
Network Programming with Perl
By Lincoln  D.  Stein
Slots : 1
Table of Contents
Appendix A.   Additonal Source Code


Text::Travesty (Chapter 17)

The Text::Travesty module implements "travesty," a Markov chain algorithm that analyzes a text document and generates a new document that preserves all the word-pair (tuple) frequencies of the original. The result is an incomprehensible document that has an eerie similarity to the writing style of the original.

 0   package Text::Travesty;      1   use strict;   2   use Text::Wrap qw(fill);   3   use IO::File;      4   sub new {   5     my $pack = shift;   6     return bless {   7                   words  => [],   8                   lookup => {},   9                   num    => {},  10                   a => ' ', p=> ' ', n=>' ',  11                  },$pack;  12   }    13   sub add {  14     my $self = shift;  15     my $string = shift;  16     my ($words,$lookup,$num,$a,$p,$n) =  17       @{$self}{qw(words lookup num a p n)};  18     for my $w (split /\s+/,$string) {  19       ($a,$p) = ($p,$n);  20       unless (defined($n = $num->{$w})) {  21         push @{$words},$w;  22         $n = pack 'S',$#$words;  23         $num->{$w} = $n;  24       }  25       $lookup->{"$a$p"} .= $n;  26     }  27     @{$self}{'a','p','n'} = ($a,$p,$n);  28   }    29   sub analyze_file {  30     my $self = shift;  31     my $file = shift;  32     unless (defined (fileno $file)) {  33       $file = IO::File->new($file)  croak("Couldn't open $file: $!\n");  34     }  35     $self->add($_) while defined ($_ = <$file>);  36   }    37   sub generate {  38     my $self = shift;  39     my $word_count = shift  1000;    40     my ($words,$lookup,$a,$p) = @{$self}{qw(words lookup a p)};  41     my ($n,$foo,$result);  42     while ($word_count--) {  43       $n = $lookup->{"$a$p"};  44       ($foo,$n) = each(%$lookup) if $n eq ' ';  45       $n = substr($n,int(rand(length($n))) & 0177776,2);  46       ($a,$p) = ($p,$n);  47       my $w = unpack('S',$n);  48       $w = $words->[$w];  49       $result .= $w;  50       $result .= $w =~ /\.$/ && rand() < .1 ? "\n\n"  : ' ';  51     }  52     @{$self}{qw(a p)} = ($a,$p);  53     return $result;  54   }    55   sub words {  56     return @{shift->{words}};  57   }    58   sub pretty_text {  59     my $self = shift;  60     my $text = $self->generate(@_);  61     return fill("\t",' ',$text) . "\n";  62   }    63   sub reset {  64     my $self= shift;  65     @{$self}{qw(lookup num)} = ({},{});  66     $self->{words}  = [];  67     delete $self->{a};  68     delete $self->{p};  69   }    70   1;    71   =head1 NAME    72   Text::Travesty - Turn text into a travesty    73  =head1 SYNOPSIS    74    use Text::Travesty    75    my $travesty = Text::Travesty->new;  76    $travesty->analyze_file('for_whom_the_bell_tolls.txt');  77    print $travesty->generate(1000);    78  =head1 DESCRIPTION    79  This module uses the travesty algorithm to construct a Markov chain of  80  human-readable text and spew out stylistically similar (but entirely  81  meaningless) text that has the same word-frequency characteristics.    82  =head1 CONSTRUCTOR    83  =over 4    84  =item $travesty = Text::Travesty->new    85  The new() method constructs a new Text::Travesty object with empty  86  frequency tables.  You will typically call add() or analyze_file() one  87  or more times to add text to the frequency tables.    88  =back    89  =head1 OBJECT METHODS    90  =over 4    91  =item $travesty->add($text);    92  This method splits the provided text into words and adds them to the  93  internal frequency tables.  You will typically call add() multiple  94  times during the analysis of a longer text.    95  The definition of "words" is a bit unusual, because it includes  96  punctuation and other characters (not whitespace).  The  97  pseudopunctuation makes the generated travesties more fun.    98  =item $travesty->analyze_file($file)    99  This method adds the entire contents of the indicated file to the 100  frequency tables.  C<$file> may be an opened filehandle, in which case 101  analyze_file() reads its contents through to EOF, or a file path, in 102  which case the method opens it for reading. 103  =item $text = $travesty->generate([$count]) 104  The generate() method spews back a travesty of the input text 105  based on a Markov model built from the word-frequency tables. 106  C<$count>, if provided, gives the length of the text to generate in 107  words.  If not provided, the count defaults to 1000. 108  =item $text = $travesty->pretty_text([$count]) 109  This method is similar to generate() except that the returned text is 110  formatted into wrapped paragraphs. 111  =item @words = $travesty->words 112  This method returns a list of all the unique words in the frequency 113  tables.  Punctuation and capitalization count for uniqueness. 114  =item $travesty->reset 115  Reset the travesty object, clearing out its frequency tables and 116  readying it to accept a new text to analyze. 117  =back 118  =head1 SEE ALSO 119  L<Text::Wrap>, L<IO::File>, L<perl> 120  =head1 AUTHOR 121  Lincoln Stein <> 122  =head1 COPYRIGHT 123  Copyright (c) 2000 Lincoln Stein. All rights reserved. This program is 124  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same 125  terms as Perl itself. 126  =cut 


Network Programming with Perl
Network Programming with Perl
ISBN: 0201615711
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 173 © 2008-2017.
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