

package codes, 120, 129, 268
updates and upgrades, 134 ‚ 142
Package Distribution tool (WfWI), 395 ‚ 397
packaging installations, 55 ‚ 82
delivery mechanisms, 73 ‚ 82
including Windows Installer in, 109, 356 ‚ 358
organizing the setup, 64 ‚ 67, 185 ‚ 187, 224
installation schemes and feature sets, 67 ‚ 69
various components and utilities, 69 ‚ 73
where to install files, 65 ‚ 67
package structure, 112 ‚ 133
database schema, 121
features and components. See
components; features
GUIDs, 115, 129 ‚ 133
merge modules, 115. See also merge modules
summary information, 120
tables of, 122 ‚ 128. See also tables, databases
preparing for delivery, 57 ‚ 64
readiness, determining, 51 ‚ 54, 55 ‚ 57
parties, naming in contracts, 312
partition imagers, 458
partying after product release, 249
Pascal scripting, Inno Setup, 453
Patch Creation wizard, WfWI, 401
patches (MSP files), 141, 143, 266.
See also repairing applications
creating, tools for, 110
creating with InstallShield Express 4.0, 360 ‚ 366
fast patch, 27
MSDE and, 222
updated runtimes , 265
Wise for Windows Installer, 400 ‚ 403
paths, relative vs. hardcoded, 8 ‚ 9
payment schedule, defining, 311
PC Install, 99
pcAnywhere utility, 79 ‚ 81, 459
PCP files. See patches
peer-to-peer networks, 159
per-machine licenses, 324
per- user licenses, 324
per-user vs. per-machine installation, 152
capacity testing, 10, 215
client/server applications, 204 ‚ 205
connectivity requirements, 39
diskette reliability, 74
ignored commands, 19
MSDE vs. VFP, 215
networking requirements, 33 ‚ 35
pcAnywhere utility, 80 ‚ 81
processing requirements, 13
peripherals, requirements for, 26.
See also hardware
permanent data files, 139 ‚ 140, 188
permissions. See access rights
personnel. See customer relationships
physical office layout, 39
planning deployment, 2 ‚ 3, 23 ‚ 54
client interaction, 40 ‚ 46.
See also customer relationships
computing environment.
See customer environment
post-mortem review, 243 ‚ 245
pre-installation issues, 46 ‚ 51
preparing for delivery, 57 ‚ 64
release deployment and scheduling, 51 ‚ 54, 55 ‚ 56
preparing for, 57 ‚ 64
platforms, computing, 26, 32
platforms, database. See database platforms
politics, office, 43
post-implementation phase, 4 ‚ 5, 243 ‚ 251
InstaFox installer, 425
technical support, 239 ‚ 243
post-mortem review, 243 ‚ 245
post-release party, 249
pre-installation concerns, 46 ‚ 51
preparing for delivery, 57 ‚ 64
‚“Pressure Cooker Approach ‚½ (project requirements), 51
previously developed generic code, 314
primary release DLL, 61
printer requirements, 14
removing printer information from reports , 7 ‚ 8
PrintKey-Pro utility, 460
privacy agreements, 317
processing requirements, 13
product codes, 129, 131, 268
updates and upgrades, 134 ‚ 142
Product Details page (WfWI), 372
product enhancements, 313
product licensing. See licensing
Product Properties view (QuickPatch IDE), 362
product release, 51 ‚ 54, 55 ‚ 56, 233 ‚ 243
converting data with update releases, 59, 236, 257
Distribute Your Release view
(InstallExpress), 358
post-implementation phase, 4 ‚ 5, 243 ‚ 251
InstaFox installer, 425
technical support, 239 ‚ 243
preparing for, 57 ‚ 64
technical support, 239 ‚ 243
Wise for Windows Installer, 390 ‚ 394
product version, 129, 131 ‚ 132, 268
setting, 132
updates and upgrades, 134 ‚ 142
ProductCode property (MSI files), 122
ProductName property (MSI files), 122
ProductVersion property (MSI files). See product version
professionalism . See customer relationships
program code. See source code
progress dialog, 193
Project Definition group (WfWI), 372 ‚ 376
Project Information dialog, 57
project requirements, documenting, 51, 311
project scope, defining, 311, 321
Project Wizard (InstallShield Express), 335 ‚ 342
properties, files, 346
properties, shortcuts, 191
Property table, MSI files, 122
prototypes , 52, 294
public domain software, 289

Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
ISBN: 1930919328
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 232 © 2008-2017.
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