The Project Plan

 < Day Day Up > 

Many organizations are searching for solutions to their endpoint-related security issues. After they compile the data regarding the multitude of issues they need to solve, they typically find that they need to purchase several products, ranging from personal firewalls to other system and application control mechanisms. Unfortunately, the use of several products requires separate management systems, support contracts, and licensing, as well as continued maintenance, which can burden the current security staff.

Generally, the CSA and its many security control mechanisms can be applied across the computing architecture to solve the majority of the endpoint-based security issues facing an organization while wrapping the entire solution within a single license, endpoint agent, management system, and support contract. For obvious reasons, many organizations have selected the CSA as the product to solve their organization security issues.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Cisco Security Agent
    Cisco Security Agent
    ISBN: 1587052059
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 145
    Authors: Chad Sullivan © 2008-2017.
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