
team lib


SAFEARRAYBOUND structure, 239240
SAFEARRAYs, 15, 8182, 93, 239242, 451
same-apartment marshaling, 15
SaveChanges() method, 347
saving application dumps, 380381
SayHello method, 458
scalability, 163
SCM (Service Control Manager), 175, 177
scope pane, Component Services snap-in, 31
screen-save desktops, 462
Script Debugger option, 383
components safe for, 482, 487
debugging, 383
server-side, 382384, 394
Web applications, 381384, 386, 393396
sealed classes, 91
search criteria, 393
Section 508 requirements, 385
security. See also role-based security
ATL classes, 252254
COM, 4
COM+, 28, 4145, 164, 170, 183184, 299
DCOM, 173, 175
GAC, 67
Platform Invoke and, 469
providers, 175
runtime policies, 50
SOAP communication, 279
XML Web services, 4
SecurityCallContext class, 183184
self-contained components. See ActiveX controls; Windows Forms controls
Send() method, 324
sending messages to queue, 323324
SendMsg object, 371
sequential member layouts, 89
serializable classes, 141
serialization, 165
server applications, 179
server components, 163
Server Explorer, 168, 322323
server queues, 316
Server Response Files (SRF files). See SRF files
server-side programming. See ATL
server-side scripts, 382384, 394
Service Control Manager (SCM), 175, 177
ServicedComponent class, 158, 160162, 293, 308312
set method, 134, 136
set property, 121
SetLastError API, 415, 420
SetLastError() function, 304
SetLastError parameter, 420
SetName method, 458
SetWindowText() method, 307
shared assemblies, 89, 67, 70
shared classes
CSimpleStringT, 244246
CStringT, 246250
listed, 243
short*, 448
shortcuts, Component Services console, 30
signing assemblies, 58, 71, 119
simple component example
clients , 296298
creating, 291292
exporting, 295296
overview, 290291
registering, 293295
testing, 298300
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 4, 278279, 283, 374380
Sin function, 463
Sin method, 464
single-dimensional arrays, 242
single- name operation mode, 306
single-threaded apartments, 15
Site property, 474
Size parameter, 441
SizeConst parameter, 451
size_is attribute, 451
SizeOf function, 449
SizeParamIndex parameter, 451
smart pointers, 457
snap-ins. See also MMC snap-ins
Assembly Cache, 48
Configured Assemblies, 48
described, 27
Remoting Services, 49
Runtime Security Policy, 50
View List Of Configured Assemblies in the Configured Assemblies, 49
sn.exe, 71, 122
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 4, 278279, 283, 374380
SOAP Quick Test applications, 378380
soap_handler attribute, 280281
soap_method attribute, 281
SoapSuds utility, 376
software evolution, 3
S_OK, 132
source attribute, 217
SQL Server, 386
SQL Server Enterprise Manager, 387
SqlDataReader object, 393
SRF files (Server Response Files)
conditional processing, 265
handler tags, 263264
included files, 264
overview, 261262
replacement tags, 265266
subhandler tags, 263264
syntax, 262
URLs, 261262
Web application DLLs, 261
stack memory allocation, 427
stack trace information, 13
stackalloc keyword, 427
stand-alone attributes, 219221
Standard Template Library classes, 242
STAs (single-threaded apartments), 15
STAThreadAttribute, 15
static content, 261, 262
static functions, 420
static methods , 139
static object pointers, 405
stencil processor code, 262
stencils. See SRF files
string attribute, 214
String object, 439440
StringBuilder object, 304305, 307, 439440
constructor, 309310, 312
conversion classes, 250251
data, 15
IntPtrs, 79
marshaling, 437440
memory management, 245250
Platform Invoke and, 420, 425
regular expression matching, 256257
StringTraits parameter, 247248
Strong Name tool, 71, 122
strong names , 8, 48, 7071, 125
strongly rooted objects, 407
StructLayout attribute, 89, 137, 440443
structs, 18
structures. See also SAFEARRAYs
importing, 88
marshaling, 1718, 440447
unmanaged code interoperability, 404
StructureToPtr method, 446
stubs, 176177
SubCollection object, 367
subhandler tag, 262264, 265
SubscriberInterface property, 371
designing, 355357
installing, 357360
overview, 355
testing, 360
overview, 360363
permanent, 363369
transient, 369372
event objects and, 350
subscriptions. See also permanent subscriptions; transient subscriptions
COM+ catalogs, 345347
errors, 350
event objects, 350353, 356
overview, 347349
publishers, 353355
vs. request/reply model, 345
suffixes, method name, 133, 140
Sum function, 426
support_error_info attribute, 217, 224
suppressing IDL generation, 231
SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute, 469
synchronize attribute, 214
synchronous applications, 378380
system queues, 319
System Queues folder, 168, 320
system services, 5
System_EnterpriseServices_IServicedComponentInfo interface, 162
system-defined HRESULTs, 13
system-dependent strings, 438
team lib

COM Programming with Microsoft .NET
COM Programming with Microsoft .NET
ISBN: 0735618755
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 140 © 2008-2017.
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