

schedules. See deadlines and schedules
schema, Windows Installer database, 121
Schema field, MSI file, 120
scope of work, 311, 321
screen capturing tools, 459 ‚ 460
screen resolution, 10
script for generating database backend, 71, 208
scripts, Inno Setup. See Inno Setup tool
SDK for Windows Installer, 110, 135, 462
SDT (Stonefield Database Toolkit), 59, 71, 256, 257, 460
security, 161, 273 ‚ 285
access rights, 10, 12
client/server applications, 205
copyrighting source code, 467 ‚ 469
databases (client/server applications), 222
decompilers and source code, 275 ‚ 282
HTML Help files, 283 ‚ 284
installation requirements, 12
locked-down desktops, installation on, 108
networking, 35
segmentation, network, 34
self-healing software. See repairing applications
servers, network, 35
service packs , 60, 63
SET commands, 8, 166
SET PATH command, 9
SET STEP command, 19
settling disputes, 320
setup, 6 ‚ 7, 83 ‚ 85
caching MSI files, 108 ‚ 109, 147, 151
creating, process of, 6 ‚ 7, 184 ‚ 198, 223 ‚ 230
1- organizing the setup, 185, 224
2- specifying files to deploy, 187, 225 ‚ 228
3- configuring target computer, 191, 228
4- customizing the setup, 192, 229
5- defining target computer requirements, 195, 229
6- building install package, 196, 229
creating with InstaFox installer, 89, 405 ‚ 428
copy file behavior, 428
customizing, 425 ‚ 428
Setup Wizard, 406, 409 ‚ 425
creating with InstallShield Express, 335 ‚ 360
building setup package, 356 ‚ 358
creating new projects, 335 ‚ 342
deploying application, 358 ‚ 360
IDE for. See IDE, InstallShield Express
testing, 358
creating with Wise for Windows Installer, 369 ‚ 394
creating new projects, 370
data files, handling, 381
Installation Expert view, 371 ‚ 403
testing, 398
delivery mechanisms, 73 ‚ 81, 359
launcher program, 142, 162 ‚ 164, 358
MSI Engines, 196
organizing, 64 ‚ 67, 185 ‚ 187, 224
installation schemes and feature sets, 67 ‚ 69
various components and utilities, 69 ‚ 73
where to install files, 65 ‚ 67
package structure, 112 ‚ 133
database schema, 121
features and components. See
components; features
GUIDs, 115, 129 ‚ 133
merge modules, 115. See also merge
summary information, 120
tables of, 122 ‚ 128. See also tables,
patch packages. See patches
reports deployment, 176 ‚ 184
testing (InstallExpress), 358
testing (Wise for Windows Installer), 398
tools for, 83 ‚ 102
alphabetical list of, 85 ‚ 96
available features, list of, 84
choosing, process for, 97 ‚ 101
VFP Setup Wizard, 63, 96 ‚ 97
directory structure, 65 ‚ 67
Windows Installer for. See Windows Installer
Windows Installer, including in package, 109, 356 ‚ 358
Setup Complete Success dialog, 193
setup dialogs, selecting, 192 ‚ 195
Setup Factory tool, 92
Setup Progress dialog, 193
Setup section, Inno Setup scripts, 438
Setup Type dialog, 193
setup types, 186, 193, 224 ‚ 227, 345.
See also features
Setup Types view (InstallExpress IDE), 345
Setup Wizard, InstaFox. See InstaFox installer
Setup Wizard, VFP 6, 63, 96 ‚ 97
directory structure, 65 ‚ 67
deploying updates with, 266
dialogs of, selecting, 192 ‚ 195
including in setup packages, 109, 356 ‚ 358
process of running, 142 ‚ 148
caching MSI files, 108 ‚ 109, 147, 151
install sequence, 146
MsiExec.exe program.
See MsiExec.exe program
replacing files during installs , 147 ‚ 148
severability, 320
shared resources, 107
shares, 159
shareware, 287 ‚ 292
ship readiness, 51 ‚ 54, 55 ‚ 56
preparing for, 57 ‚ 64
shipping files individually for updates, 266
shortcuts, 169 ‚ 170
Shortcuts page (WfWI), 385 ‚ 387
configuring on target computer, 191
viewing in InstaFox installer, 423
viewing in InstallExpress IDE, 351
viewing in Wise for Windows Installer, 385 ‚ 387
where to install, 66
Shortcuts/Folders view (InstallExpress IDE), 351
‚“Show All Users Option ‚½ property, 192
Show Predefined Folder option, 347
sign-on, 54
silent installs, Inno Setup, 452
single-workstation deployments
for multiple users, 156 ‚ 158
for single user , 155 ‚ 156
SingleImage build, 358
small shop considerations, 242
small updates, 134 ‚ 136, 270
SMEs (subject matter experts), 44
SnagIt utility, 460
SOAP SDK files, 62
software. See also VFP applications
bugs . See debugging
installation, history of, 104 ‚ 106
licenses. See licensing
registration, 287 ‚ 288, 292
requirements for VFP applications, 195
sound files, where to install, 67
source code
copyrighting, 467 ‚ 469
decompiling, 57, 283
licensing. See licensing
security of, 275 ‚ 282
types of, 314 ‚ 315
‚“special case ‚½ customers, 45 ‚ 46
specifically developed generic code, 314
specifications, documenting, 51, 311
speed. See performance
Speed Send technology, 80
Splash Bitmap, 192, 307
SPs. See service packs
SPT (SQL PassThrough), 258
SQL Compare utility, 259
SQL database backend. See also databases
deploying, 36
installing new, 206 ‚ 215
DTS for, 212 ‚ 215
restoring backup files, 207
running scripts for, 208 ‚ 210
SQL-DMO for, 210 ‚ 212
MSDE vs., 215 ‚ 220. See also MSDE
performance, 204 ‚ 205
security, 205, 222
structure and maintenance, 258
updating and reindexing, 60, 71
SQL-DMO object model, 210 ‚ 212, 227
SQL Server, installing, 221
SS Command utility, 263
standalone deployments, 155 ‚ 156
standardization of Windows Installer packages, 107
state integrity, Windows Installer and, 107
static contract clauses, 312 ‚ 321
Stonefield Database Toolkit. See SDT
structure, database, 256 ‚ 262
structure, packages. See setup, package structure
subject matter experts, 44
summary information (MSI files), 120
SuperDisk disks for setup delivery, 75
support. See technical support
support clause (contracts), 322
supporting deployed applications, 253 ‚ 264.
See also technical support; updating
surrogate keys, 72
SUSPEND command, 18
switches (networking), 33
Symantec ‚ s pcAnywhere utility, 79 ‚ 81
synchronizing databases, 260
SyQuest disks for setup delivery, 75
system environment. See customer environment
system information, MsInfo32.exe tool for, 24

Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
ISBN: 1930919328
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 232 © 2008-2017.
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