Chapter10.Networking with IP

Chapter 10. Networking with IP

Up to this point in the book, we've focused on the IP address spaceits theories, mathematical mechanics, and even some of its more advanced topics such as NAT. But it is imperative to realize that an IP address is much more than just an arbitrary number that gets configured on a network-attached device. An IP address is an active and dynamic part of the network and is used in support of numerous critical functions.

Its role is that of an intermediary. People who use IP-based networks are inclined to use mnemonic Internet names (such as to access resources. Thus, it is imperative to correlate IP addresses to names. But LANs don't use IP addresses; they use MAC addresses. It is equally imperative to correlate IP addresses to MAC addresses. This chapter looks at how all this fits together in the context of a typical networked communications session.

IP Addressing Fundamentals
IP Addressing Fundamentals
ISBN: 1587050676
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 118
Authors: Mark Sportack © 2008-2017.
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