
dsquery new in WS2003

Search for a specific type of object within Active Directory.


 dsquery   command     switches   [{-s   Server   -d   Domain   }] [-u   UserName   ]  [-p {   Password   *}] [-desc   Description   ] [-q] [-r] [-gc] [-limit   N   ] 



Any dsquery command (see below)


Various switches that go with each command (see below)

{-s Server -d Domain}

Connects to a specified server or domain to run the command (if omitted, defaults to domain controller in logon domain).

[-u UserName] [-p {Password *}]

Credentials for running the command. Specify UserName as domain\ user or user@domain . If -p * , prompts for password.

-desc Description

Description for the object.


Runs in quiet mode to suppress standard output of command.


Performs recursive search or follows referrals during search.


Performs the search using the global catalog.

-limit N

Number of results to be returned (default is 1000).


Here is a list of supported dsquery commands together with a brief description of their syntax (only the most commonly used switches are described).

dsquery computer [{StartNode forestroot domainroot}] [-o {dn rdn samid}] [-scope { subtree onelevel base}] [-name Name ] [-samid SAMName] [-inactive Weeks] [-stalepwd Days] [-disabled]

Searches for computers within Active Directory. The switches here are:

{StartNode forestroot domainroot}

Where to begin the search (default is domainroot )

-o {dn rdn samid}

Output search results by distinguished name, relative distinguished name, or SAM account name of each object

-scope {subtree onelevel base}

Scope of search to be entire subtree of start node, immediate children of start node, or start node only

-name Name

Searches for computers with specified name (wildcards supported)

-samid SAMName

Searches for computer accounts with specified SAM account name

-inactive Weeks

Searches for computer accounts that have been stale (inactive) for a certain number of weeks

-stalepwd Days

Searches for computers whose password has not been modified for a certain number of weeks


Searches for disabled computer accounts

dsquery contact [{StartNode forestroot domainroot}] [-o {dn rdn}] [-scope {subtree onelevel base}] [-name Name]

Searches for contacts within Active Directory. See dsquery computer earlier in this list for an explanation of switches.

dsquery group [{StartNode forestroot domainroot}] [-o {dn rdn samid}] [-scope {subtree onelevel base}] [-name Name] [-samid SAMName]

Searches for groups within Active Directory. See dsquery computer earlier in this list for an explanation of switches.

dsquery ou [{StartNode forestroot domainroot}] [-o {dn rdn}] [-scope {subtree onelevel base}] [-name Name]

Searches for organizational units within Active Directory. See dsquery computer earlier in this list for an explanation of switches.

dsquery partition [-o {dn rdn}] [-part PartitionCN]

Searches for partitions matching the common name PartitionCN .

dsquery quota [{domainroot ObjectDN}] [-o {dn rdn}] [-acct Name] [-qlimit Filter]

Searches for quota specifications within Active Directory. The switches here are:

domainroot ObjectDN

Specifies the starting point for the search, either the root of the domain or the distinguished name of a specified container

-o {dn rdn samid}

Output search results by distinguished name, relative distinguished name, or SAM account name of each object

-acct Name

The security principal to which the quota specifications queried are assigned

-qlimit Filter

Searches for quota specifications matching the filter condition, for example, " =100 " or " <=75 " percent

dsquery server [-forest] [-domain DomainName] [-site SiteName] [-o {dn rdn}] [-name Name] [-hasfsmo {schema name infr pdc rid}] [-isgc]

Searches for domain controllers within Active Directory. See dsquery computer earlier in this list for an explanation of some switches. Other switches include:


Searches for domain controllers in the forest

-domain DomainName

Searches for domain controllers in the specified domain

-site SiteName

Searches for domain controllers in the specified site

-hasfsmo {schema name infr pdc rid}

Searches for domain controllers with a specific FSMO role assigned


Searches for domain controllers that are global catalog servers

dsquery site [-o {dn rdn}] [-name Name]

Searches for sites within Active Directory. See dsquery computer earlier in this list for an explanation of switches.

dsquery user [{StartNode forestroot domainroot}] [-o {dn rdn samid upn}] [-scope {subtree onelevel base}] [-name Name] [-upn UserPrincipalName] [-samid SAMName] [-inactive Weeks] [-stalepwd Days] [-disabled]

Searches for user accounts within Active Directory. See dsquery computer earlier in this list for an explanation of these switches.

dsquery * [{StartNode forestroot domainroot}] [-scope {subtree onelevel base}] [-filter LDAPFilter] [-attr {AttributeList *}] [-attrsonly] [-l]

Searches for objects in Active Directory by using an LDAP query.


Search for all computer accounts in the forest:

  dsquery computer forestroot -o dn  "CN=ESRV210D,OU=Sales,DC=mtit,DC=local" "CN=ESRV230D,CN=Computers,DC=mtit,DC=local" "CN=DESK155,OU=Sales,DC=mtit,DC=local" "CN=DESK156,OU=Sales,DC=mtit,DC=local" "CN=DESK157,OU=Sales,DC=mtit,DC=local" 

Restrict search to computers whose name begins with D and which reside in the Sales OU, displaying results as SAM account names :

  dsquery computer OU=Sales,DC=mtit,DC=local -o samid -name d*  "DESK155$" "DESK156$" "DESK157$" 

Search for the PDC Emulator in the local domain:

  dsquery server -hasfsmo pdc  "CN=ESRV210D,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First- Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=mtit,DC=local" 

Display all partitions in Active Directory:

  dsquery partition  "DC=TAPI3Directory,DC=mtit,DC=local" "DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=mtit,DC=local" "DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=mtit,DC=local" "CN=Configuration,DC=mtit,DC=local" "DC=mtit,DC=local" "CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=mtit,DC=local" 

See Also

Active Directory , dsadd , dsget , dsmod , dsmove , dsrm , Groups , Users

Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell
Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596004044
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 415
Authors: Mitch Tulloch

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