Trapping Errors

One of the most powerful features of Visual Basic is its ability to trap all errors, analyze them, and take corrective action. In a well-designed production application, the user should never see any of the default error messages or encounter a code halt when an error occurs. Also, setting an error trap is often the best way to test certain conditions. For example, to find out if a query exists, your code can set an error trap and then attempt to reference the query object. In an application with hundreds of queries, using an error trap can also be faster than looping through all QueryDef objects. To enable error trapping, you use an On Error statement.

On Error Statement

Use an On Error statement to enable error trapping, establish the procedure to handle error trapping (the error handler), skip past any errors, or turn off error trapping.


 On Error {GoTo lineID | Resume Next | GoTo 0}


Use a GoTo lineID clause to establish a code block in your procedure that handles any error. The lineID can be a line number or a label.

Use a Resume Next clause to trap errors but skip over any statement that causes an error. You can call the Err function in a statement immediately following the statement that you suspect might have caused an error to see whether an error occurred. Err returns 0 if no error has occurred.

Use a GoTo 0 statement to turn off error trapping for the current procedure. If an error occurs, Visual Basic passes the error to the error routine in the calling procedure or opens an error dialog box if there is no previous error routine.

In your error handling statements, you can examine the built-in Err variable (the error number associated with the error) to determine the exact nature of the error. You can use the Error function to examine the text of the error message associated with the error. If you use line numbers with your statements, you can use the built-in Erl function to determine the line number of the statement that caused the error. After taking corrective action, use a Resume statement to retry execution of the statement that caused the error. Use a Resume Next statement to continue execution at the statement immediately following the statement that caused the error. Use a Resume statement with a statement label to restart execution at the indicated label name or number. You can also use an Exit Function or Exit Sub statement to reset the error condition and return to the calling procedure.


To trap errors but continue execution with the next statement, enter the following:

 On Error Resume Next

To trap errors and execute the statements that follow the MyError: label when an error occurs, enter the following:

 On Error GoTo MyError

To turn off error trapping in the current procedure, enter the following:

 On Error GoTo 0

If you create and run the following function with zero as the second argument, such as MyErrExample(3,0), the function will trigger an error by attempting to divide by zero, trap the error, display the error in an error handling section, and then exit gracefully.

 Public Function MyErrExample(intA As Integer, intB As Integer) As Integer  ' Set an error trap  On Error GoTo Trap_Error    ' The following causes an error if intB is zero    MyErrExample = intA / intB  ExitNice:    Exit Function  Trap_Error:    MsgBox "Something bad happened: " & Err & ", " & Error    Resume ExitNice  End Function

Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out
MicrosoftВ® Office Access(TM) 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft Office Access Inside Out)
ISBN: 0735623252
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 234 © 2008-2017.
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