
 < Day Day Up > 



adding a portlet 180

Page customization 33


containers 34

layout example 34

Pagination 24, 306, 310

Paging through the view 310

People Awareness 215

chat 216

finding documents 216

implementing 218-219

online presence 216

online status 216

people links 216

PeopleService tags 218

PeopleSoft 357

Performance 138, 359

Performance considerations 17

Personalization 23


described 11

example 13

organizing pages 11

Portal 2

access to applications 2

architecture 31

architecture considerations 31

authentication 31

benefits 2

Click to Action 202

dedicated server for Domino 30

description 2

developing portlets using Java 45

functionality 2

horizontal 3

integration techniques 37

page 9, 11

page aggregation 31

page customization 33

page example 10

people awareness 215, 219

Sametime integration 24

scalability 17

search 24

server infrastructure 29

skins 32

styles 32

themes 32

users 244

Portal application 9

Portal infrastructure 29

Portalizing process 14


infrastructure 29

Portlet API 229, 233

class 234

destroy() 235

destroyConcrete() 235

elements 233

init() 234

PortletResponse 235

PortletSession 235

service() 235

Portlet applications 232

Portlet Builders 46, 355

Conet Portlet Factory for Domino 394

Portlet builders

Aptrix Portlet Connector 411

Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere 372

IBM Portlet Builder for Domino 356

Portlet builders option

advantages 356

benefits 356

disadvantages 356

overview 356

skillset 356

Portlet cooperation 12

Portlet events 244

Portlet pattern examples 25

Portlet patterns 19

advantages 40

disadvantages 40

selecting 39

Portlet perspective 168

portlet.xml 188, 320

PortletApplicationSettings object 241

PortletConfig object 240

PortletContext object 242

PortletData 232, 239, 241

PortletRequest 235

PortletRequest object 236

PortletResponse object 238

Portlets 227

accessing Domino data 247

action events 245

action listening 183

ActionListener 183

actions 182

adding Domino JSP tags 172

adding NCSO.jar 320

adding search functionality 308

adding to a page 180

administering 230

application integration 28

applications 10, 232

appllications 230

basic 169, 316

brokered cooperation 12

choosing the desing pattern 24

Click to Action 199

coding guidelines 295

communicating 199

concepts 231

concrete 231

concrete portlet application 232

concrete portlet instance 231

configuration 240

considerations 28

container 230

cooperation 12

data 232, 241

described 9

design considerations 22

design patterns 19

developing in Java 318

developing in WebSphere Studio 153

development guidelines 295

display 20

displaying information 20

displaying rich text 265

enabling people awareness 219

events 244

examples of design patterns 25

exchanging information 12

exporting as .WAR file 323

folder structure 319

granting access 179

improving performance 274

in Java 313

installing 179

integrated 21

integrating the application logic 21

interportlet communication 199

J2EE development 141

layout and functional aspects 23

life cycle 234

link 19

logging 282

message events 247

messaging 12

migrated 21

model-view-controller 227

modes 10, 171, 227

MVC 325

MVC portlet 316

object pooling 274

opening an application 20

packaging guidelines 297

pagination 310

performance 274

performance considerations 302

portlet API 229

portlet.xml 188

preparing for Click to Action 204

previewing 181

rich text 26

running 11

scalability 274

session management guidelines 298

session specific data 231

states 10, 227

storing parameters 231

technical description 11, 227

Toolkit for WebSphere Studio 153

transactions 12

transferring data 12

transmitting information 199

types 316

UI components 22

use cases 19

use of persistent data 231

user portlet instance 231

web.xml 188

window 227

window events 246

PortletSession 239

PortletSession object 239

PortletSettings 231

PortletSettings object 240

PortletWindow object 243

 < Day Day Up > 

Portalizing Domino Applications for Websphere Portal
Portalizing Domino Applications for Websphere Portal
ISBN: 0738499811
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 103
Authors: IBM Redbooks © 2008-2017.
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