Bound Connections

Remember that the issue of lock contention applies only between different processes (also called connections ). A process holding locks on a resource does not lock itself from the resource ”only other processes are prevented access. But any other process (or connection to SQL Server) can actually execute as the same application and user. It is common for applications to have more than one connection to SQL Server. Every such connection is treated as an entirely different SQL Server process, and by default no sharing of the "lock space" occurs between connections, even if they belong to the same user and the same application. (Again, in this context, "process" means a SQL Server subtask, not a Windows NT process.)

However, two different connections can share a lock space and hence not lock each other out. This capability is known as a bound connection . With a bound connection, the first connection asks SQL Server to give out its bind token. The bind token is passed by the application (using a client-side global variable, a shared memory, or another method) for use in subsequent connections. The bind token acts as a "magic cookie" so that those other connections can share the lock space of the original connection. Locks held by bound connections do not lock each other. (The sp_getbindtoken and sp_bindsession system stored procedures get and use the bind token.)

Bound connections are especially useful if you are writing an extended stored procedure, which is a function written in your own DLL, and that extended stored procedure needs to call back into the database to do some work. Without a bound connection, the extended stored procedure collides with its own calling process's locks. When multiple processes share a lock space and a transaction space by using bound connections, a COMMIT or ROLLBACK affects all the participating connections.

Here's an example of using bound connections between two different windows in SQL Server's Query Analyzer. Since we don't have a controlling application to declare and store the bind token in a client-side variable, we have to actually copy it from the first session and paste it into the second. So, in your first query window, you execute this batch:

 DECLARE @token varchar(30) EXEC sp_getbindtoken @token SELECT @token GO 

This should return something like the following:

 ----------------------------------------  dPe---5---.?j0U<_WP?1HMK-3/D8;@1 

Normally, you wouldn't have to look at this messy string; your application would just store it and pass it on without your ever having to see it. But for a quick example using the Query Analyzer, it's necessary to actually see the value. You use your keyboard or mouse to select the token string that you received and use it in the following batch in a second Query Analyzer window:

 EXEC sp_bindsession 'dPe---5---.?j0U<_WP?1HMK-3/D8;@1' GO 

Now go back to the first query window and begin a transaction that locks some data. You can use something like this:

 USE pubs BEGIN TRAN UPDATE titles SET price = 0 GO 

This should exclusively lock every row in the titles table. Now go to the second query window and select from the locked table:

 SELECT title_id, price FROM titles GO 

You should be able to see all the $100 prices in the titles table, just as if you were part of the same connection as the first query. Besides sharing lock space, the bound connection also shares transaction space. You can execute a ROLLBACK TRAN in the second window even though the first one began the transaction. If the first connection tries to then issue a ROLLBACK TRAN, it gets this message:

 Server: Msg 3903, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN  TRANSACTION. 

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (Mps)
ISBN: 0735605173
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 144 © 2008-2017.
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