10 Stack and Local Variable Operations

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Stack and Local Variable Operations

As mentioned in Chapter 5, "The Java Virtual Machine," the abstract specification of the execution engine is defined in terms of an instruction set. The remaining chapters of this book (Chapters 10 through 20) are a tutorial of that instruction set. They describe the instructions in functional groups and give relevant background information for each group .

This chapter covers instructions that deal with the operand stack and local variables. As the Java Virtual Machine is a stack-based machine, almost all of its instructions involve the operand stack in some way. Most instructions push values, pop values, or both as they perform their functions. This chapter describes the instructions that focus most exclusively on the operand stack--those that push constants onto the operand stack, perform generic stack operations, and transfer values back and forth between the operand stack and local variables .

Accompanying this chapter on the CD-ROM is an applet that interactively illustrates the material presented in the chapter. The applet, named Fibonacci Forever , simulates the Java Virtual Machine executing a method that generates the Fibonacci sequence. In the process, it demonstrates how the virtual machine pushes constants, pops values to local variables, and pushes values from local variables. At the end of this chapter, you will find a description of this applet and the bytecodes it executes.

Pushing Constants Onto the Stack

Many opcodes push constants onto the stack. Opcodes indicate the constant value to push in three different ways. The constant value is either implicit in the opcode itself, follows the opcode in the bytecode stream as an operand, or is taken from the constant pool.

Some opcodes by themselves indicate a type and constant value to push. For example, the iconst_1 opcode tells the Java Virtual Machine to push integer value one. Such opcodes are defined for some commonly pushed numbers of various types. All of these instructions are redundant to the instructions that take operands from the bytecode stream or refer to the constant pool, but these are more efficient. Because these instructions occupy only one byte in the bytecode stream, they increase the efficiency of bytecode execution and reduce the size of bytecode streams. The opcodes that push int s and float s are shown in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1. Pushing single-word constants onto the stack

Opcode Operand(s) Description
iconst_m1 (none) pushes int -1 onto the stack
iconst_0 (none) pushes int 0 onto the stack
iconst_1 (none) pushes int 1 onto the stack
iconst_2 (none) pushes int 2 onto the stack
iconst_3 (none) pushes int 3 onto the stack
iconst_4 (none) pushes int 4 onto the stack
iconst_5 (none) pushes int 5 onto the stack
fconst_0 (none) pushes float 0 onto the stack
fconst_1 (none) pushes float 1 onto the stack
fconst_2 (none) pushes float 2 onto the stack

The opcodes shown in the previous table push int s and float s, which are single-word values. Each slot on the Java stack is one word in size (at least 32 bits wide). Therefore each time an int or float is pushed onto the stack, it occupies one slot.

The opcodes shown in Table 10-2 push long s and double s. long and double values occupy 64 bits. Each time a long or double is pushed onto the stack, its value occupies two slots on the stack. Opcodes that indicate a specific long or double value to push are shown in Table 10-2.

Table 10-2. Pushing dual-word constants onto the stack

Opcode Operand(s) Description
lconst_0 (none) pushes long 0 onto the stack
lconst_1 (none) pushes long 1 onto the stack
dconst_0 (none) pushes double 0 onto the stack
dconst_1 (none) pushes double 1 onto the stack

One other opcode pushes an implicit constant value onto the stack. The aconst_null opcode, shown in Table 10-3, pushes a null object reference onto the stack.

As mentioned in earlier chapters, the format of an object reference depends upon the Java Virtual Machine implementation. An object reference will somehow refer to a Java object on the garbage-collected heap. A null object reference indicates an object reference variable does not currently refer to any valid object. The aconst_null opcode is used in the process of assigning null to an object reference variable.

Table 10-3. Pushing a null reference onto the stack

Opcode Operand(s) Description
aconst_null (none) pushes a null object reference onto the stack

Two opcodes indicate the constant to push with an operand that immediately follows the opcode. These opcodes, shown in Table 10-4, are used to push integer constants that are within the valid range for byte or short types. The byte or short that follows the opcode is expanded to an int before it is pushed onto the stack. Operations on bytes and short s that have been pushed onto the stack are actually done on their int equivalents.

Table 10-4. Pushing byte and short constants onto the stack

Opcode Operand(s) Description
bipush byte1 expands byte1 (a byte type) to an int and pushes it onto the stack
sipush byte1, byte2 expands byte1, byte2 (a short type) to an int and pushes it onto the stack

Three opcodes push constants from the constant pool. These opcodes take operands that specify a constant pool index. The Java Virtual Machine looks up the constant pool entry given the index, determines the constant's type and value, and pushes it onto the stack.

The constant pool index is an unsigned value that immediately follows the opcode in the bytecode stream. Opcodes ldc and ldc_w push a single-word item onto the stack, either an int , float , or an object reference to a String . The difference between ldc and ldc_w is that ldc can only refer to constant pool locations one through 255 because its index is just 1 byte. (Constant pool location zero is unused.) ldc_w has a 2-byte index, so it can refer to any constant pool location. lcd2_w also has a 2-byte index, and it is used to refer to any constant pool location containing a long or double , which occupy two words. The opcodes that push constants from the constant pool are shown in Table 10-5.

Table 10-5. Pushing constant pool entries onto the stack

Opcode Operand(s) Description
ldc indexbyte1 pushes single-word value from constant pool entry specified by indexbyte1 onto the stack
ldc_w indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pushes single-word value from constant pool entry specified by indexbyte1, indexbyte2 onto the stack
ldc2_w indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pushes dual-word value from constant pool entry specified by indexbyte1, indexbyte2 onto the stack

All string literals from Java source code end up as entries in a constant pool. If multiple classes of the same application use the same string literal, that string literal will appear in the class file of every class that uses it. For example, if three classes use the string literal "Harumph!" , that string will appear in the constant pool of each of three class files. Methods of those classes can use the ldc or ldc_w instructions to push onto the operand stack a reference to a String object that has the value "Harumph!" .

As mentioned in Chapter 8, "The Linking Model," the Java Virtual Machine resolves all string literals that have the same sequence of characters into the same String object. In other words, if multiple classes use the same literal string, say "Harumph!" , the Java Virtual Machine will only create one String object with the value "Harumph!" to represent all of those string literals.

When the virtual machine resolves the constant pool entry for a literal string, it "interns" the string. First, it checks to see if the string ­s sequence of characters have already been interned. If so, it just uses the same reference as the already-interned string. Otherwise, it creates a new String object, adds a reference to the new String object to its set of interned strings, and uses the reference to the newly-interned string.

Generic Stack Operations

Although most instructions in the Java Virtual Machine ­s instruction set operate on a particular type, some instructions manipulate the stack independent of type. As mentioned in Chapter 5, "The Java Virtual Machine," these generic (typeless) instructions cannot be used to break up dual-word values. These instructions are shown in Table 10-6.

Table 10-6. Stack manipulation

Opcode Operand(s) Description
nop (none) do nothing
pop (none) pop the top word from the operand stack
pop2 (none) pop the top two words from the operand stack
swap (none) swap the top operand stack two words
dup (none) duplicate top operand stack word
dup2 (none) duplicate top two operand stack words
dup_x1 (none) duplicate top operand stack word and put two down
dup_x2 (none) duplicate top operand stack word and put three down
dup2_x1 (none) duplicate top two operand stack words and put three down
dup2_x2 (none) duplicate top two operand stack words and put four down

The last four instructions shown in Table 10-6 can be a bit difficult to understand. Consult the description of these instructions in Appendix A for a picture of the stack before and after these instructions have been executed.

Pushing Local Variables Onto the Stack

Several opcodes exist that push int and float local variables onto the operand stack. Some opcodes are defined that implicitly refer to a commonly used local variable position. For example, iload_0 loads the int local variable at position zero. Other local variables are pushed onto the stack by an opcode that takes the local variable index from the first byte following the opcode. The iload instruction is an example of this type of opcode. The first byte following iload is interpreted as an unsigned 8-bit index that refers to a local variable.

The opcodes that push int and float local variables onto the stack are shown in Table 10-7.

Table 10-7. Pushing single-word local variables onto the stack

Opcode Operand(s) Description
iload vindex pushes int from local variable position vindex
iload _0 (none) pushes int from local variable position zero
iload _1 (none) pushes int from local variable position one
iload _2 (none) pushes int from local variable position two
iload _3 (none) pushes int from local variable position three
fload vindex pushes float from local variable position vindex
fload _0 (none) pushes float from local variable position zero
fload _1 (none) pushes float from local variable position one
fload _2 (none) pushes float from local variable position two
fload _3 (none) pushes float from local variable position three

Table 10-8 shows the instructions that push local variables of type long and double onto the stack. These instructions move two words from the local variable section of the stack frame to the operand stack section.

Table 10-8. Pushing dual-word local variables onto the stack

Opcode Operand(s) Description
lload vindex pushes long from local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1)
lload _0 (none) pushes long from local variable positions zero and one
lload _1 (none) pushes long from local variable positions one and two
lload _2 (none) pushes long from local variable positions two and three
lload _3 (none) pushes long from local variable positions three and four
dload vindex pushes double from local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1)
dload _0 (none) pushes double from local variable positions zero and one
dload _1 (none) pushes double from local variable positions one and two
dload _2 (none) pushes double from local variable positions two and three
dload _3 (none) pushes double from local variable positions three and four

The final group of opcodes that push local variables move object references (which occupy one word) from the local variables section of the stack frame to the operand section. These opcodes are shown in Table 10-9.

Table 10-9. Pushing object reference local variables onto the stack

Opcode Operand(s) Description
aload vindex pushes object reference from local variable position vindex
aload _0 (none) pushes object reference from local variable position zero
aload _1 (none) pushes object reference from local variable position one
aload _2 (none) pushes object reference from local variable position two
aload _3 (none) pushes object reference from local variable position three

Popping to Local Variables

For each opcode that pushes a local variable onto the stack there exists a corresponding opcode that pops the top of the stack back into the local variable. The mnemonics of the pop opcodes can be formed from the mnemonics of the push opcodes by replacing "load" with "store." The opcodes that pop int s and float s from the top of the operand stack to a local variable are listed in Table 10-10. Each of these opcodes moves one single-word value from the top of the stack to a local variable.

Table 10-10. Popping single-word values into local variables

Opcode Operand(s) Description
istore vindex pops int to local variable position vindex
istore _0 (none) pops int to local variable position zero
istore _1 (none) pops int to local variable position one
istore _2 (none) pops int to local variable position two
istore _3 (none) pops int to local variable position three
fstore vindex pops float to local variable position vindex
fstore _0 (none) pops float to local variable position zero
fstore _1 (none) pops float to local variable position one
fstore _2 (none) pops float to local variable position two
fstore _3 (none) pops float to local variable position three

Table 10-11 shows the instructions that pop values of type long and double into a local variable. These instructions move a dual-word value from the top of the operand stack to a local variable.

Table 10-11. Popping dual-word values into local variables

Opcode Operand(s) Description
lstore vindex pops long to local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1)
lstore _0 (none) pops long to local variable positions zero and one
lstore _1 (none) pops long to local variable positions one and two
lstore _2 (none) pops long to local variable positions two and three
lstore _3 (none) pops long to local variable positions three and four
dstore vindex pops double to local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1)
dstore _0 (none) pops double to local variable positions zero and one
dstore _1 (none) pops double to local variable positions one and two
dstore _2 (none) pops double to local variable positions two and three
dstore _3 (none) pops double to local variable positions three and four

The final group of opcodes that pops to local variables are shown in Table 10-12. These opcodes pop an object reference from the top of the operand stack to a local variable.

Table 10-12. Popping object references into local variables

Opcode Operand(s) Description
astore vindex pops object reference to local variable position vindex
astore _0 (none) pops object reference to local variable position zero
astore _1 (none) pops object reference to local variable position one
astore _2 (none) pops object reference to local variable position two
astore _3 (none) pops object reference to local variable position three

The wide Instruction

Unsigned 8-bit local variable indexes, such as the one that follows the iload instruction, limit the number of local variables in a method to 256. A separate instruction, wide , can extend an 8-bit index by another 8 bits, which raises the local variable limit to 65,536. The wide opcode modifies other opcodes. wide can precede an instruction, such as iload , that takes an 8-bit unsigned local variable index. Two bytes that form a 16-bit unsigned index into the local variables follows the wide opcode and the modified opcode.

Table 10-13 lists all but two of the opcodes that can be modified by wide . The other two opcodes, iinc and ret , are described in later chapters. The iinc instruction and its wide variant are described in Chapter 12, "Integer Arithmetic." The ret instruction and its wide variant are described in Chapter 18, "Finally Clauses."

Table 10-13. Popping object references into local variables

Opcode Operand(s) Description
wide iload , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pushes int from local variable position index
wide lload , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pushes long from local variable position index
wide fload , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pushes float from local variable position index
wide dload , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pushes double from local variable position index
wide aload , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pushes object reference from local variable position index
wide istore , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pops int to local variable position vindex
wide lstore , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pops long to local variable position index
wide fstore , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pops float to local variable position index
wide dstore , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pops double to local variable position index
wide astore , indexbyte1, indexbyte2 pops object reference to local variable position index

When verifying bytecode sequences that include wide instructions, the opcode modified by wide is seen as an operand to wide . Jump instructions are not allowed to jump directly to an opcode modified by wide . For example, if a bytecode sequence include the instruction:



wide iload 257


No other opcode of that method ­s bytecode sequence would be allowed to jump directly to the iload opcode. In this case, the iload opcode must always be executed as an operand to the wide opcode.

Fibonacci Forever: A Simulation

The Fibonacci Forever applet, shown in Figure 10-1, demonstrates a Java Virtual Machine executing a sequence of bytecodes that generate the Fibonacci series. The applet is embedded in a web page on the CD-ROM in file applets/FibonacciForever.html . The bytecode sequence in the simulation was generated by the javac compiler for the calcSequence () method of the class shown below:



// On CD-ROM in file stackops/ex1/Fibonacci.java

class Fibonacci {

static void calcSequence() {

long fiboNum = 1;

long a = 1;

long b = 1;

for (;;) {

fiboNum = a + b;

a = b;

b = fiboNum;





The calcSequence() method produces the Fibonacci series and places each Fibonacci number successively in the fiboNum variable. The first two numbers of the Fibonacci series are both ones. Each subsequent number is calculated by summing the previous two numbers, as in: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and so on.

The bytecodes generated by javac for the calcSequence () method are shown below:



0 lconst_1 // Push long constant 1

1 lstore_0 // Pop long into local vars 0 & 1: long a = 1;

2 lconst_1 // Push long constant 1

3 lstore_2 // Pop long into local vars 2 & 3: long b = 1;

4 lconst_1 // Push long constant 1

5 lstore 4 // Pop long into local vars 4 & 5: long fiboNum = 1;

7 lload_0 // Push long from local vars 0 & 1

8 lload_2 // Push long from local vars 2 & 3

9 ladd // Pop two longs, add them, push result

10 lstore 4 // Pop long into local vars 4 & 5: fiboNum = a + b;

12 lload_2 // Push long from local vars 2 & 3

13 lstore_0 // Pop long into local vars 0 & 1: a = b;

14 lload 4 // Push long from local vars 4 & 5

16 lstore_2 // Pop long into local vars 2 & 3: b = fiboNum;

17 goto 7 // Jump back to offset 7: for (;;) {}


The javac compiler placed local variable a from the source into local variable slots 0 and 1 on the stack frame. It put b into slots 2 and 3 and fiboNum into slots 4 and 5. As this method calculates each successive Fibonacci number, it places the number into the fiboNum variable. As you run the simulation, therefore, you will see the Fibonacci series appear in the long value stored in local variable slots 4 and 5.

You may notice that long values are split across the two words they occupy in the local variables by placing the lower half (bits 0 through 31) in the first slot and the upper half (bits 32 through 63) in the second slot. For example, the lower half of the fiboNum variable is stored in local variable slot 4. The upper half of fiboNum is stored in local variable slot 5. On the operand stack, a similar representation is used. When a long value is pushed onto the operand stack, the lower half of the word is pushed, then the upper half.

Keep in mind that this manner of representing long values in the local variables and on the operand stack is an artifact of this particular (simulated) implementation of the Java Virtual Machine. As mentioned in Chapter 5, "The Java Virtual Machine," the specification does not dictate any particular way to layout long s and double s across the two words they occupy on the stack frame.

Although according to the best mathematical minds, the Fibonacci series does indeed go on forever, the calcSequence() method is able to generate Fibonacci numbers only for a while. Unfortunately for calcSequence() , the long type has a finite range. The highest Fibonacci number this simulation can calculate, therefore, is the highest Fibonacci number that can be represented in a long: 7540113804746346429L. After the simulation arrives at this point in the Fibonacci series, the next addition will overflow.

To drive the Fibonacci Forever simulation, use the Step, Reset, Run, and Stop buttons . Each time you press the Step button, the simulator will execute the instruction pointed to by the pc register. If you press the Run button, the simulation will continue with no further coaxing on your part until you press the Stop button. To start the simulation over, press the Reset button. For each step of the simulation, a panel at the bottom of the applet contains an explanation of what the next instruction will do. Happy clicking.

figure 10-1

On the CD-ROM

The CD-ROM contains the source code examples from this chapter in the stackops directory. The Fibonacci Forever applet is contained in a web page on the CD-ROM in file applets/FibonacciForever.html . The source code for this applet is found alongside its class files, in the applets/JVMSimulators and applets/JVMSimulators .

The Resources Page

For more information about the material presented in this chapter, visit the resources page: http://www.artima.com/insidejvm/stackops.html .

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Inside the Java virtual machine
Inside the Java 2 Virtual Machine
ISBN: 0071350934
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1997
Pages: 28
Authors: Bill Venners

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