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C language, 229

Perl language, 212

functional model of LDAP, 89, 90, 97–98

Abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1), 19, 85, 116–117

ABSTRACT values, 60, 61, 62–64

Access, 188, 322

Access control, 50–51, 335–336, 378–379

Access control information (ACI), 51, 100, 106

Access control lists (ACL), 51, 106, 162

Access rights, 99

ACI, see Access control information

ACL, see Access control lists

Acronyms, 347–348

Active directory service interface (ADSI), 254

Active Directory, 254


C language API, 234

JAVA language, 244–245


data interchange format, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136

functional model, 89, 93

ldapmodify using API, 180

naming model, 76

using, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

Perl language, 214, 215

PHP scripting language, 204–205

Administration interface, 317

Administration server, 267, 269

Administrative tools, 294–295

Administrative utilities, 294–295

Administrator, 275–276

guide, 377

ADSI, see Active directory service interface

Agent, 318

Agreements, 165–166

Aliases, 78, 81–82, 90, 115

Analysis, 124

Ancestors, 75–76, 78, 148, 149

AND condition, 42, 92, 113–114

Anonymous access, 101

Anonymous bind, 101, see also Bind

Anonymous users, 191–192, 309

Apache Web server, 304, 312, 314

API, see Application programming interface

Application broker, 170–171, 311–312, 318–319

Application failures, 282

Application layer, 10, 11

Application locations, 327

Application support, 336

Application programming interface (API)

active directory and ADSI, 254

C language, 223–237

command-line tools, 177–190

Java, 237–253


functional model, 50

how it works, 17

naming model, 83

search, 110–111

other languages, 254–255

Perl language, 209–223

PHP scripting language, 190–208


Application servers, 300–302

Approximate, 126

approxMatch, 113


case study of LDAP and Web, 310, 311, 312, 317, 318–319

Java Naming and Directory Interfaces, 249, 250

ARPANet, 8

array attributes, 197, see also Attributes

array entry, 205, 207, see also Entries

array referrals, 201, see also Referrals

Arrays, 199

ASCII files, 38, 52, 127, 173

ASN.1, see Abstract syntax notation one

Associate arrays, 214

Asterisk, 92, 115

Asynchronous requests, 220, see also Request

Async 1, 212

Asynchronous bind, 228, see also Bind

Asynchronous calls, 236

Asynchronous version, 224

Atomic, 1–2, 90

Attribute definitions, 117, 119, 125

information model of LDAP, 65–69

Attribute name, 50, 54, 79

Attribute types

information model of LDAP, 51, 52, 54, 55, 64, 67–69

schema design and directory services design, 334

standards, 368–374

Attribute value assertion (ava), 93

Attribute values, LDAP

information model, 50

naming model 79

search, 43, 112

LDAP data interchange format, 128, 129, 130

attributeList, 92, 93, 137


entry object and Perl language, 219

Java Naming and Directory Interfaces, 251


changing, 39

data interchange format standard, 37, 133

format definition and information model, 66–67

how it works, 20

information model, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, 64

naming model, 79, 80

using, 27–28, 29, 30, 33, 34

updating, 246, 207

attrOnly, 91

attrsonly, 197

auth_ldap module, 304–306, 314–316

Authenticated user, 309


auth_ldap module for Apache Web server, 305

C language API, 228–229

chaining and partitioning of directory data, 156

JAVA language, 238, 240


case study and Web, 210, 314–316

functional model, 88, 89–90, 97–98

LDAP data interchange format, 130

security model, 50–51, 99–106

Web server, 303–307

mechanism and design of directory services, 322

Perl language, 212–213

PHP scripting language, 192–193

security design and directory services design, 343

user administration in directory-server administration, 291

Authentication server, security, 103


auth_ldap module for Apache Web server, 305–306

security design and directory services design, 344

security model of LDAP, 50–51, 99–100, 106–107

AUXILARY values, 60, 62–64

ava, see Attribute value assertion

Availability, 158, 341

AWK utility, 180–182, 183

 < Day Day Up > 

The ABCs of LDAP. How to Install, Run, and Administer LDAP Services
The ABCs of LDAP: How to Install, Run, and Administer LDAP Services
ISBN: 0849313465
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 149 © 2008-2017.
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