
The struts-config.xml file offers a myriad of configuration options, most of which will never be used by a developer working on simple Struts applications. However, the large degree of configuration ”from being able to change the way paths are created, to changing out the entire controller itself ”means that there is just about nothing that a Struts developer can't do if he or she is willing to take the time.

Also, the configuration file is the common point that brings together the Actions, Forms, and JSP pages. In a well-designed Struts application, the JSP page doesn't know anything about the Action or Form classes that support it. The Action doesn't know what a given forwarding request actually translates to in terms of a URI, and the Form may be reused by one or more Action s and JSP pages. The configuration file is where all these elements are conjoined and interrelated.

For mundane day-to-day operations with struts-config.xml , your best bet is to get your hands on one of the new GUI-based tools for Struts maintenance. In my opinion, the EasyStruts plug-in for JBuilder and Eclipse, by Emmanuel Boudrant, is one of the best out there. It will automatically create forms, actions, and JSP forms, and maintain the struts-config file for you.

The Struts Console is a standalone tool written by James Holmes, and is available at

XDoclet (which is becoming popular for EJB and WebApp development) now also has support for creating the struts-config file.

Struts Kick Start
Struts Kick Start
ISBN: 0672324725
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 177 © 2008-2017.
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