Fake copy listing

A web page that has achieved a top search engine position by stealing the contents of another web page.

False drop

A web page retrieved from a search engine or directory that is not relevant to the query used.


Abbreviation for free-for-all links. FFA web pages contain a collection of indiscriminate, often unrelated, links to other web pages. FFA links are commonly used to artificially boost link popularity and are considered spam by the major search engines.

Filter words

Common words that search engines remove when adding web page information to their full-text indices because they tend to slow down search queries without improving the results. Common filter words are as follows : the, a, an, or, for, of, but, is, and it.

Focus page

A web page that contains quality content about a specific topic. Also known as an information page .

See also [information page.]


An HTML technique that enables web site designers to divide the browser screen into two or more sections. Each section, or frame, is a single web page.

Full-text index

A database, or index, containing every word of every web document, including filter words and stop words. Can also refer to an index without filter and stop words included.

Fuzzy search

A search that retrieves matches for partially spelled or misspelled words. Fuzzy matching techniques reduce words to their root and then try to match all forms of the word. Fuzzy search is based on "fuzzy logic engineering," which is a very advanced mathematical discipline. Simply put, it enables you to say "maybe," "almost," or "close to" in computer code.

Search Engine Visibility
Search Engine Visibility (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0321503244
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 111
Authors: Shari Thurow

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