Completing the Main Document



Word displays your main document. Notice the Mail Merge toolbar that appears in the Word window.


Type and format the letter, leaving blank lines for the recipient's address block and the greeting line.


Place the insertion point on the blank line for the recipient's address block, and click Address block in the Mail Merge task pane.


The Insert Address Block dialog box opens. Make the desired selections to specify how the address block will look. When the preview looks right, click OK .


In this phase of the mail-merge process, you finish the main document. This entails typing and formatting the text, and inserting the merge fields that tell Word where to insert the data from your data source.


Inserting Additional Fields

In addition to the address block and greeting line fields, you can also insert fields for electronic postage , the postal bar code, and other items. If you choose the More items link, the Insert Merge Field dialog box opens, enabling you to select other miscellaneous fields in your data source. This link was used to insert the Customer Since code shown in step 7 of this task.



Word inserts the address block field in your document. Click where you want to insert the greeting line, and then click Greeting line in the Mail Merge task pane.


The Greeting Line dialog box opens. Specify how you want your greeting line to look, and click OK .


The greeting line field is inserted. Save your letter, and then click Next : Preview your letters at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane. Continue to the next task.


Editing Fields

After you've inserted a field in your document, you can always choose different options. Right-click field and choose Edit <field name > (the name will vary). The appropriate dialog box will open to enable you to change your field options.


Restoring a Main Document to a Normal Word Document

If you accidentally used the wrong document for your main document and want to restore it to a normal Word document, click the Main document setup button on the Mail Merge toolbar (which automatically appears when you open your main document), choose Normal Word document in the Main Document Type dialog box, and click OK .

Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003
Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003
ISBN: 0789729652
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 178
Authors: Heidi Steele © 2008-2017.
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