Key Elements of the Programming Model

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The tables in this section provide a quick synopsis of the key elements in the PivotTable component's programming model. When you sit down to write a new program using the PivotTable control, refer to this section for a reminder of what properties, methods, and events to use.

Table 4-1. Binding to data.

Property Description
PivotTable.ConnectionString Set this to a valid connection string to hook up the PivotTable control to the data source.
PivotTable.CommandText Set this to a SQL statement or whatever command text the provider will accept. CommandText is used only for tabular data sources.
PivotTable.DataMember Set this to the name of the OLAP cube you want to use or the name of the data set in the DSC referred to by the DataSource property.
PivotTable.DataSource Set this to an instance of the DSC to use it as the data source. DataSource also will return the DSC even when you use the built-in ConnectionString property.

Table 4-2. Adjusting and saving the view layout.

Property or Method Description
PivotView.Fieldsets This property contains all available fieldsets that you can use in the report.
PivotView.Totals This property contains all available totals that you can use in the report.
InsertFieldset Use this method on the row, column, or filter axis to insert a fieldset on the axis.
PivotDataAxis.InsertTotal Use this method on the data axis to insert a total into the report.
PivotField.IsIncluded Set this property to False to leave a field of a fieldset out of the report. Use IsIncluded to determine whether the field is in the report.
Expanded Set this property to True to expand a field or member and show its children. Retrieve the value of Expanded to determine whether a field or member is currently expanded.
PivotView.AutoLayout Use this method to clear the view for an OLAP data source or to put all fields in the detail area for a tabular source.
PivotView.AddTotal Use this method to create a new total from a detail field.
PivotField.SortDirection Use this property to set which way a field should be sorted or to get the field's current sort order.
PivotField.SortOn Use this property to make the field's members sort by their total values instead of by their captions.
PivotField.SortOnScope Use this property to sort a set of members based on a total, but only for a certain scope of members on the other axis.
PivotFieldset.FilterMember Use this property to get or set the currently selected member of a fieldset on the filter axis.
PivotField.FilterMembers Use this property to get the current set of filtered members for a given field.
PivotField.FilterFunction Use this property to set or determine the filter function being used with the FilterMembers property. The filter function can include or exclude members, or there might be no filtering.
PivotTable.XMLData Use this property to retrieve the definition of the current report as a large string that you can save and later reset.
PivotView.TotalOrientation Use this property to make the PivotTable control display the total captions as row headings instead of column headings.
PivotGroupAxis.DisplayEmptyMembers Use this property to force the PivotTable control to display rows or columns that are completely empty.

Table 4-3. Customizing and formatting the view.

Property Description
PivotTable.AutoFit Use this property to turn off the AutoFit behavior, especially for a form-based environment such as Visual Basic.
PivotView.TitleBar Use this property to adjust the title bar's caption and formatting.
Use these properties to control visibility of elements such as the toolbar, field list, and Property Toolbox
PivotTotal.NumberFormat Use this property to format the numbers of a total.
PivotField.SubtotalBackColor Use this property to make the background color of a subtotal different than that of the numbers that contributed to the subtotal. SubtotalBackColor is useful for making a visual distinction among different levels of totals in a large report.
PivotField.SubtotalFont Use this property to differentiate the font used for subtotals from the font used for the numbers that contributed to the subtotals.
PivotTable.MemberExpand Use this property to make the PivotTable control automatically expand all fields and members when added to the view.

Table 4-4. Noteworthy events.

Event Description
QueryComplete Raised after the PivotTable control has executed a query against the data source, which is commonly a reaction to a change in the report's layout. This is a good time to adjust the report title and any other user interface elements that need to be synchronized with the report.
Click Fired when a user clicks anywhere on the report. Use the Selection property to determine where.
DblClick Same as Click, but is fired when the user double-clicks. Useful for triggering a jump to another page to show details behind an aggregate or perhaps to display the Property Toolbox or your own formatting user interface.
SelectionChange Fired whenever the selection has changed in the report. Mostly useful when you have other elements on your page or form that should change when new values are selected.
PivotTableChange Fired for various reasons when using a tabular data source. The Reason parameter tells you what happened, which includes events such as a new total being created or a total being deleted.
ViewChange Fired often, so be careful about doing too much in the event handler. Any slight change in the view causes this event to fire; the Reason parameter indicates what happened. See PivotViewReasonEnum in the OWC online help file (Msowcvba.chm) for a complete list of reasons.

Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components (Microsoft Progamming Series)
ISBN: 073560794X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 111
Authors: Dave Stearns © 2008-2017.
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