

DAA (dimensional assembly analysis), 199
DaimlerChrysler, 203, 296 “297
Dana Corp., 54
Databases, 146
Data failure distribution, 633
Data processing, 6, 493
Data recording, 526
DDB (double declining balance) method, 686 “687
Death spiral symptom, 461
Debit balance, 664
Debits, 664 “665
in business transactions, 672
recording, 675
using, 673
in annual reports , 671
and equity, 692, 697
long- term , 667
net reduction in, 670
in theory of firm, 661
Debt/assets ratio, 692
Decay time, 618
Decentralized benchmarking, 124
Decimal dimensions, 520
Decision analysis, 610
Decline and Fall (book), 661
Decline period, of product life cycle, 699 “700
Decoupled designs, 542
Decoupled matrix, 657
Defective parts , 278
Defect matrices, 485
Defects, 209 “210
detecting, 216
examples of, 213
matrices for, 484
as measure in TOC (theory of constraints), 462
mistakes as sources of, 212 “213
preventing, 216
quality defects, 291
reliability defects, 291
zero, 483
Defense Technical Information Center, 340
Deferred compensation, 667
Deferred income taxes, 669
Deflection, 654 “655
Deformations, 177
Degrees of freedom, 383, 407, 428
Dell Corp., 169
Delphi Automotive Systems, 169
and earnings, 693
factors affecting , 129
and sales forecasting, 710
Deming, W.E., 110, 480 “481
Deming management method, 110 “111
Deming wheel, 111 “112
Demographic data, 146
Density, 180
Density function, 633
Departmental budgets , 711 “712
Department benchmarking, 123
Department of Defense, 555
Depreciation, 684
accelerated, 687
accumulated , 665 “666, 684
in cash flow analysis, 701
as expenses, 665, 669, 684
as part of cash flow, 685
of physical assets, 681
replacement cost, 687
straight line, 685 “686
sum-of-the- years ' digits (SYD), 686
as tax strategy, 684 “685
as valuation reserve, 684
Derating, 359, 362
Descriptive feedback, 31, 33
Design controls, 249, 265 “266
Design cost, 569
Design customers, 229
Design engineering, as measure of quality cost, 493 “494
Design engineers , 269
Design FMEA, 224 “225, 262;
see also FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis)
calculating RPN (risk priority number) in, 267
describing anticipated failure modes in, 264
describing causes of failure in, 264 “265
describing effect of failure in, 264
describing functions of design/product in, 264
detection table, 252
in DFSS (design for six sigma), 721
estimating failure detection in, 266 “267
estimating frequency of occurrence of failure in, 265
estimating severity of failures in, 265
failure modes, 240 “244
forming teams for, 263
functions of, 264
identifying system and design controls in, 265
linkages to process FMEA and control plans, 258 “260
objectives of, 263
occurrence rating, 249
purpose of, 265
in QFD (quality function deployment), 725
recommending corrective actions in, 267 “268
requirements for, 263
severity rating, 246
special characteristics for, 257
timing, 263
Design for manufacturability/assembly. see DFM/DA
Design for six sigma. see DFSS
Design margins, 359 “360
Design of experiments. see DOE
Design optimization, 178, 182 “185
Design parameters, 336 “337, 542, 656
Design phase, 5
Design reliability, 313
Design requirements, 87 “88
Design reviews, 464
checklists of, 468
definition of, 362
FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis) in, 467
objectives of, 466
in R&M (reliability and maintainability), 352
sequential phases of, 465 “467
in system/component level testing, 266
Designs, 183
axiomatic, 541 “544
existing, 544
extensions and changes to, 544
new, 544
Design sets, 184
Design synthesis, 38 “39
Design variables , 183 “185
Destructive testing, 529
Detect delivery chutes, 219
Detection ratings, 250
and lowering risks, 267 “268, 276
vs. occurrence ratings, 253
in surrogate machinery FMEAs, 282
Detectors, 216 “219
Development risk, 195
Deviations, 91 “93
Dewhurst. Peter, 202 “203
DFM/DFA (design for manufacturability/assembly), 187 “189
approach alternatives to, 198 “199
business expectations from, 189 “190
charters , 193
and cost of quality, 509 “510
effects on product design, 204
elements of success in, 192 “194
fundamental design guidance for, 204 “205
instruction manuals for, 199, 200 “203
mechanics, 199
objectives of, 187 “189
in product design, 195, 204
product design in, 194
product plans in, 194
and product reliability, 298
sequential approach to, 191
simultaneous approach to, 191
tools and methods for, 198 “199
use of human body in, 199 “200
DFSS (design for six sigma), 9
and APQP (advanced product quality planning), 45 “47
and AQP (advanced quality planning), 40 “47
and cost of quality, 510
essential tools in, 715 “716
implementing with project management, 605 “609
model, 716
partnering in, 9 “25
physical and performance tests, 722 “723
and project management, 608 “609
quality engineering approach in, 25 “33
and R&M (reliability and maintainability), 364 “365
and reengineering, 516 “517
and simulation, 185
stages in, 717 “723
systems engineering in, 34 “40
and TOC (theory of constraints), 463
transfer function in, 52
transformation functions in, 717 “718
Diameter, 522
Difference between two means, 655 “656
Differential costs, 703
Differentiation strategy, 101 “102, 110
Digital Equipment Corp., 203
Digital signal processing, 622
Digitizing, 178
Dimensional assembly analysis (DAA), 199
Dimensional mistakes, 214
Dimensioning, 518 “522
Dimensions, 522
Direct costs, 36, 703
Direct labor, 569
Direct magnitude evaluation (DME), 586
Direct materials, 569
Directories, 145 “146
Direct product competitor benchmarks, 122
Discrete time, 621
Discretionary funds, 700
Discriminant analysis, 699
Discriminators, 477
Displacements, 179 “180
Displacement sensors, 218
Disposable razor , failure modes in, 66 “67
Distribution, 54
Diversity, in team systems, 29 “30
Dividends, 670, 700
DMAIC model, 7
DME (direct magnitude evaluation), 586
Documentation, 40, 474
DOE (design of experiments), 367 “370;
see also experiments
analysis, 405 “420
ANOVA (analysis of variance), 407 “410
classified data, 421 “430
combination design, 415 “418
graphical analysis, 405 “407
signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, 411 “415
comparisons using, 369
confirmatory tests in, 418 “421
definition of, 362
in DFM/DFA (design for manufacturability/assembly), 199
dynamic situations in, 430 “441
group runs using, 369
loss function in, 397 “398
parameter design, 441 “447
planning, 372 “380
in reliability applications, 335 “336
setting up experiments, 380 “395
signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio in, 403 “404
Taguchi approach, 370 “371
tolerance design, 447 “454
Dominance factors, 273
Donneley demographics , 146
Door intrusion beams, 177
Double declining balance (DDB) method, 686 “687
Double-entry bookkeeping, 672, 675
Double feed sensors, 218
Dow Jones, 146
Downtimes, 238, 278
Dry run, 362
Duane model, 361
Dun and Bradstreet, 146, 698
Dupont Connector Systems, 6
DuPont system, modified, 157, 704 “705
Durability, 112
Durability life, 289
Dust, 289
Dynamic analysis, 176
Dynamic process, vs. static process, 1 “2
Dynamic situations, 430 “441

Six Sigma and Beyond. Design for Six Sigma (Vol. 6)
Six Sigma and Beyond: Design for Six Sigma, Volume VI
ISBN: 1574443151
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 235 © 2008-2017.
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