

< TABLE > element, HTML, 331
table elements, HTML, 331
table of contents (TOC)
automatic updates, 44
corporate presence Web site, 57
FAQs and, 43
navigation with, 211
templates, 43
tables, 125 “37. See also layout tables
alignment, 128
autostretching, 167
background colors and pictures, 132
borders, 130 “32
columns , 159
compared with layers , 175
creating, 125, 171
Draw Table tool, 126
editing, 135 “37
formats, 130 “32
functions of, 16
Insert Table tool, 127
layout, 128
layout detection, 175
rows, 159
sizing, 127, 129 “30
Tables toolbar
activating, 126
Eraser, 127
tabs, code indentation, 146
Tag Properties, 8
Target Frame option, 191
Task List, 309 “11
adding tasks , 310
marking task completed, 311
prioritizing tasks, 311
reviewing, 310
Task Pane, 27
tasks, site to-do lists and, 5
< TD > element, HTML, 331
Team Contributor Rights, SharePoint Team Services, 13
templates. See also page templates
confirmation page, 248
forms, 216 “17
frames , 180
layout tables, 160
sites, 11
style sheets, 97
User Registration, 251
body text, 79
button labels, 229
color , 70
entry into Web pages, 36
flow in tables, 128
graphics captions, 102
headings, 79
photo gallery captions, 116
theme styles, 79
wrapping style, 103
Text Area box, 225
< TEXTAREA > element, HTML, 332
Text Areas, 241
text boxes
adding to forms, 224
data-entry with, 220
labeling, 225
validating input, 241
text editing, 62 “64
headings, paragraphs, and alignment, 62
horizontal lines and line breaks, 63
line-editing , 62
project Web site and, 54
reusing code, 154
text elements, HTML, 330
Text file template, 36
Texttop, picture alignment, 104
< TH > element, HTML, 331
themes, 73 “80
applying, 75
backgrounds, 70, 110
color options, 70, 76
customizing, 319
disabling CSS themes, 321
formats, 52
graphic identity and, 319
graphics, 78
options for working with, 74
previewing, 75
project Web sites and, 54
removing, 80
text styles, 79
Web site design and, 73
Themes task pane
applying themes, 75
removing themes, 80
working with themes, 74
thumbnail images, 114, 115
< TITLE > element, HTML, 329
Title property, frames, 187
creating, 69
maximum length for Web pages, 303
TOC. See table of contents (TOC)
Toggle Bookmark command, Code View, 149
toolbars , 321 “24
adding/removing buttons , 321
appearance, 322
changing location, 321
compared with view panes, 25
creating, 324
DHTML, 196
resetting defaults, 322
Top, picture alignment, 104
Top Ten Lists, adding to Web sites, 204
traffic, hit counters, 202
< TR > element, HTML, 331
troubleshooting, Detect and Repair, 327 “28
typing aids, code, 148

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
ISBN: 0735619727
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 179 © 2008-2017.
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