Package javax.xml.registry.infomodel

Package javax.xml.registry.infomodel

JAXR 1.0; JWSDP 1.0, J2EE 1.4

The javax.xml.registry.infomodel package contains the interfaces that represent the objects in the registry information model provided by a JAXR provider. The information model is transparently mapped by the provider to the real information model used by the registry to which a JAXR client is connected. Instances of registry objects, which are realized by concrete classes supplied by JAXR implementations , can be created using methods of the BusinessLifeCycleManager interface or returned as the result of a registry search performed using a BusinessQueryManager . Both of these interfaces are defined in the javax.xml.registry package.

From an inheritance point of view, RegistryObject is the most important interface in this package, since it is the base from which all other objects in the registry are derived. The method of this interface allows an object to have a name , a description, a unique key used by the registry to identify it, and a set of optional attributes that can be used as search criteria by JAXR clients , such as classifications and external identifiers. From a structural viewpoint, the registry data for a business is rooted in its Organization object, from which a registry client can obtain contact information and discover the services provided by the Organization . A business publishes its details in the registry by creating a new Organization object and adding to it the required Service s, Classification s, contact information, and other attributes, and then realizing the same structure in the registry using the saveOrganizations( ) method of BusinessLifeCycleManager . Each object in the registry is tagged with an identifier for the user that created it and can only be modified by its owner. In a level 1 registry, the life cycle of an object can be tracked by viewing an audit trail that is automatically created by the registry as changes are made to the object.


 public interface  Association  extends RegistryObject; public interface  AuditableEvent  extends RegistryObject; public interface  Classification  extends RegistryObject; public interface  ClassificationScheme  extends RegistryEntry; public interface  Concept  extends RegistryObject; public interface  EmailAddress  ; public interface  ExtensibleObject  ; public interface  ExternalIdentifier  extends RegistryObject; public interface  ExternalLink  extends RegistryObject, URIValidator; public interface  ExtrinsicObject  extends RegistryEntry; public interface  InternationalString  ; public interface  Key  ; public interface  LocalizedString  ; public interface  Organization  extends RegistryObject; public interface  PersonName  ; public interface  PostalAddress  extends ExtensibleObject; public interface  RegistryEntry  extends RegistryObject, Versionable; public interface  RegistryObject  extends ExtensibleObject; public interface  RegistryPackage  extends RegistryEntry; public interface  Service  extends RegistryEntry; public interface  ServiceBinding  extends RegistryObject, URIValidator; public interface  Slot  ; public interface  SpecificationLink  extends RegistryObject; public interface  TelephoneNumber  ; public interface  URIValidator  ; public interface  User  extends RegistryObject; public interface  Versionable  ; 


Java Web Services in a Nutshell
Java Web Services in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003994
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 257
Authors: Kim Topley © 2008-2017.
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