Section 77. Create a Font Collection

77. Create a Font Collection


73 Create a New Text Document

76 Install a New Font

Font Book acts as an organizer for your fonts, allowing you to sort your installed fonts into functional groupings according to what you're likely to use them for. Mac OS X comes with predefined font collections such as Fun, Modern , and Web , which appear in the Font dialog box and help simplify the process of searching for the right font to use in your application. If you're writing a web page, for instance, you might want to limit yourself to the fonts in the Web collection, to make sure that you don't use any fonts that web viewers won't have.

You can also disable font collections or individual fonts; disabling a font collection can help further narrow down the fonts you have to search through in the Font panel. You can disable the Chinese collection, for example, if you're sure that you won't be using any Chinese text in your word processing application.

Open Font Book

Open the Font Book application by double-clicking Font Book in the Applications folder. If you're working in another application, open the Font palette by choosing Format, Font, Show Fonts ; then click the Action button in the lower-left corner of the Font palette and choose Manage Fonts to open Font Book .

77. Create a New Font Collection


You may need to enlarge the Font palette (using the grip in the lower-right corner) until the Action button appears; the palette changes its format to show more options and information as you make it bigger.

Create a New Font Collection

Click the + icon under the Collection pane of the Font Book window to create a new collection. The name of the collection is selected, so that you can immediately type a new name for the collection. Press Return when you're done entering the name.


To rename any font collection, double-click it in the Collection pane, type a new name, and press Return .

Add Fonts to a Collection

Populate your new font collection by dragging fonts from the Font column onto the collection's entry. Click the All Fonts entry in the Collection column to list all the fonts in your system; expand the All Fonts entry (using the triangle) to list only globally available fonts or fonts that are available only to you.

Disable a Font Collection

Select a collection to disable and then click the Disable button (labeled with a check box icon). A sheet appears, warning you that the collection will no longer appear in the Font panel; assuming that this is the whole point of what you want to do, click Disable . You can also use the check box to tell Font Book not to ask you for confirmation when you disable fonts in the future.

You can disable individual fonts as well; click any font in the Font column and then click the Disable button underneath that column.

If you ever want to re-enable a disabled font or collection, select it; the Disable button at the bottom of the column becomes an Enable button (an empty check box). Click it to re-enable the font or collection.

MAC OS X Tiger in a Snap
Mac OS X Tiger in a Snap
ISBN: 0672327066
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 212
Authors: Brian Tiemann © 2008-2017.
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