
A trigger is a special type of stored procedure that is fired on an event-driven basis rather than by a direct call. Here are some common uses for triggers:

  • To maintain data integrity rules that extend beyond simple referential integrity.
  • To keep running totals updated.
  • To keep a computed column updated.
  • To implement a referential action, such as cascading deletes.
  • To maintain an audit record of changes.
  • To invoke an external action, such as beginning a reorder process if inventory falls below a certain level or sending e-mail or a pager notification to someone who needs to perform an action because of data changes.

A trigger can be set up to fire when data is changed in some way ”that is, via an INSERT, an UPDATE, or a DELETE statement. Multiple triggers can be defined on a table for each event, and each trigger can invoke many stored procedures as well as carry out many different actions based on the values of a given column of data. However, there is no way to control the order of firing of triggers on the same table. For example, if you have three INSERT triggers on the inventory table, they will all be executed whenever rows are inserted into the table, but they could be executed in any order. If it is crucial that certain steps happen in a prescribed order, you should reconsider whether you really need to split the steps into multiple triggers.

A single trigger can be created to execute for any or all the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions, which modify data. Currently, SQL Server offers no trigger on a SELECT statement, since SELECT does not modify data. In addition, triggers can exist only on base tables, not on views. (Of course, data modified through a view does cause a trigger on the underlying base table to fire.)

A trigger is executed once for each UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement, regardless of the number of rows it affects. Although it is sometimes thought that a trigger is executed once per row or once per transaction, neither of these assumptions is correct, strictly speaking. Let's see a simple example of this. The script below creates and populates a small table with three rows. It will then build a trigger on the table to be fired when a DELETE statement is executed for this table:

 CREATE TABLE test_trigger (col1 int,  col2 char(6) ) GO INSERT INTO test_trigger VALUES (1, 'First') INSERT INTO test_trigger VALUES (2, 'Second') INSERT INTO test_trigger VALUES (3, 'Third') INSERT INTO test_trigger VALUES (4, 'Fourth') INSERT INTO test_trigger VALUES (5, 'Fifth') GO CREATE TRIGGER delete_test ON test_trigger FOR DELETE  AS PRINT 'You just deleted a row!' GO 

Now let's put the trigger to the test. What do you think would happen when the following statement is executed?

 DELETE test_trigger WHERE col1 = 0 

If you execute this statement, you'll see the following message:

 You just deleted a row! 

The message appears because the DELETE statement is a legal DELETE from the test_trigger table. The trigger is fired once no matter how many rows are affected, even if the number of rows is 0! To avoid executing code that is meaningless, it is not uncommon for the first statement in a trigger to check to see how many rows were affected. We have access to the @@ROWCOUNT function, and if the first thing the trigger does is check its value, it will reflect the number of rows affected by the data modification statement that caused the trigger to be fired. So we could change the trigger to something like this:

 CREATE TRIGGER delete_test ON test_trigger FOR DELETE  AS IF @@rowcount = 0 RETURN PRINT 'You just deleted a row!' 

The trigger will still fire, but it will end almost as soon as it begins. You can also inspect our trigger's behavior if many rows are affected. What do you think would happen when the following statement is executed?

 DELETE test_trigger 

A DELETE without a WHERE clause means all the rows will be removed, and we get the following message:

 You just deleted a row! (5 row(s) affected) 

Again, the trigger was only fired once, even though more than one row was affected.

If a statement affects only one row or is a transaction unto itself, the trigger will exhibit the characteristics of per-row or per-transaction execution. For example, if a WHILE loop were set up to perform an UPDATE statement repeatedly, an update trigger would execute each time the UPDATE statement was executed in the loop.

A trigger fires after the data modification statement has performed its work but before that work is committed to the database. Both the statement and any modifications made in the trigger are implicitly a transaction (whether or not an explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION was declared). Therefore, the trigger can roll back the data modifications that caused the trigger to fire. A trigger has access to the before image and after image of the data via the special pseudotables inserted and deleted . These two tables have the same set of columns as the underlying table being changed. You can check the before and after values of specific columns and take action depending on what you encounter. These tables are not physical structures ”SQL Server constructs them from the transaction log. In fact, you can think of the inserted and deleted tables as views of the transaction log. This is why an unlogged operation such as a bulk copy or SELECT INTO does not cause triggers to fire. For regular logged operations, a trigger will always fire if it exists and has not been disabled. A trigger can be disabled by using the DISABLE TRIGGER clause of the ALTER TABLE statement.

The inserted and deleted pseudotables cannot be modified directly because they don't actually exist. As mentioned earlier, the data from these tables can be queried only. The data they appear to contain is based entirely on modifications made to data in an actual, underlying base table. The inserted and deleted pseudotables will contain as many rows as the insert, update, or delete statement affected. Sometimes it is necessary to work on a row-by-row basis within the pseudotables, although, as usual, a set-based operation is generally preferable to row-by-row operations. You can perform row-by-row operations by executing the underlying insert, update, or delete in a loop so that any single execution affects only one row, or you can perform the operations by opening a cursor on one of the inserted or deleted tables within the trigger.

Rolling Back a Trigger

Executing a ROLLBACK from within a trigger is different from executing a ROLLBACK from within a nested stored procedure. In a nested stored procedure, a ROLLBACK will cause the outermost transaction to abort, but the flow of control continues. However, if a trigger results in a ROLLBACK (because of a fatal error or an explicit ROLLBACK command), the entire batch is aborted.

Suppose that the following pseudocode batch is issued from the Query Analyzer:

 begin tran delete.... update.... insert.... -- This starts some chain of events that fires a trigger            -- that rolls back the current transaction update.... -- Execution never gets to here - entire batch is             -- aborted because of the rollback in the trigger if....commit  -- Neither this statement nor any of the following                -- will be executed else....rollback begin tran.... insert.... if....commit else....rollback GO            -- isql batch terminator only select ...    -- Next statement that will be executed is here 

As you can see, once the trigger in the first INSERT statement aborts the batch, SQL Server not only rolls back the first transaction but skips the second transaction completely and continues execution following the GO.

Misconceptions about triggers include the belief that the trigger cannot do a SELECT statement that returns rows and that it cannot execute a PRINT statement. Although you can use SELECT and PRINT in a trigger, doing these operations is usually a dangerous practice unless you control all the applications that will work with the table that includes the trigger. Otherwise, applications not written to expect a result set or a print message following a change in data might fail because that unexpected behavior occurs anyway. For the most part, you should assume the trigger will execute invisibly , and that if all goes well, users and application programmers will never even know that a trigger was fired.

Be aware that if a trigger modifies data in the same table on which the trigger exists, using the same operation (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE) won't, by default, fire that trigger again. That is, if you have an UPDATE trigger for the inventory table that updates the inventory table within the trigger, the trigger will not be fired a second time. You can change this behavior by allowing triggers to be recursive. This is controlled on a database-by-database basis by setting the option recursive triggers to TRUE. It's up to the developer to control the recursion and make sure it terminates appropriately. However, it will not cause an infinite loop if the recursion isn't terminated because, just like stored procedures, triggers can be nested only to a maximum level of 32. Even if recursive triggers have not been enabled, if separate triggers exist for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, one trigger on a table could cause other triggers on the same table to fire (but only if sp_configuration 'nested triggers' is set to 1, as we'll see in a moment).

A trigger can also modify data on some other table. If that other table has a trigger, whether or not that trigger also fires depends on the current sp_configuration value for the nested triggers option . If that option is set to 1 (TRUE), which is the default setting, triggers will cascade to a maximum chain of 32. If an operation would cause more than 32 triggers to fire, the batch will be aborted and any transaction will be rolled back. This prevents an infinite cycle from being encountered . If your operation is hitting the limit of 32 firing triggers, you should probably look at your design ”you've reached a point at which there are no longer any simple operations, so you're probably not going to be ecstatic with the performance of your system. If your operation truly is so complex that you need to perform further operations on 32 or more tables to modify any data, you could call stored procedures to perform the actions directly rather than enabling and using cascading triggers. Although valuable , overused cascading triggers can make your system a nightmare to maintain.

We'll see some actual examples of real triggers, including recursive triggers and the use of the IF update() conditional statement, in Chapter 12.

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (Mps)
ISBN: 0735605173
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 144 © 2008-2017.
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