functions which have arguments all of which are of the same data type


Shows how to use template functions with a non-class argument.


Shows how to use template functions with a non-class argument and multiple class arguments.


Shows the same a maxmum3.cpp except the keyword typename is used to replace the keyword class. This a more appropriate keyword since the arguments need not be objects of a class but system variables as well.


Shows how to overload template functions


Shows how to create a template function that works on several different data types.


Shows that a template function name may be overloaded with a non-template function


Demonstrates the use of overloading of a template function by a non-template function.


Contains an example which demonstrates how template classes work.


Contains an example which demonstrates that template classes can involve more than one unknown data type.


Contains an example which demonstrates how template classes can be used to solve some of the problems which are caused by arrays.


This program is the same as GENCLAS2.CPP except the keyword typename was used in the place of the keyword class in the header of the template class definition.


This program demonstrates the use of explicit class specializations.


This program demonstrates the use of multiple data types when a template class is defined.


This program creates a bubble sort function for each data type being sorted.


This program creates a bubble sort function as a template function and this one function then works on all data types which have the relational operators defined on them.


This program demonstrates that a template class may be an extension of some other non-template class.


This program demonstrates that a template class may be an extension of some other template class of the same type.


This program attempts to demonstrate that a template class may be an extension of some other template class which is a different type. It does not compile.


This program attempts to demonstrate that a template class may be an extension of some other template class which is a different type It does not compile.


This program demonstrates that a template class may be an extension of some other template class of the same type which is itself an extension of a class which is not a template class.


This program demonstrates that a template class may be a multiple extension of two other class of different type.


This program demonstrates that a template class may be a multiple extension of two other classes of same type. Further the unknown class may also be a class and not just a system data type.


This program demonstrates that a template class may be a multiple extension of two other classes of same type. Further the unknown class may also be a class and not just a system data type.

image from book

 // program_id     bubble.cpp // written_by     Don Voils // date written  3/2/2006 // // description   This program sorts an integral array //               using a bubble sort. // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; // The function declaration // void bubbleSort(int a[], const int); void main() {   const int arraySize = 10;   // the integral array that is sorted.   //   int a[arraySize] = {2, 6, 4, 8, 10, 12, 89, 45, 37, 5};   cout << "Data items in orginal order\n";   // outputs the elements of the integral array before the bubble sort.   //   for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i)    cout << setw(4) << a[i];   // This function performs the bubble sort on an integral array.   bubbleSort(a, arraySize);   cout << "\n\nData items in ascending order\n";   // outputs the elements of the integral array after the bubble sort.   for(int j = 0; j < arraySize; ++j)     cout << setw(4) << a[j];   cout << endl << endl; } // The function that performs the bubble sort. // void bubbleSort(int array[], const int size) {  for(int pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)     for(int k = 0; k < size - 1; ++k)       if(array[k] >array[k+1])       {          int hold = array[k];          array[k] = array[k+1];          array[k+1] = hold;       } } // program_id    date.cpp // written_by    don voils // date written 3/2/2006 // // description Contains the member functions for the //             header date.h #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include"date.h" long Date::showDay() {  return day; } long Date::showMonth() {  return month; } long Date::showYear() {  return year; } void Date::getDate() {  char    dash;  do  {    cin >> month >> dash >> day >> dash        >> year;  }while(incorrectDate(month, day, year)); } void Date::setDate(long m, long d, long y) {  month = long(m);  day = long(d);  year = long(y); } Date Date::operator + (long numberDays) {  Date nextDay;  nextDay.setDate(month, day, year);  for(long index=1; index <=numberDays; ++index)  {    if (nextDay.day < lastDay(nextDay.month,nextDay.year))    {     nextDay.day += 1L;    }    else    {       if(nextDay.month<12L)       {          nextDay.month += 1L;          nextDay.day = 1L;       }       else       {          nextDay.month = 1L;          nextDay.day = 1L;          nextDay.year += 1L;       }    }  }  return nextDay; } Date Date::operator - (long numberDays) {  Date nextDay;  nextDay.setDate(month, day, year);  for(short index=1; index <= numberDays; ++index)  {    if (nextDay.day != 1L)    {     nextDay.day -= 1L;    }    else    {      if(nextDay.month != 1L)      {           nextDay.month -= 1L;           nextDay.day = lastDay(nextDay.month,nextDay.year);      }      else      {          nextDay.month = 12L;          nextDay.day = 31L;          nextDay.year -= 1L;      }    }  }  return nextDay; } long Date::lastDay(long m, long y) {  long lastDay;  long daysInMonth[]={0L, 31L, 28L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 30L, 31L};  if (m != 2L)       lastDay=daysInMonth[m];  else       if (leapYear(y))            lastDay =29L;       else            lastDay=daysInMonth[m];  return lastDay; } bool Date::leapYear(long y) {   bool leapTest;   if (((y%4L == 0L) && (y%100L != 0L)) || (y%400L == 0L))      leapTest=true;   else      leapTest=false;   return leapTest; } bool Date::incorrectDate(long m, long d, long y) {    bool notCorrect;    if ((m>=1L) && (m<=12L) && (d>=1L) && (d<=lastDay(m,y)))        notCorrect = false;    else        notCorrect = true;    return notCorrect; } long Date::daysSince(long m, long d, long y) {    long number = 1461L*f(m,y)/4L + 153L*g(m)/5L + d;    return(number); } long Date::f(long m,long y) {    long number = (m<=2L) ? y - 1L :y;    return(number); } long Date::g(long m) {    long number = (m<=2L) ? m + 13L : m + 1L;    return(number); } long Date::operator - (Date bDate) {  long days;  days = daysSince(month,day,year)         -daysSince(bDate.month, bDate.day, bDate.year);  return days; } bool Date::operator >(Date aDate) {   bool resp;   long firstDate,        secondDate;   firstDate=daysSince(month, day, year);   secondDate=daysSince(aDate.month, aDate.day, aDate.year);   resp = (firstDate > secondDate)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator >=(Date aDate) {   bool resp;   long firstDate,        secondDate;   firstDate=daysSince(month, day, year);   secondDate=daysSince(aDate.month, aDate.day, aDate.year);   resp = (firstDate >= secondDate)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator ==(Date aDate) {   bool resp;   long firstDate,        secondDate;   firstDate=daysSince(month, day, year);   secondDate=daysSince(aDate.month,aDate.day,aDate.year);   resp = (firstDate == secondDate)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator !=(Date aDate) {   bool resp;   long firstDate,        secondDate;   firstDate=daysSince(month, day, year);   secondDate=daysSince(aDate.month, aDate.day, aDate.year);   resp = (firstDate != secondDate)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator <(Date aDate) {   bool resp;   long firstDate,        secondDate;   firstDate=daysSince(month, day, year);   secondDate=daysSince(aDate.month, aDate.day, aDate.year);   resp = (firstDate < secondDate)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator <= (Date aDate) {   bool resp;   long firstDate,        secondDate;   firstDate=daysSince(month, day, year);   secondDate=daysSince(aDate.month, aDate.day, aDate.year);   resp = (firstDate <= secondDate)? true : false;   return resp; } ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Date ab) {       stream << ab.month << "/";       stream << ab.day << "/";       stream << ab.year <<" ";       return stream; } istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Date &ab) {       char slash;       stream >> ab.month >> slash >> ab.day >> slash >> ab.year;       return stream; } // program_id      date.h // written_by      don voils // date written   3/2/2006 // description     This header contains the definition //                 of the class date that is used in many //                 different examples. // #ifndef DATE   #define DATE class Date {  private:     long month,          day,          year;  public:    Date(){ }    Date(long m, long d, long y)    {      month = m;      day = d;      year = y;    }    void getDate();    void setDate(long m, long d, long y);    long lastDay(long m, long y);    long showDay();    long showMonth();    long showYear();    bool leapYear(long y);    Date operator +(long numberDays);    Date operator -(long numberDays);    long operator -(Date otherDate);    long daysSince(long m, long d, long y);    long f(long m, long y);    long g(long m);    bool incorrectDate(long m, long d, long y);    bool operator <(Date aDate);    bool operator <=(Date aDate);    bool operator ==(Date aDate);    bool operator !=(Date aDate);    bool operator >(Date aDate);    bool operator >=(Date aDate);    friend ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Date ab);    friend istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Date &ab); }; #endif // program_id          genclas1.cpp // written by          don voils // date written       12/10/2006 // // program description    This program demonstrates the //                         use of template classes which //                         contain one data member. //                         Main contains three different //                         implementations of this definition: //                         an int, a double and a char. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Date {  private:      long month,           day,           year;  public:      void getDate();      void setDate(int m,int d,int y);      int lastDay(int m,int y);      int showDay();      int showMonth();      int showYear();      bool leapYear(int y);      Date operator +(int numberDays);      Date operator -(int numberDays);      int operator -(Date otherDate);      long daysSince(int m, int d, int y);      long f(int m, int y);      long g(int m);      bool incorrectDate(int m, int d, int y);      bool operator <(Date aDate);      bool operator <=(Date aDate);      bool operator ==(Date aDate);      bool operator >(Date aDate);      bool operator >=(Date aDate); }; const int SIZE = 1000; template <class Atype> class Astack {    private:       Atype stack[SIZE];       int top,       bottom;    public:       Astack() {top=bottom=0;}       void qput(Atype index);       Atype qget(); }; template <typename Atype> void Astack<Atype>::qput(Atype instance) {   if(top==SIZE)   {       cout << "Stack is full" << endl;       return;   }   top++;   stack[top]=instance; } template <class Atype> Atype Astack<Atype>::qget() {   if(top==bottom)   {       cout << "Stack Underflow" << endl;   }   bottom++;   return stack[bottom]; } void main() {  Astack<int> aObject, bObject;  cout << "The first two stacks are integer stacks"       << endl << endl;  aObject.qput(50);  aObject.qput(30);  bObject.qput(100);  bObject.qput(110);  cout << "\nThe first stack outputs " << aObject.qget()       << " first" << endl << " and then outputs "       << aObject.qget() << " next" << endl;  cout << "\nThe second stack outputs " << bObject.qget()       << " first" << endl << " and then outputs "       << bObject.qget() << " next" << endl;  cout << endl << endl << "The next three stacks are a"       << " double, a char and a date respectively" << endl << endl;  Astack<double> cObject;  Astack<char> dObject;  Astack<Date> eObject;  Date date1;  date1.setDate(1,1,2006);  Date date2;  date2.setDate(4,4,2006);  cObject.qput(234.56);  cObject.qput(-23.45);  dObject.qput('a');  dObject.qput('z');  eObject.qput(date1);  eObject.qput(date2);  cout << "\nThe double stack outputs " << cObject.qget()       << " first" << endl << " and then outputs "      << cObject.qget() << " next" << endl; cout << "\nThe char stack outputs " << dObject.qget()      << " first" << endl << " and then outputs "      << dObject.qget() << " next" << endl;  Date date3 = eObject.qget();  Date date4 = eObject.qget();  cout << "\nThe Date stack outputs "       << date3.showMonth()<<'/'<<date3.showDay()<< '/'<<date3.showYear()       << " first" << endl << " and then outputs "       << date4.showMonth()<<'/'<<date4.showDay()<< '/'<<date4.showYear()       << " next" << endl << endl; } int Date::showDay() {  return int(day); } int Date::showMonth() {  return int(month); } int Date::showYear() {  return int(year); } void Date::getDate() {  char    dash;  do  {   cin >> month >> dash >> day >> dash >> year;  }while(incorrectDate(int(month), int(day), int(year))); } void Date::setDate(int m, int d, int y) {  month = long(m);  day = long(d);  year = long(y); } Date Date::operator + (int numberDays) {  Date nextDay;  nextDay.setDate(int(month),int(day),int(year));  for(int index=1; index <=numberDays; ++index)  {       if (nextDay.day < lastDay(int(nextDay.month),int(nextDay.year)))       {            nextDay.day += 1L;       }       else       {            if(nextDay.month<12L)            {                  nextDay.month += 1L;                  nextDay.day = 1L;            }            else            {                  nextDay.month = 1L;                  nextDay.day = 1L;                  nextDay.year += 1L;            }       }  }  return nextDay; } Date Date::operator - (int numberDays) {  Date nextDay;  nextDay.setDate(int(month), int(day), int(year));  for(int index=1; index <= numberDays; ++index)  {       if (nextDay.day != 1L)       {           nextDay.day -= 1L;       }       else       {           if(nextDay.month != 1L)           {                 nextDay.month -= 1L;                 nextDay.day = lastDay(int(nextDay.month), int(nextDay.year));           }           else           {                 nextDay.month = 12L;                 nextDay.day = 31L;                 nextDay.year -= 1L;           }       }  }  return nextDay; } int Date::lastDay(int m, int y) {  int lastDay;  int daysInMonth[]={0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};  if (m!=2)      lastDay=daysInMonth[m];  else      if (leapYear(y))           lastDay =29;      else           lastDay=daysInMonth[m];  return lastDay; } bool Date::leapYear(int y) {    bool leapTest;    if (((y%4==0) && (y%100!=0)) || (y%400==0))        leapTest=true;    else       leapTest=false;    return leapTest; } bool Date::incorrectDate(int m, int d, int y) {    bool notCorrect;    if ((m>=1) && (m<=12) &&        (d>=1) && (d<=lastDay(m,y)))        notCorrect = false;    else         notCorrect = true;    return notCorrect; } long Date::daysSince(int m, int d, int y) {    long number = 1461L*f(m,y)/4L + 153L*g(m)/5L + d;    return(number); } long Date::f(int m,int y) {    long number = (m<=2L) ? y - 1L :y;    return(number); } long Date::g(int m) {    long number = (m<=2L) ? m + 13L : m + 1L;    return(number); } int Date::operator - (Date bDate) {  long days;  days = daysSince(int(month), int(day), int(year))     -daysSince(int(bDate.month),int(bDate.day),int(bDate.year));  return int(days); } bool Date::operator >(Date aDate) {  bool resp;  long firstDate,     secondDate;  firstDate=daysSince(int(month), int(day), int(year));  secondDate=daysSince(int(aDate.month), int(aDate.day), int(aDate.year));  resp = (firstDate > secondDate)? true : false;  return resp; } bool Date::operator >=(Date aDate) {  bool resp;  long firstDate,     secondDate;  firstDate=daysSince(int(month), int(day), int(year));  secondDate=daysSince(int(aDate.month), int(aDate.day), int(aDate.year));  resp = (firstDate >= secondDate)? true : false;  return resp; } bool Date::operator ==(Date aDate) {  bool resp;  long firstDate,       secondDate;  firstDate=daysSince(int(month), int(day), int(year));  secondDate=daysSince(int(aDate.month),int(aDate.day),int(aDate.year));  resp = (firstDate == secondDate)? true : false;  return resp; } bool Date::operator <(Date aDate) {  bool resp;  long firstDate,       secondDate;  firstDate=daysSince(int(month), int(day), int(year));  secondDate=daysSince(int(aDate.month), int(aDate.day), int(aDate.year));  resp = (firstDate < secondDate)? true : false;  return resp; } bool Date::operator <= (Date aDate) {  bool resp;  long firstDate,     secondDate;  firstDate=daysSince(int(month), int(day), int(year));  secondDate=daysSince(int(aDate.month), int(aDate.day), int(aDate.year));  resp = (firstDate <= secondDate)? true : false;  return resp; } // program_id          genclas2.cpp // author              don voils // date written       11/25/2006 // // program description   This program demonstrates the //                        use of multiple data types //                        when a template class is //                        defined. // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <class Atype, class Btype> class Stuff {    private:        Atype Aelement;        Btype Belement;    public:        Stuff(Atype a, Btype b)        {           Aelement = a;           Belement = b;        }        void show()        {          cout << "The first member is "               << Aelement << " and "               << "the second member is "               << Belement << endl <<endl;        } }; void main() {  Stuff<int, double> object1(5, 5.25);  Stuff<char, char*> object2('A', "USA");  Stuff<float, float> object3(25.36F, -14.17F);  cout << "Entered the int 5 and the float 5.25" <<endl;  object1.show();  cout << endl       << "Entered the char A and the string USA" << endl;  object2.show();  cout << endl       << "Entered the float 25.36 and the float -14.17" << endl;  object3.show(); } // program_id          genclas3.cpp // author              don voils // date written       11/25/2006 // // description   This program demonstrates the //                way classes can be used to get //                around some of the problems //                experienced by arrays. However //                this solution is a general //                solution for all arrays. The //                examples are for an int, a //                double and a char array. // // #include<iostream> #include<process.h> using namespace std; const int SIZE = 10;            // It is also possible to use a dynamic size to the            // array by using the operator new in a constructor            // for the class. Of course the memory created would            // therefore have to be reclaimed by including the            // operator delete in the destructor. template <typename Atype> class Array {       private:            Atype array[SIZE];       public:            Array()            {                register int index;                for(index=0;index<SIZE;++index)                array[index] = index;            }            Atype &operator[](int index); }; template <typename Atype> Atype &Array<Atype>:: operator[](int index) {      if((index < 0)  (index > (SIZE-1)))      {           cout << endl << endl<< "The index value of "                << index << " is out-of-bounds. " << endl                << "and the program will now end."<< endl                << endl;           exit(0);      }      return array[index]; } const double PI = 3.1415; void main() {    Array<int> intArray;    Array<double> doubleArray;    Array<char> charArray;    int index;    for(index=0;index<SIZE;++index)       intArray[index] = index;    for(index=0; index<SIZE;++index)       doubleArray[index] = double(index)/PI;    for(index=0; index<SIZE;++index)       charArray[index] = char(index+70);    cout << endl << "The integer array: " << endl;    for(index=0;index<SIZE;++index)       cout << intArray[index] << " ";    cout << endl << endl << "The double array: " << endl;    for(index=0; index<SIZE;++index)       cout << doubleArray[index] << " ";    cout << endl << endl << "The char array: " << endl;    for(index=0; index<SIZE;++index)       cout << charArray[index] << " ";    cout << endl << endl         << "The following generates an error without aborting the program:"         << endl;    charArray[SIZE] = 'A';    cout << "Got to the end of the program!!!" << endl << endl; } // program_id           genclas4.cpp // author               don voils // date written        11/25/2006 // // description   This program is the same as //                genclas2.cpp except the keyword //                was used in the place of the keyword //                class in the header of the template class //               definition. // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <typename Atype, typename Btype> class Stuff {    private:       Atype Aelement;       Btype Belement;    public:       Stuff(Atype a, Btype b)       {          Aelement = a;          Belement = b;       }       void show()       {         cout << "The first member is "              << Aelement << " and "              << "the second member is "              << Belement << endl <<endl;       } }; void main() {  Stuff<int, double> object1(5, 5.25);  Stuff<char, char*> object2('A', "USA");  Stuff<float, float> object3(25.36F, -14.17F);  cout << "Entered the int 5 and the float 5.25" <<endl;  object1.show();  cout << endl << endl       << "Entered the char A and the string USA" << endl;  object2.show();  cout << endl << endl       << "Entered the float 25.36 and the float -14.17" << endl;  object3.show(); } // program_id          genclas5.cpp // author             don voils // date written       11/25/2006 // // description   This program demonstrates the use //                of explicit class specilizations. // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class MyClass {   private:      T x;   public:     MyClass(T a)     {      cout << "Inside generic MyClass\n";      X = a;     }     T getX()     {       return x;     } }; template<> class MyClass<int> {  private:    int x;  public:    MyClass(int a)    {     cout << "Inside MyClass<int> specializaiton\n";     X = a * a;    }    int getX() { return x;} }; void main() {  MyClass<double> d(10.1);  cout << "double: " << d.getX() << endl << endl;  MyClass<int> i(5);  cout << "int: " << i.getX() << endl;  cout << endl << endl; } // program_id     genclas6.cpp // author         don voils // date written  11/25/2006 // // description   This program demonstrates the //                use of multiple data types //                when a template class is //                defined. // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Ratio {      private:           short top;           short bottom;      public:           Ratio()           {                top = 0;                bottom = 1;           }           Ratio(short theTop, short theBottom)           {                top = theTop;                bottom = theBottom;           }            friend ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Ratio ab); };  ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Ratio ab)  {      stream << ab.top << "/";      stream << ab.bottom;      return stream; } template <class Atype=float, class Btype=int> class Stuff {    private:        Atype Aelement;        Btype Belement;    public:        Stuff(Atype a, Btype b)        {           Aelement = a;           Belement = b;        }        void show()        {          cout << "The first member is "               << Aelement << " and "               << "the second member is "               << Belement << endl <<endl;        } }; void main() {  Ratio fraction1(45,67);  Stuff<int, double> object1(5, 5.25);  Stuff<char, char*> object2('A', "PBCC");  Stuff<double, float> object3(25.36, -14.17F);  Stuff<> object4(34.23F,345);  Stuff<Ratio,double> object5(fraction1,56.76);  Stuff<double> object6(3.44,7);  cout << "The default data types are over ruled." << endl       << "Entered the int 5 and the float 5.25" <<endl;  object1.show();  cout << endl << endl       << "The default data types are over ruled." << endl       << "Entered the char A and the string PBCC" << endl;  object2.show();  cout << endl << endl       << "The default data types are over ruled." << endl       << "Entered the double 25.36 and the float -14.17" << endl;  object3.show();  cout << endl << endl       << "The default data types were not over ruled." << endl       << "Entered the float 34.23 and the int 345 " << endl;  object4.show();  cout << endl << endl       << "The default data types were over ruled." << endl       << "Entered the ratio 45/67 and the double 56.76 " << endl;  object5.show();  cout << endl << endl       << "The only one of the default data types was over ruled." << endl       << "Entered the double 3.44 and the int 7 " << endl;  object5.show();  cout << endl << endl; } // program_id          masimum.cpp // author              don voils // data written       10/23/2006 // // description   This example shows how to use //               templace functions which have arguments //               all of which are of the same data type. // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; template <typename T> T MAX(T value1, T value2) {    return ((value1<value2)? value2:value1); } void main() {      cout << fixed << setprecision(2);      int int1=3,int2=4;      float float1=4.0,float2=5.0;      double double1=6.0,double2=7.0;      cout  << "The maximum of the integers " << int1 << " and " << int2           << " is " << MAX(int1, int2) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the floats " << float1 << " and " << float2           << " is " << MAX(float1, float2) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the doubles " << double1 << " and " << double2           << " is " << MAX(double1, double2) << endl;      cout << "The maximum of the integer " << int1 << " and the double "          << double2 << " is " << MAX(double(int1), double2)          << endl << endl << endl; } // program_id    masmum2.cpp // author        don voils // date written 10/23/2006 // //  description This example shows how to use //              template functions with a non-class //              argument. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> T MAX(char *word,T value1, T value2) {   cout << word << endl;   return ((value1<value2)? value2:value1); } void main() {   int int1=3,int2=4;   float float1=4.0,float2=5.0;   double double1=6.0,double2=7.0;   cout << "The maximum of the integers " << int1 << " and " << int2        << " is " << MAX("FIRST ONE", int1, int2) << endl << endl;   cout << "The maximum of the floats " << float1 << " and " << float2        << " is " << MAX("SECOND ONE",float1, float2) << endl << endl;   cout << "The maximum of the doubles " << double1 << " and " << double2        << " is " << MAX("THIRD ONE ",double1, double2) << endl << endl;   cout << "The maximum of the integer " << int1 << " and the double "        << double2 << " is " << MAX("FOURTH ONE",double(int1), double2)        << endl << endl; } // program_id         masmum3.cpp // author             don voils // data written       9/23/2006 // // description   This example shows how to use //               template functions with a non-class //               argument and multiple class arguments. // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; template <typename T,typename R> T MAX(char *word,T value1, T value2, R value3) {     T temp = ((value1<value2)? value2:value1);     cout << endl << endl << "-->> The word is " << word << endl;     if((R)temp < value3)          cout << "-->> The maximum is below the limit " << value3 << endl;     return temp; } void main() {      double upper = 6.5;      int int1=3,int2=4;      float float1=4.0,float2=5.0;      double double1=6.0,double2=7.0;      cout << fixed << setprecision(2);      cout  << "The maximum of the integers " << int1 << " and " << int2           << " is " << MAX("FIRST ONE", int1, int2,upper) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the floats " << float1 << " and " << float2           << " is " << MAX("SECOND ONE",float1, float2,upper) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the doubles " << double1 << " and " << double2           << " is " << MAX("THIRD ONE ",double1, double2,upper) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the integer " << int1 << " and the double "           << double2 << " is " << MAX("FOURTH ONE",double(int1), double2, upper)           << endl << endl << endl; } // program_id        maxmum4.cpp // author           don voils // data written     10/23/2006 // // description   This example shows is the same as //               maxmum3.cpp except the keyword //               typename is used to replace the //               keyword class. This a a more appropriate //               keyword since the arguments need not be //               objects of a class but system variables as well. // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; template <typename T,typename R> T MAX(char *word,T value1, T value2,R value3) {     T temp = ((value1<value2)? value2:value1);     cout << endl << endl << "-->> The word is " << word << endl;     if((R)temp < value3)          cout << "-->> The maximum is below the limit " << value3 << endl;     return temp; } void main() {      cout << fixed << setprecision(2);      double upper = 6.5;      int int1=3,int2=4;      float float1=4.0,float2=5.0;      double double1=6.0,double2=7.0;      cout  << "The maximum of the integers " << int1 << " and " << int2           << " is " << MAX("FIRST ONE", int1, int2,upper) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the floats " << float1 << " and " << float2           << " is " << MAX("SECOND ONE",float1, float2,upper) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the doubles " << double1 << " and " << double2           << " is " << MAX("THIRD ONE ",double1, double2,upper) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the integer " << int1 << " and the double "           << double2 << " is " << MAX("FOURTH ONE",double(int1), double2, upper)           << endl << endl << endl; } // program_id     maxmum5.cpp // author         don voils // date written  3/2/2006 // description   This example shows how to overload //               templace functions. // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; template <typename T> T MAX(T value1, T value2) {     return ((value1<value2)? value2:value1); } template <typename T> T MAX(char *word,T value1, T value2) {     cout << word << endl;     return ((value1<value2)? value2:value1); } template <typename T,typename R> T MAX(char *word,T value1, T value2,R value3) {     T temp = ((value1<value2)? value2:value1);     cout << endl << endl << "-->> The word is " << word << endl;     if((R)temp < value3)          cout << "-->> The maximum is below the limit " << value3 << endl;     return temp; } void main() {      cout << fixed << setprecision(2);              int upper = 6;      int int1=3,int2=4;      float float1=4.0,float2=5.0;      double double1=6.0,double2=7.0;      cout  << "The maximum of the integers " << int1 << " and " << int2           << " is " << MAX(int1, int2) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the floats " << float1 << " and " << float2           << " is " << MAX(float1, float2) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the doubles " << double1 << " and " << double2           << " is " << MAX(double1, double2) << endl << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the integers " << int1 << " and " << int2           << " is " << MAX("FIRST ONE", int1, int2) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the floats " << float1 << " and " << float2           << " is " << MAX("SECOND ONE",float1, float2) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the doubles " << double1 << " and " << double2           << " is " << MAX("THIRD ONE ",double1, double2) << endl;      cout  << "The maximum of the integers " << int1 << " and " << int2           << " is " << MAX("FIRST ONE", int1, int2,upper);      cout  << "The maximum of the floats " << float1 << " and " << float2           << " is " << MAX("SECOND ONE",float1, float2,upper);      cout  << "The maximum of the doubles " << double1 << " and " << double2           << " is " << MAX("THIRD ONE ",double1, double2,upper)           << endl << endl; } // program_id      sortit.cpp // date written   3/2/2006 // description    This program uses template function concepts to //                create a template function bubbleSort() that will //                sort data of any data type on which the relational //                operators are defined. #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; #include"date.h" template<typename T> void bubbleSort(T a[], const int); void main() {   const int intarraySize = 10;   const int doublearraySize = 5;   const int stringarraySize = 6;   const int datearraySize = 4;   Date day1(9,11,2001);   Date day2(12,7,1941);   Date day3(7,4,2005);   Date day4(11,2,2004);   int a[intarraySize] = {2, 6, 4, 8, 10, 12, 89, 45, 37, 5};   double b[doublearraySize] = {234.44, 4353.44, 41.34,-3453.33, 548.234};   string c[stringarraySize] = {"The Mystery Storm", "An example of using a drill press.",                                 "Xanadeu: a place of mistery", "Somewhere over the rainbow",                                 "How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days", "Where East meets West"};   Date d[datearraySize] = {day1, day2, day3, day4};   // Integral Data Items   cout << "Integral Data items in orginal order\n\n";   for(int i = 0; i < intarraySize; ++i)    cout << setw(4) << a[i];   bubbleSort(a, intarraySize);   cout << endl << endl << "Integral Data items in ascending order\n\n";   for(int j = 0; j < intarraySize; ++j)    cout << setw(4) << a[j];   // Double Data Items   cout << endl << endl << "Double Data items in orginal order\n\n";   for(int i = 0; i < doublearraySize; ++i)    cout << setw(10) << b[i];   bubbleSort(b, doublearraySize);   cout << endl << endl << "Double Data items in ascending order\n\n";   for(int j = 0; j < doublearraySize; ++j)    cout << setw(10) << b[j];   // String Data Items   cout << endl << endl<< "String Data items in orginal order\n\n";   for(int i = 0; i < stringarraySize; ++i)    cout << c[i] << endl;   bubbleSort(c, stringarraySize);   cout << endl << endl << "String Data items in ascending order\n\n";   for(int j = 0; j < stringarraySize; ++j)    cout << c[j] << endl;   // Date Data items   cout << endl << endl << "Date Data items in orginal order\n\n";   for(int i = 0; i < datearraySize; ++i)    cout << setw(4) << d[i];   bubbleSort(d, datearraySize);   cout << endl << endl << "Date Data items in ascending order\n\n";   for(int j = 0; j < datearraySize; ++j)    cout << setw(4) << d[j];   cout << endl << endl; } template<typename T> void bubbleSort(T array[], const int size) {   for(int pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)      for(int k = 0; k < size - 1; ++k)         if(array[k] >array[k+1])          {            T hold = array[k];            array[k] = array[k+1];            array[k+1] = hold;          } } // program_id      temp_ext2.cpp // written_by      don voils // date written   3/2/2006 // description     This program demonstrates //                 that a template class may //                 be an extension of some other //                 template class of the same type. // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; template <class T> class A {   private:      T a;   public:      A(T x)      {        a = x;      }      T showA()      {        return a;      } }; template <typename T> class B : public A<T> {   private:      T b;   public:     B(T x,T y): A<T>(x)     {       b = y;     }     T showB()     {       return b;     } }; void main() {  cout << fixed << setprecision(2);  B<char> x('A','B');  cout << x.showA() << endl       << x.showB() << endl << endl;  B<float> y(234.44F,43.34F);  cout << y.showA() << endl       << y.showB() << endl << endl;  B<char*> z("This ","Place");  cout << z.showA() << endl       << z.showB() << endl << endl;  char resp;  cout << "Continue? ";  cin >> resp;  cout << endl << endl; } // program_id      temp_ext3.cpp // written_by      don voils // date written   3/2/2006 // description     This program attempts to demonstrate //                 that a template class may //                 be an extension of some other //                 template class which is //                 a differenttype. It does not compile. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class A {    private:       T a;    public:       A(T x)       {         a = x;       }       T showA()       {         return a;       } }; template <typename R> class B : public A<T> {    private:       R b;    public:       B(T x,R y): A<T>(x)       {         b = y;       }       R show_B()       {         return b;       } }; void main() {  B<char> x('A','B');  cout << x.showA() << endl       << x.showB() << endl << endl;  B<float> y(234.44,43.34);  cout << y.showA() << endl       << y.showB() << endl << endl;  B<char*> z("This ","Place");  cout << z.showA() << endl       << z.showB() << endl << endl; } // program_id     temp_ext3b.cpp // written_by     don voils // date written   3/2/2006 // description    This program attempts to demonstrate //                 that a template class may //                 be an extension of some other //                 template class which is //                 a different type It does not compile. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class A {   private:     T a;   public:     A(T x)     {      a = x;     }     T showA()     {      return a;     } }; template <typename T, typename R> class B : public A<T> {    private:      R b;   public:     B(T x,R y): A<T>(x)     {       b = y;     }     R showB()     {      return b;     } }; void main() {   // Added the second class type to the 'B's below.   B<char, char> x('A','B');   cout << "A is " << x.showA() << endl        << "B is " << x.showB() << endl << endl;   B<float, float> y(234.44F,43.34F);   cout << "A is " << y.showA() << endl        << "B is " << y.showB() << endl << endl;   B<char*, char*> z("This ","Place");   cout << "A is " << z.showA() << endl        << "B is " << z.showB() << endl << endl;   B<char, float> w('A', 12.345F);   cout << "A is " << w.showA() << endl        << "B is " << w.showB() << endl << endl;   char resp;   cout << "Continue? ";   cin >> resp;   cout << endl << endl; } // program_id       temp_ext4.cpp // written_by       don voils // date written    3/2/2006 // description      This program demonstrates //                  that a template class may //                  be an extension of some other //                  template class of the same type //                  which is itself an extension of //                  a class which is not a template class. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class C { private:     int c; public:     void setC(int x)     {       c = x;     }     int showC()     {       return c;     } }; template <class T> class A : public C {   private:      T a;   public:      void setA(T x)      {        a = x;      }      T showA()      {        return a;      } }; template <typename T> class B : public A<T> {   private:      T b;   public:      void setB(T x)      {        b = x;      }      T showB()      {        return b;      } }; void main() {  B<float> x;  B<char> y;  A<char*>z;  x.setA(50.78F);  x.setB(12.24F);  x.setC(23);  cout << x.showA() << endl       << x.showB() << endl      << x.showC() << endl << endl;  y.setA('6');  y.setB('Y');  y.setC(230);  cout << y.showA() << endl       << y.showB() << endl       << y.showC() << endl << endl;  z.setA("7");  z.setC(3);  cout << z.showA() << endl       << z.showC() << endl << endl;   char resp;  cout << "Continue? ";  cin >> resp;  cout << endl << endl; } // program_id      temp_ext5.cpp // written_by      don voils // date written   3/2/2006 // description     This program demonstrates //                 that a template class may //                 be a multiple extension of two other //                 class of different type. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class C { private:     int c; public:     void setC(int x)     {       c = x;     }     int showC()     {         return c;     } }; class A {   private:      float a;   public:      void setA(float x)      {        a = x;      }      float showA()      {        return a;      } }; template <typename T> class B : public A, public C {   private:      T b;   public:      void setB(T x)      {        b = x;      }      T showB()      {        return b;      } }; void main() {  B<float> x;  B<char> y;  x.setA(50.78F);  x.setB(12.24F);  x.setC(23);  cout << x.showA() << endl       << x.showB() << endl       << x.showC() << endl << endl;  y.setA(53.33F);  y.setB('Y');  y.setC(230);  cout << y.showA() << endl       << y.showB() << endl       << y.showC() << endl << endl;  char resp;  cout << "Continue? ";  cin >> resp; } // program_id       temp_ext6.cpp // written_by       don voils // date written    3/2/2006 // description      This program demonstrates //                  that a template class may //                  be a multiple extension of two other //                  classes of same type. Further the //                  unknown class may also be a class //                  and not just a system data type. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Ratio {  private:   int top,       bottom;  public:   void setRatio(int t, int b)   {     top = t;     bottom = b;   }   friend ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Ratio ab);   friend istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Ratio &ab); };   ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Ratio ab)   {     stream << ab.top << "/";     stream << ab.bottom << endl;     return stream;   }   istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Ratio &ab)   {      char slash;      do      {        stream >> ab.top >> slash >> ab.bottom;      }while(ab.bottom==0);      return stream;   }   template <typename T>   class C   {      private:               T c;      public:               void setC(T x)               {                  c = x;               }               T showC()               {                 return c;               }   };   template <typename T>   class A   {      private:              T a;      public:              void setA(T x)              {                a = x;              }              T showA()              {                return a;              }   };   template <typename T>   class B : public A<T>, public C<T>   {      private:              T b;      public:              void setB(T x)              {                b = x;              }              T showB()              {                return b;              } }; void main() {  B<float> x;  B<char> y;  B<Ratio> z;  x.setA(34.8F);  x.setB(12.24F);  x.setC(23.34F);  cout << x.showA() << endl       << x.showB() << endl       << x.showC() << endl << endl;  y.setA('R');  y.setB('Y');  y.setC('W');  cout << y.showA() << endl       << y.showB() << endl       << y.showC() << endl << endl;  Ratio r1;  r1.setRatio(3,4);  Ratio r2;  r2.setRatio(7,8);  Ratio r3;  r3.setRatio(23,45);  z.setA(r1);  z.setB(r2);  z.setC(r3);  cout << z.showA()       << z.showB()       << z.showC() << endl << endl;  char resp;  cout << "Continue? ";  cin >> resp;  cout << endl << endl; } // program_id     temp_ext6c.cpp // written_by     don voils // date written   3/2/2006 // description    This program demonstrates //                that a template class may //                be a multiple extension of two other //                classes of same type. Further the //                unknown class may also be a class //                and not just a system data type. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Ratio {  private:   int top,       bottom;  public:   void setRatio(int t, int b) {top = t;bottom = b;}   // This is not needed thanks to the dynamic_cast below.   //void showRatio() { cout << *this << endl; }  friend ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Ratio ab);  friend istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Ratio &ab);  };  ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Ratio ab)  {       stream << ab.top << "/";       stream << ab.bottom;       return stream;  }  istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Ratio &ab)  {       char slash;       do       {         stream >> ab.top >> slash >> ab.bottom;       }while(ab.bottom==0);      return stream;  }  template <typename T>  class C : public Ratio  {  private:    T c;  public:   void setC(T x)   {     c = x;   }   T showC()   {     return c;   } };  template <typename T>  class A : public Ratio  {     private:        T a;    public:        void setA(T x)        {          a = x;        }        T showA()        {          return a;        }  };  template <typename TA, typename TB, typename TC>  class B : public A<TA>, public C<TC>  {     private:      TB b;    public:      void setB(TB x)      {        b = x;      }      TB showB()      {       return b;      }   // Methods to set the individual ratios      void setARatio(int x, int y)      {        A<TA>::setRatio(x, y); }        void setCRatio(int x, int y)       {          C<TC>::setRatio(x, y);       }        // Method to display both ratios        void showRatios()         {           A<TA> *ptrA = this;           C<TC> *ptrC = this;           cout << " A ratio is ";           //A<TA>::showRatio();           cout << *(dynamic_cast<Ratio *>(ptrA)) << endl;           cout << " C Ratio is ";           //C<TC>::showRatio();           cout << *(dynamic_cast<Ratio *>(ptrC)) << endl;   } }; void main() {   B<float, float, float> x;   B<char, char, char> y;   B<Ratio, Ratio, Ratio> z;   B<float, char, Ratio> w;   Ratio r1;   r1.setRatio(3,4);   Ratio r2;   r2.setRatio(7,8);   Ratio r3;   r3.setRatio(23,45);   x.setA(34.8F);   x.setB(12.24F);   x.setC(23.34F);   x.setARatio(1,2);   x.setCRatio(2,3);   cout << "A is " << x.showA() << endl        << "B is " << x.showB() << endl        << "C is " << x.showC() << endl        << "Ratios are:" << endl;   x.showRatios();   y.setA('R');   y.setB('Y');   y.setC('W');   y.setARatio(3,4);   y.setCRatio(4,5);   cout << "\nA is " << y.showA() << endl        << "B is " << y.showB() << endl        << "C is " << y.showC() << endl        << "Ratios are:" << endl;   y.showRatios();   z.setA(r1);   z.setB(r2);   z.setC(r3);   z.setARatio(5,6);   z.setCRatio(6,7);   cout << "\nA is " << z.showA() << endl        << "B is " << z.showB() << endl        << "C is " << z.showC() << endl        << "Ratios are:" << endl;   z.showRatios();   w.setA(12.356F);   w.setB('B');   w.setC(r1);   w.setARatio(7,8);   w.setCRatio(8,9);   cout << "\nA is " << w.showA() << endl        << "B is " << w.showB() << endl        << "C is " << w.showC() << endl        << "Ratios are:" << endl;   w.showRatios();  char resp;   cout << "\nContinue? ";   cin >> resp;   cout << endl << endl; } // program_id       temp_ext.cpp // written_by       don voils // date written    3/2/2006 // description     This program demonstrates //                 that a template class may //                 be an extension of some other //                 non-template class. // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; class A {  private:      int a;  public:   void setA(int x)   {      a = x;   }   int showA()   {       return a;   } }; template <typename T> class B : public A {    private:       T b;    public:       void setB(T x)       {         b = x;       }       T showB()       {         return b;       } }; void main() {   cout << fixed << setprecision(2);  B<float> x;  B<char> y;  B<char*>z;  x.setA(5);  x.setB(12.24F);  cout << x.showA() << endl       << x.showB() << endl << endl;  y.setA(6);  y.setB('Y');  cout << y.showA() << endl       << y.showB() << endl << endl;  z.setA(7);  z.setB("This is the test.");  cout << z.showA() << endl       << z.showB() << endl << endl;  char resp;  cout << "Continue? ";  cin >> resp;  cout << endl << endl; } // program_id    the_power2.cpp // writtin_by    don voils // date written  3/2/2006 // description   Demonstrates the overloading of a template function //               by a non-template function. // #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; template <typename T> T power(T a, int exp) {    T base = 1;    while (exp-- > 0)     base = base * a;    return(base); } string power(string a, int exp) {   string base = "";   while(exp-- > 0)    base = base + a;   return base; } void main() {    cout << fixed << setprecision(4);    int numb1 = power(2, 5);    float numb2 = power(3.56F, 3);    string company = "SmallOne";    string numb3 = power(company, 3);    cout << "2 raised to the 5th power is "<< numb1 << endl << endl;    cout << "3.56 raised to the 3rd power is " << numb2 << endl << endl;    cout << "SmallOne raised to the 3rd power is " << numb3         << endl << endl << endl; } // program_id    the_power3.cpp // written_by    don voils // date written  3/2/2006 // description   This program demonstrates the use of overloading //               of a template function by a non-template function. // #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; template <typename T> T power(T a, int exp) {    T base = 1;    while (exp-- > 0)     base = base * a;    return(base); } template<> string power<string>(string a, int exp) {   string base = "";   while(exp-- > 0)    base = base + a;   return base; } void main() {   cout << fixed << setprecision(4);   int numb1 = power(2, 5);   float numb2 = power(3.56F, 3);   string company = "SmallOne";   string numb3 = power(company, 3);   cout << "2 raised to the 5th power is "<< numb1 << endl << endl;   cout << "3.56 raised to the 3rd power is " << numb2 << endl << endl;   cout << "SmallOne raised to the 3rd power is " << numb3        << endl << endl << endl; } // program_id   the_power.cpp // written_by   don voils // date written  3/2/2006 // description   Demonstrates template functions. // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; template <typename T>    T power(T a, int exp)    {       T base = 1;       while (exp-- > 0)        base = base * a;       return(base);    } void main() {    cout << fixed << setprecision(4);    int numb1 = power(2, 5);    float numb2 = power(3.56F, 3);    cout << "2 raised to the 5th power is "<< numb1 << endl << endl;    cout << "3.56 raised to the 3rd power is " << numb2         << endl << endl << endl; } // program_id         toSort.cpp // date written  3/2/2006 // description      This program uses a different function bubbleSort() that will //             sort data for a specific data type on which the relational //             operators are defined. #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; #include"date.h" void bubbleSortI(int array[], const int); void bubbleSortD(double array[], const int); void bubbleSortS(string array[], const int); void bubbleSortDate(Date array[], const int); void main() {   const int intarraySize = 10;   const int doublearraySize = 5;   const int stringarraySize = 6;   const int datearraySize = 4;   Date day1(9,11,2001);   Date day2(12,7,1941);   Date day3(7,4,2005);   Date day4(11,2,2004);   int a[intarraySize] = {2, 6, 4, 8, 10, 12, 89, 45, 37, 5};   double b[doublearraySize] = {234.44, 4353.44, 41.34,-3453.33, 548.234};   string c[stringarraySize] = {"The Mystery Storm",                       "An example of using a drill press.",                       "Xanadeu: a place of mistery",                       "Somewhere over the rainbow",                       "How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days",                       "Where East meets West"};   Date d[datearraySize] = {day1, day2, day3, day4};   // Integral Data Items   cout << "Integral Data items in orginal order\n\n";   for(int i = 0; i < intarraySize; ++i)    cout << setw(4) << a[i];   bubbleSortI(a, intarraySize);   cout << endl << endl << "Integral Data items in ascending order\n\n";   for(int j = 0; j < intarraySize; ++j)    cout << setw(4) << a[j];   // Double Data Items   cout << endl << endl << "Double Data items in orginal order\n\n";   for(int i = 0; i < doublearraySize; ++i)    cout << setw(10) << b[i];   bubbleSortD(b, doublearraySize);   cout << endl << endl << "Double Data items in ascending order\n\n";   for(int j = 0; j < doublearraySize; ++j)    cout << setw(10) << b[j];   // String Data Items   cout << endl << endl<< "String Data items in orginal order\n\n";   for(int i = 0; i < stringarraySize; ++i)    cout << c[i] << endl;   bubbleSortS(c, stringarraySize);   cout << endl << endl << "String Data items in ascending order\n\n";   for(int j = 0; j < stringarraySize; ++j)    cout << c[j] << endl;   // Date Data items   cout << endl << endl << "Date Data items in orginal order\n\n";   for(int i = 0; i < datearraySize; ++i)    cout << setw(4) << d[i];   bubbleSortDate(d, datearraySize);   cout << endl << endl << "Date Data items in ascending order\n\n";   for(int j = 0; j < datearraySize; ++j)    cout << setw(4) << d[j];   cout << endl << endl; } void bubbleSortI(int array[], const int size) {   for(int pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)     for(int k = 0; k < size - 1; ++k)       if(array[k] >array[k+1])       {          int hold = array[k];          array[k] = array[k+1];          array[k+1] = hold;       } } void bubbleSortD(double array[], const int size) {   for(int pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)     for(int k = 0; k < size - 1; ++k)       if(array[k] >array[k+1])       {          double hold = array[k];          array[k] = array[k+1];          array[k+1] = hold;       } } void bubbleSortS(string array[], const int size) {   for(int pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)     for(int k = 0; k < size - 1; ++k)       if(array[k] >array[k+1])       {          string hold = array[k];          array[k] = array[k+1];          array[k+1] = hold;       } } void bubbleSortDate(Date array[], const int size) {   for(int pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)     for(int k = 0; k < size - 1; ++k)       if(array[k] >array[k+1])       {          Date hold = array[k];          array[k] = array[k+1];          array[k+1] = hold;       } } 

Intermediate Business Programming with C++
Intermediate Business Programming with C++
ISBN: 738453099
Year: 2007
Pages: 142

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