Enhancing the Add-in

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In Chapter 2, you placed some code in several places in the Connect class to trace the flow of the add-in connect and disconnect processes and to cause the add-in to make a simple response to clicking the user interface menu option. To enhance the add-in, you will remove all of the temporary demonstration code and replace it with the code that will allow you to communicate with the new functionality that you will be adding.

Modifying the Connect Class

The first thing I have done in Listing 3-1 is removed the message boxes to clean up the interface. Here is the OnConnection method from your add-in, as I left it in Chapter 2. You will note that I have changed the object variable applicationObject to oVB. This was done simply to shorten the length of the variable, which will make the code more readable because it is used constantly. Next, I have changed the text of the add-in's menu from "MyAddinTest1" to "Smart Desktop". This will make my add-in look a little more professional. Finally, I have added a variable for the specification of the Office icon button. I have done this so that the variable can be changed at runtime without recompiling, thus allowing me to try different icons in the menu. There are numerous icons in Office.DLL, and you can experiment with the one that you want to use. All of these changes appear in boldface.

Listing 3-1: Modifying the OnConnection Method

start example
 Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _                 ByVal connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, _                 ByVal addInInst As Object, _                 ByRef custom() As Object) _                 Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection         Dim iBitMap As Integer         oVB = CType(application, EnvDTE.DTE)         addInInstance = CType(addInInst, EnvDTE.AddIn)         ' changed test of connectmode from         ' ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_UISetup         If connectMode = ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_Startup Then            Dim objAddIn As AddIn = CType(addInInst, AddIn)            ' moved to module level so OnDisconnect can see it            ' Dim CommandObj As Command            'IMPORTANT!            'If your command no longer appears on the appropriate            ' command bar, you add a new or modify an existing            ' command, or if you would like            ' to re-create the command, close all instances of Visual            ' Studio .NET and double-click the file            ' ReCreateCommands.reg'            ' in the folder holding the source code to your add-in.            ' IMPORTANT!            ' Remove the MsgBox at Connect Time            ' MsgBox("On Connection")            Try                IBitMap = 59              CommandObj = _                  oVB.Commands.AddNamedCommand(objAddIn, _                  "MyCommand1", _                  "Smart Desktop", _                  "Executes the command for MyAddinTest1", _                  True, iBitMap, Nothing, 1 + 2) _                  '1+2 == vsCommandStatusSupported+vsCommandStatusEnabled              CommandObj.AddControl( _                           oVB.CommandBars.Item("Tools"))            Catch e As System.Exception              MsgBox("Can't place toolbutton, error:" & _                       e.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _                       "MyAddinTest1")            End Try       End If End Sub 
end example

Now I need to make a minor change to the OnDisconnection method. I remove the MsgBox that tells you that you are in the OnDisconnection method, as shown in Listing 3-2. Because you have already seen how and when the OnDisconnection method is called, you no longer need this MsgBox. The code that I removed appears in boldface.

Listing 3-2: Modifying the OnDisconnection Method

start example
 Public Sub OnDisconnection( _                 ByVal RemoveMode As ext_DisconnectMode, _                 ByRef custom() As Object) _                 Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnDisconnection         Try             ' display a message to tell what we are about to do             ' MsgBox("Disconnect, remove Tool Button", _                     MsgBoxStyle.Information, "MyAddinTest1")             ' remove the add-in command button             CommandObj.Delete()         Catch e As System.Exception             ' if we should fail to remove the button, display the error             MsgBox("Error in Disconnect: " & _                     e.Message, _                     MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _                     "MyAddinTest1")         End Try End Sub 
end example

Next, I make a change to the event handler for the Add-in menu Click event. Instead of putting up a MsgBox, which is not really impressive, I display the UI for the new functionality that the add-in is now going to have. Although I have not designed the UI (form) yet, I name it frmTreeView so that I can go ahead and change the event handler to load it. The code for the event handler has been modified, as shown in Listing 3-3.

Listing 3-3: Modifying the Event Handler

start example
 Public Sub Exec(ByVal cmdName As String, _                     ByVal executeOption As vsCommandExecOption, _                     ByRef varIn As Object, _                     ByRef varOut As Object, _                     ByRef handled As Boolean) _                     Implements IDTCommandTarget.Exec         Dim oFrm As New frmTreeView ()         handled = False         If (executeOption = _             vsCommandExecOption.vsCommandExecOptionDoDefault) _             Then             If cmdName = "MyAddinTest1.Connect.MyCommand1" Then             handled = True             'MsgBox("You Rang?", MsgBoxStyle.Question, "MyAddinTest1")             oFrm.Show()             Exit Sub         End If     End If End Sub 
end example

I have done several things to the event handler. First, I commented out the MsgBox, which was the original response to the user clicking the menu item. Second, I added a dimension of the form to be loaded. In VB 6.0, I could have simply written the following instruction to load the form:


In Visual Basic .NET, you first have to dimension the object and then show the form, as shown in the following code and in the previous code:

 Dim oFrm As New frmTreeView() oFrm.Show() 

Once the UI (frmTreeView) is loaded, it will act as the vehicle of communication with the features of your add-in.

Designing the UI Form (frmTreeView)

First, open up the MyAddinTest1 project in .NET. Next, add a form to the project. You can do this by clicking the down arrow next to the Add New Item tool button (the second button from the left on the main toolbar). A drop-down list will appear, as shown in Figure 3-1.

click to expand
Figure 3-1: Adding a Windows Form

Select Add Windows Form. A form appears in the Forms Designer, as shown in Figure 3-2.

click to expand
Figure 3-2: Configuring the Windows Form

Size the form as shown in Figure 3-2. Press F4 to bring up the property page for the form. The property page should appear as shown in Figure 3-3, after you make the following changes. In the property page, change the Text property (formerly the Caption in previous versions of VB) to MyAddinTest1. Also, change the Name property to frmTreeView. Next, change the TopMost property to True. This will cause the form, which will be the UI for the add-in, to remain on top of the IDE, even if you click somewhere else on the IDE. I do not want the UI of the add-in to go behind the IDE, leaving you to wonder what happened to it. The TopMost property is a neat new property in VB .NET. In earlier versions of Visual Basic, I would have had to use the API SetWindowPos to cause the form to stay on top.

click to expand
Figure 3-3: Form property page

Next, I add a TreeView control to the form. In the past, I have always used a number of tool buttons that had drop-down menus as the UI for my add-ins. I have had suggestions for making a "dockable tool window", with a TreeView for the hierarchical menu. This saves a lot of space in the IDE, especially when the add-in is not currently in use. Although I will not take the time here to create a dockable window, I am implementing the same concept here, just in a simpler form for demonstration purposes.

To add the TreeView control to the form, click the Toolbox tab on the right of the Forms Designer window. The Toolbox will appear, as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4: Placing a TreeView control

Move the mouse to the TreeView option and click it. The mouse pointer becomes a TreeView image. Move the mouse over the form, click it, and the TreeView control drops onto the form. Move and resize the TreeView control to cover the form, as shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5: The resized TreeView control

Press F4 to bring up the property page for the TreeView control. Change the name of the TreeView control to tvMenu. In the property page, scroll down to the Nodes property. You will see that it is a Collection property. Click in the right-hand box marked Collection, and an ellipsis will appear. Click the ellipsis and the TreeNode Editor dialog box (see Figure 3-6) displays.

click to expand
Figure 3-6: Configuring the TreeView

To begin building the TreeView menu, click the Add Root button. Enter Smart Desktop into the Label box. Next, click the Add Child button and enter Block Comment into the Label box. Then click the top node (Smart Desktop), so you can add another child node to it. Next, click Add Child and enter Uncomment into the Label box. After you've made these changes, the dialog box shown in Figure 3-6 should appear.

To finish configuring the TreeView control, click the OK button on the TreeNode Editor dialog box. This causes the TreeView to be configured. In the TreeView, click the + box, and the TreeView opens, as shown in Figure 3-7.

click to expand
Figure 3-7: The completed TreeView

Code Generated by the Forms Generator

Listing 3-4 is the code I generated for the add-in's UI. I don't explain all of the code in the listing, as this isn't a book on WinForms. You'll see that the code for this form is totally unlike the code for VB 6.0 forms. Hopefully, this isn't the first time you've noted this.

Listing 3-4: Code for frmTreeView

start example
 Public Class frmTreeView     Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "     Public Sub New()     MyBase.New()     'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.     InitializeComponent()     'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)     If disposing Then         If Not (components Is Nothing) Then             components.Dispose()         End If     End If     MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub Friend WithEvents tvMenu As System.Windows.Forms.TreeView 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()     Me.tvMenu = New System.Windows.Forms.TreeView()     Me.SuspendLayout()     '     'tvMenu     '     Me.tvMenu.ImageIndex = -1     Me.tvMenu.Name = "tvMenu" Me.tvMenu.Nodes.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode() _     {New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Smart Desktop", _     New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode() _     {New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Block Comment"), _             New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Uncomment"), _             New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Block Change"), _             New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Block Delete")})})     Me.tvMenu.SelectedImageIndex = -1     Me.tvMenu.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(248, 232)     Me.tvMenu.TabIndex = 0     '     'frmTreeView     '         Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)         Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(232, 213)         Me.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() _             {Me.tvMenu})         Me.Name = "frmTreeView"         Me.Text = "MyAddinTest1"         Me.TopMost = True         Me.ResumeLayout(False)     End Sub #End Region End Class 
end example

Adding Code to Handle TreeView Click Events

When the user clicks the TreeView, which is your menu for the add-in, you must have code to handle the Click event. Actually, you will key off of the AfterSelect event. The code for the AfterSelect event is shown in Listing 3-5.

Listing 3-5: TreeView AfterSelect Event

start example
     Private Sub tvMenu_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As Object, _         ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) _         Handles tvMenu.AfterSelect          Select Case UCase$(e.Node.Text)              Case "SMART DESKTOP" 'ignore root clicks              Case "BLOCK COMMENT"                  Call Connect.BlockComment()              Case "UNCOMMENT"                  Call Connect.BlockUnComment()              Case "BLOCK CHANGE"                  Call Connect.BlockChange()              Case "BLOCK DELETE"                  Call Connect.BlockDelete()              Case Else                  MsgBox("Please click on a Child Node.", _                        MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Unknown Request")     End Select End Sub 
end example

Because it is never good practice to place non-event handler code in the form, I have placed it in the Connect class for simplicity. Obviously, as you create a large add-in, you would probably want to create different classes for ease of maintainability. Note that the event handler calls Connect.BlockComment. Because the form itself does not have a pointer to an instance of the Connect class, you will use a Shared method, which is a new feature of VB .NET.

BlockComment Method

In VB 6.0, you would have to create an instance of a class to reference a method of that class from outside the class. Even a Friend method could not be referenced without instantiating an object of the class.

In VB .NET, Shared methods are introduced. They are somewhat analogous to a Public or Global method in a .BAS module in VB 6.0. The BlockComment function shown in Listing 3-6 is an example of such a method. This feature allows you to place a Shared method in a class, and then reference it from anywhere within the project without having to create an instance of the class in which the Shared method resides.

Listing 3-6: The BlockComment Method

start example
 Shared Sub BlockComment()       Dim selCodeBlock As TextSelection '= oVB.ActiveDocument.Selection()       Dim sp As EditPoint '= selCodeBlock.TopPoint.CreateEditPoint()       Dim ep As TextPoint '= selCodeBlock.BottomPoint       Dim comntChr As String = "'"       ' Option Strict does not allow implied conversion of an object       Try           oVB.UndoContext.Open("Block Comment")           selCodeBlock = CType(oVB.ActiveDocument.Selection(), _                EnvDTE.TextSelection)           sp = CType(selCodeBlock.TopPoint.CreateEditPoint(), envdte.EditPoint)           ep = CType(selCodeBlock.BottomPoint, EnvDTE.TextPoint)           'ep = selCodeBlock.BottomPoint       Catch           MsgBox("Failed to set up text objects.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)           'set up an undo context for the whole commented block       End Try       Try           sp.Insert("'* Block Commented by Les Smith on " & _               Format(DateValue(CType(Today,               String)), "mm/dd/yyyy") & vbCrLf)       Do While (sp.Line < ep.Line)           sp.Insert(comntChr)           sp.LineDown()           sp.StartOfLine()       Loop       sp.Insert("'* End of Block Commented by Les Smith " & vbCrLf)     Catch       ' if error, clean up the undo context       ' otherwise the editor can be left in perpetual undo context       oVB.UndoContext.Close()     End Try End Sub 
end example

Making BlockComment Simpler

At this point, I need to digress for just a bit. Compared to .NET, the VB 6.0 extensibility model was simpler, much smaller, and relatively easier to use. In my humble opinion, the .NET developers went off the deep end with complexity- too many objects, methods, properties, and so forth. This is not to say that you could never find a use for all of the new objects. However, if you examine the BlockComment method in Listing 3-6, you will quickly see that most of the code is taken up with manipulating the TextSelection object and with creating and using such objects as EditPoint, TextPoint, and their associated methods. This is only one of many processing methods that you would normally create to get the work of my add-ins done. Consequently, in the method shown in Listing 3-6, I spend more time trying to figure out which objects and methods to use than I do in doing the actual work that I want the BlockComment method to perform.

Now, don't get me wrong, there will come a time when I will want to use some of the objects illustrated previously. My point here is that I would like to retrieve the block of text that the user selected, perform the operation of commenting the block, and put it back in the code window. And I would like to do that without spending my life analyzing the numerous objects, methods, and properties available to me in the extensibility model.

What I'm saying is that you can use all of the new objects, spending many, many hours trying to debug their use in a debugger, which doesn't allow you to make changes and execute the changed code without rebuilding your application.

Optionally, you can use a few methods I'm going to give you that will allow you to use the following methodology. You'll use these methods over and over again as you build new functionality in your add-ins.

  • GetCodeFromWindow

  • Perform the desired work on the code block

  • PutCodeBack

I compare the VB 6.0 objects to the .NET objects in later chapters, but for now, I am going to use some simple shortcut methods, a few of which I provide to you in the code supplied with this book.

Compare the code in Listing 3-6 with the code in the alternate BlockComment in Listing 3-7. Don't be concerned with the functions that it calls. They are supplied with the code in this book also, and you will find that they simply do the grunt work for you, leaving you to work out the processing logic without having to worry about what I call "housekeeping".

Listing 3-7: Alternate BlockComment Method

start example
 Shared Sub BlockComment()       Dim iNL As Integer ' number of lines in block       Dim sIN As String ' input selection       Dim sOUT As String ' commented output       Dim i As Integer       ' Nbr chars before first non blank in first line       Dim n As Short     ' Nbr chars before first nb char subsequent lines       Dim s As String       Try          ' Get selected text from active window          sIN = GetCodeFromWindow()          ' ensure the user selected something          If sIN.Length < 1 Then              MsgBox("Please select block to be commented.", _                    vbExclamation, "BlockComment")          Exit Sub       End If       ' Get the number of lines in the selected text       iNL = MLCount(sIN, 0)       ' Comment the block by looping thru the text       For i = 1 To iNL          ' get the next line from the block              s = MemoLine(sIN, 0, i)       ' Put a block comment line in front of the block              If i = 1 Then          sOUT = "'* Block Commented by Les Smith on " & _                           Format(DateValue(CType(DateTime.Today, String)), _                           "mm/dd/yyyy") & vbCrLf              End If         sOUT = sOUT & "'* " & s & vbcrlf               Next i               ' The block is commented, now end the block with               ' a block delimiter               sOUT = sOUT & "'* End of Block Commented by Les Smith" & vbCrLf               ' Now put the code back in the window               PutCodeBack(sOUT)         Catch e As System.Exception               MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, vbCritical, "BlockComment")         End Try     End Sub 
end example

Although I have a few more lines of code, and I will have to add several more methods to the class to support this new BlockComment method, the code is more straightforward and easier to follow than the code in Listing 3-6. You have no extensibility objects to worry about. You establish a set of common methods, which you can use every time you want to retrieve and put back a selected code block, without having to concern yourself with the extensibility objects. Using a few standard methods I have coded for you, you are only left to deal with the task of putting the comment headers and footers and the comment characters around the selected code. Later in this chapter, I show you the library methods provided with the book's code.

Making BlockComment Smarter

As I discussed earlier in this chapter, the block comment feature of the IDE is great, considering that VB 3.0 had no such feature. However, it sure would be better if the commenting characters just preceded the block being commented. You can do this by counting the number of spaces that precede the first nonblank character of the first line of the selection. In the improved BlockComment method shown in Listing 3-8, you call a method that will help you put the comments immediately in front of the selected code, where they should be.

Listing 3-8: Improved BlockComment Method

start example
 Shared Sub BlockComment()       Dim iNL As Integer ' number of lines in block       Dim sIN As String ' input selection       Dim sOUT As String ' commented output       Dim i As Integer       Dim n As Short ' number of chars before first non blank in first line       Dim s As String       Try          ' Get selected text from active window          sIN = GetCodeFromWindow()          ' ensure the user selected something          If sIN.Length < 1 Then              MsgBox("Please select block to be commented.", _                   vbExclamation, "BlockComment")              Exit Sub          End If          ' get the number of lines in the text          iNL = MLCount(sIN, 0)          ' comment the block          For i = 1 To iNL              s = MemoLine(sIN, 0, i)              If i = 1 Then                  n = CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar(s)                  sOUT = CType(IIf(n = 0, "", Space(n)), String) & _                  "'* Block Commented by Les Smith on " & _                  Format(DateValue(CType(DateTime.Today, String)), _                  "mm/dd/yyyy") & vbCrLf              End If              sOut =sOut & Space(n) & CommentDelimiter & s & vbCrlf         Next i         ' now end the block         sOUT = sOUT & CType(IIf(n = 0, "", Space(n)), String) & _                "'* End of Block Commented by Les Smith" & vbCrLf         ' now put the code back         PutCodeBack(sOUT)     Catch e As System.Exception         MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, vbCritical, "BlockComment")     End Try End Sub 
end example

You will notice that I have added a call to a method called CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar. Also, you will see where I use the return values from the method. I have highlighted this new functionality in bold. By determining the number of blank characters before the first selected line and each subsequent line, I can position the comment characters immediately preceding the commented text lines without a lot of white space between the comment character and the text. I call this "smart commenting". Figure 3-8 shows the selected code prior to commenting it.

click to expand
Figure 3-8: Select the code for commenting.

Once you have selected the code, if you have not already loaded the UI for the add-in, click the Smart Desktop menu option on the Tools menu. That will cause the UI form to be loaded as shown in Figure 3-8. Next, open the TreeView by clicking the plus sign (+) to the left of the Smart Desktop root node. Now, click the Block Comment node in the TreeView. Figure 3-9 shows the commented code.

click to expand
Figure 3-9: The commented code

BlockUnComment Method

The function shown in Listing 3-9 is activated by a click on the Uncomment node of the TreeView. Its purpose is to uncomment a selected block of code that was previously commented by the BlockComment function.

Listing 3-9: The BlockUnComment Method

start example
     Shared Sub BlockUnComment()         Dim iNL As Integer ' number of lines in block         Dim sIN As String ' input selection         Dim sOUT As String ' commented output         Dim i As Integer         Dim n As Short ' number of chars before first non blank in first line         Dim s As String         Dim lsCD As String = "'* "         Try             ' Get selected text from active window             sIN = GetCodeFromWindow()             ' ensure the user selected something             If sIN.Length < 1 Then                 MsgBox("Please select block to be commented.", _                       vbExclamation, "BlockComment")                 Exit Sub             End If             ' get the number of lines in the text             iNL = MLCount(sIN, 0)             ' comment the block             For i = 1 To iNL                 s = MemoLine(sIN, 0, i)             ' check the uncommented code, it is leaving it to the left margin             ' look for commented lines             Select Case True                 Case Left(Trim(s), 8) = "'* Block"                     ' comment header, dont write to output                 Case Left(Trim(s), 15) = "'* End of Block"                     ' comment footer, dont write to output                 Case Left(Trim(s), 3) = lsCD                     sOUT = sOUT & Replace(s, lsCD, "", , 1) & vbCrLf                 Case Left(Trim(s), 1) = "'"                     sOUT = sOUT & Replace(s, lsCD, "", , 1) & vbCrLf             End Select         Next i         ' now put the code back         PutCodeBack(sOUT)     Catch e As System.Exception         MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, vbCritical, "BlockUnComment")     End Try End Sub 
end example

BlockChange Method

Sometimes you will want to mark a block of code with a special header that denotes the code has been changed. The BlockChange method shown in Listing 3-10 performs that functionality. This code is called by clicking the Block Change node of the TreeView control.

Listing 3-10: The BlockChange Method

start example
     Shared Sub BlockChange()         Dim sText As String         Dim sCC As String         Dim liCnt As Integer         Dim lsLine As String         Try             sText = GetCodeFromWindow()             If Trim$(sText) = "" Then                 MsgBox("No change text selected!")                 Exit Sub             End If             liCnt = MLCount(sText, 0)             If liCnt > 0 Then                 lsLine = MemoLine(sText, 0, 1)                 liCnt = CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar(lsLine)             Else                 liCnt = 0             End If             sCC = vbCrLf & IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") & CommentDelimiter & _                   " Block Changed by " & UserName & " on " & TodaysDate & vbCrLf             sCC = sCC & sText & vbCrLf             sCC = sCC & IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") & CommentDelimiter & _                   " End of Block Changed by " & UserName & " on " & _                   TodaysDate & vbCrLf & vbCrLf             PutCodeBack(sCC)             Exit Sub         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Error in Block Change: " & e.Message)         End Try     End Sub 
end example


In the BlockChange method shown in Listing 3-10 and the BlockDelete method shown in Listing 3-11, you begin to see the logic of using the common methods GetCodeFromWindow, PutCodeBack, and so forth.You can now implement many new "business functionalities" without having to be concerned with the extensibility objects.

Figure 3-10 shows the selected block of code after it has been marked with the Block Change option.

click to expand
Figure 3-10: Code block marked as changed

BlockDelete Method

I add one final feature to the add-in in this chapter: the BlockDelete method. This method will mark a block of code as deleted. You might ask, "Why so many ways of marking blocks of code?" The obvious answer is that later I could implement asearch functionality that could find code that has been deleted, added, or changed by programmer and date (range). To facilitate this, I should mark the code respectively so that I can find categories of code that was commented in a specific way. In other words, show me all of the code that was deleted by Les Smith in the last two months, for example. Listing 3-11 shows the code for the BlockDelete method. You can invoke it by clicking the Block Delete node of the TreeView.

Listing 3-11: The BlockDelete Method

start example
     Shared Sub BlockDelete()         ' Insert a deletion comment block around a block         ' that is about to be deleted         Dim sCC As String         Dim sText As String         Dim sLine As String         Dim i As Long         Dim nL As Integer         Dim sTmpText As String         Dim liCnt As Integer         ' get the selected code from the code window         Try             sText = GetCodeFromWindow()             If Trim$(sText) = "" Then                 MsgBox("No deletion text selected!")                 Exit Sub             End If             ' we have the text that is to be deleted             ' comment it to delete it             sTmpText = ""             nL = MLCount(sText, 0)             For i = 1 To nL                 sLine = MemoLine(sText, 0, i)                 If i = 1 Then                     liCnt = CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar(sLine)                 End If                 sTmpText = sTmpText & IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") _                         & "'* " & sLine & vbCrLf             Next i             sCC = IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") & CommentDelimiter & _                     " Block Deleted by " & UserName & " on " & _                     TodaysDate & vbCrLf             sCC = sCC & sTmpText             sCC = sCC & IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") & CommentDelimiter & _                 " End of Block Deleted by " & UserName & " on " & _                 TodaysDate & vbCrLf             PutCodeBack(sCC)         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Error in Block Delete: " & e.Message)         End Try         Exit Sub     End Sub 
end example

Figure 3-11 shows the selected code block after being marked by the Block Delete option.

click to expand
Figure 3-11: Code block marked by Block Delete

Library Functions

Here I list the several functions that I have previously called from the BlockComment method. This is only a sampling of code that is provided in the Utility class of this book's code.


You will want to use this simple function anytime you need to retrieve the selected block of code from the active code window. It uses the TextSelection object to retrieve the whole selected block of code, so you may perform any operation on it without having to be concerned with extensibility. This is one of the functions that separates the housekeeping complexity of extensibility from your add-in business processing.

Listing 3-12: GetCodeFromWindow

start example
     Shared Function GetCodeFromWindow() As String         Dim s As String         Dim selCodeBlock As TextSelection '= oVB.ActiveDocument.Selection()     Try         selCodeBlock = CType(oVB.ActiveDocument.Selection(), _             EnvDTE.TextSelection)         GetCodeFromWindow = selCodeBlock.Text     Catch e As System.Exception         MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _             "GetCodeFromWindow")     End Try End Function 
end example


Option Strict does not allow the direct use of ActiveDocument.Selection.You must cast it to Type TextSelection by the use of the Ctype function.


This simple function, shown in Listing 3-13, will place the code on which you have completed your work in the active code window. Again, this function separates the extensibility objects from the business rules.

Listing 3-13: PutCodeBack

start example
     Shared Sub PutCodeBack(ByVal s As String)         Dim selCodeBlock As TextSelection         Dim datobj As New System.Windows.Forms.DataObject()     Try         ' set an object = to the selected text in the client window         selCodeBlock = CType(oVB.ActiveDocument.Selection(), _             EnvDTE.TextSelection)         ' put the formatted text on the clipboard         datobj.SetData(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.Text, s)         System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(datobj)         ' paste the code back into the window         selCodeBlock.Paste()     Catch e As System.Exception         MsgBox("Could not put code back in window.", _             MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _             "PutCodeBackInWindow")     End Try End Sub 
end example


The use of the clipboard has changed in .NET. The Clipboard object is part of the System.Windows.Forms name-space, and it has two methods: GetDataObject() and SetDataObject().


This function, shown in Listing 3-14, simply returns the number of space characters before the first nonblank character in the passed line.

Listing 3-14: CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar

start example
 Shared Function CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar(ByVal sIN As String) As Short        ' Return the number of spaces before the first non blank character        Dim iSpCnt As Short = 0        Try           For iSpCnt = 0 To CType(sIN.Length - 1, Short)              If Mid$(sIN, iSpCnt + 1, 1) <> " " Then                  Return iSpCnt              End If           Next iSpCnt         Catch           CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar = iSpCnt         End Try     End Function 
end example


Notice the use of the Return keyword. This is new to VB .NET and is used to exit a function early while returning the function return value in one line.

Reading Through the Selected Code Block

In Clipper, there were a couple of powerful functions that when used together provided the functionality of reading one line at a time from the selected code block. I have rewritten these functions in VB and provided them for your use. As you work with blocks of code or memo fields, two of the most useful functions in the library of functions are MLCount and MemoLine. MLCount scans through the selected code, counting the number of lines delimited by carriage return and line feed combinations. It returns the number of lines in the block. MemoLine will return the requested line from the string. You use MLCount to determine the number of lines. You subsequently use MemoLine to retrieve the individual lines, usually in sequence.


MLCount requires two parameters. The first is the code block as String. The second is either zero (0) or n, where n is the number of characters to terminate the scan for an end of line (EOL). Both MLCount and MemoLine (described in the next section) can handle word wrap. If you pass 0 as the second parameter, MLCount will look for CrLf to terminate a line. If you pass a positive number, MLCount will terminate a line at the end of the last word that will fit under the length (n), thus providing for word wrap to any length desired.

You call MLCount first to get the number of lines within the block that the user has selected. Listing 3-15 contains the code for MLCount.

Listing 3-15: Complete Connect Class

start example
 Imports Microsoft.Office.Core imports Extensibility imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports EnvDTE #Region " Read me for Add-in installation and setup information. " ' When run, the Add-in wizard prepared the registry for the Add-in. ' At a later time, if the Add-in becomes unavailable for reasons such as: '   1) You moved this project to a computer other than the one '        it was originally created on. '   2) You chose 'Yes' when presented with a message asking if you '        wish to remove the Add-in. '   3) Registry corruption. ' you will need to re-register the Add-in by building the MyAddin ' Test1Setup project ' by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer, then choosing install. #End Region <GuidAttribute("EA9E1DDF-0B64-4446-9E29-48DE0CC80523"), ProgIdAttribute("MyAddinTest1.Connect")> _ Public Class Connect         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2         Implements IDTCommandTarget     Shared oVB As EnvDTE.DTE     Shared CommentDelimiter As String = "'*"     Shared UserName As String = "Les Smith"     Shared TodaysDate As String     Dim addInInstance as EnvDTE.AddIn     ' moved to module level so OnDisconnect can see it     Dim CommandObj As Command     Public Sub OnBeginShutdown(ByRef custom As System.Array)         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnBeginShutdown     End Sub     Public Sub OnAddInsUpdate(ByRef custom As System.Array)         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnAddInsUpdate     End Sub     Public Sub OnStartupComplete(ByRef custom As System.Array)         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnStartupComplete     End Sub     Public Sub OnDisconnection(ByVal RemoveMode As _                 Extensibility.ext_DisconnectMode, _                 ByRef custom As System.Array) _                 Implements _                 Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnDisconnection         Try             CommandObj.Delete()             ' MsgBox("Disconnect, remove Tool Button", _             '         MsgBoxStyle.Information, "MyAddinTest1")             Catch e As System.Exception                 MsgBox("Error in Disconnect: " & _                         e.Message, _                         MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _                         "MyAddinTest1")             End Try     End Sub     Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _         ByVal connectMode As Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode, _         ByVal addInInst As Object, ByRef custom As System.Array) _         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection         Dim iBitMap As Integer         ' set up today's date for use in all methods         TodaysDate = Format(Now(), "Long Date")         oVB = CType(application, EnvDTE.DTE)         addInInstance = CType(addInInst, EnvDTE.AddIn)         If connectMode = Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_AfterStartup Or _            connectMode = Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_Startup _            Then            Dim objAddIn As AddIn = CType(addInInst, AddIn)            ' When run, the Add-in wizard prepared the registry for the Add-in.            ' At a later time, the Add-in or its commands may become unavailable            ' for reasons such as:            ' 1) You moved this project to a computer other than the one it was            ' originally created on.            ' 2) You chose 'Yes' when presented with a message asking if you            ' wish to remove the Add-in.            ' 3) You add new commands or modify commands already defined.            ' You will need to re-register the Add-in by building the MyAddin            ' Test1Setup project,            ' right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer, and then            ' choosing install. Alternatively, you could execute the            ' ReCreateCommands.reg file the            ' Add-in Wizard generated in            ' the project directory, or run 'devenv /setup' from a command prompt.            Try                 iBitMap = 59                 CommandObj = oVB.Commands.AddNamedCommand(objAddIn, _                               "MyAddinTest1", "Smart Desktop", _                               "Executes the command for MyAddinTest1", _                               True, iBitMap, Nothing, 1 + 2) _                               '1+2=vsCommandStatusSupported+vsCommandStatusEnabled                 CommandObj.AddControl(oVB.CommandBars.Item("Tools"))            Catch e As System.Exception                 MsgBox("Error in placing control: " & e.Message)            End Try         End If     End Sub     Public Sub Exec(ByVal cmdName As String, _                      ByVal executeOption As vsCommandExecOption, _                      ByRef varIn As Object, _                      ByRef varOut As Object, _                      ByRef handled As Boolean) _                      Implements IDTCommandTarget.Exec         Dim oFrm As New frmTreeView()         handled = False         If (executeOption = vsCommandExecOption.vsCommandExecOptionDoDefault) _             Then             If cmdName = "MyAddinTest1.Connect.MyAddinTest1" Then                 handled = True                 ' MsgBox("You rang?")                 oFrm.Show()                 Exit Sub             End If         End If     End Sub     Public Sub QueryStatus(ByVal cmdName As String, _                 ByVal neededText As vsCommandStatusTextWanted, _                 ByRef statusOption As vsCommandStatus, _                 ByRef commandText As Object) _                 Implements IDTCommandTarget.QueryStatus         If neededText = EnvDTE.vsCommandStatusTextWanted.             vsCommandStatusTextWantedNone _             Then              If cmdName = "MyAddinTest1.Connect.MyAddinTest1" Then                  statusOption = CType(vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled + _                                  vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported, _                                  vsCommandStatus)                  Else                      statusOption = vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusUnsupported             End If         End If     End Sub     Shared Sub BlockComment()         Dim iNL As Integer ' number of lines in block         Dim sIN As String ' input selection         Dim sOUT As String ' commented output         Dim i As Integer         Dim n As Short ' number of chars before first non blank in first line         Dim s As String         Try             ' Get selected text from active window             sIN = GetCodeFromWindow()             ' ensure the user selected something             If sIN.Length < 1 Then                 MsgBox("Please select block to be commented.", _                      vbExclamation, "BlockComment")                 Exit Sub             End If             ' get the number of lines in the text             iNL = MLCount(sIN, 0)             ' comment the block             For i = 1 To iNL                 s = MemoLine(sIN, 0, i)                 If i = 1 Then                     n = CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar(s)                     sOUT = CType(IIf(n = 0, "", Space(n)), String) & _                           "'* Block Commented by " & UserName & " on " & _                           TodaysDate & vbCrLf                 End If                 sOut =sOut & Space(n) & CommentDelimiter & s & vbCrlf             Next i             ' now end the block             sOUT = sOUT & CType(IIf(n = 0, "", Space(n)), String) & _                    "'* End of Block Commented by " & UserName & vbCrLf             ' now put the code back                 PutCodeBack(sOUT)         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, vbCritical, "BlockComment")         End Try     End Sub     Shared Sub BlockDelete()     ' Insert a deletion comment block around a block     ' that is about to be deleted     Dim sCC As String     Dim sText As String     Dim sLine As String     Dim i As Long     Dim nL As Integer     Dim sTmpText As String     Dim liCnt As Integer     ' get the selected code from the code window     Try         sText = GetCodeFromWindow()         If Trim$(sText) = "" Then             MsgBox("No deletion text selected!")             Exit Sub         End If         ' we have the text that is to be deleted         ' comment it to delete it         sTmpText = ""         nL = MLCount(sText, 0)         For i = 1 To nL             sLine = MemoLine(sText, 0, i)             If i = 1 Then                 liCnt = CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar(sLine)             End If             sTmpText = sTmpText & IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") _                     & "'* " & sLine & vbCrLf         Next i         sCC = IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") & CommentDelimiter & _                 " Block Deleted by " & UserName & " on " & _                 TodaysDate & vbCrLf         sCC = sCC & sTmpText         sCC = sCC & IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") & CommentDelimiter & _                 " End of Block Deleted by " & UserName & " on " & _                 TodaysDate & vbCrLf             PutCodeBack(sCC)         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Error in Block Delete: " & e.Message)         End Try         Exit Sub     End Sub     Shared Sub BlockChange()         Dim sText As String         Dim sCC As String         Dim liCnt As Integer         Dim lsLine As String         Try             sText = GetCodeFromWindow()             If Trim$(sText) = "" Then                 MsgBox("No change text selected!")                 Exit Sub             End If             liCnt = MLCount(sText, 0)             If liCnt > 0 Then                 lsLine = MemoLine(sText, 0, 1)                 liCnt = CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar(lsLine)             Else                 liCnt = 0             End If             sCC = vbCrLf & IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") & CommentDelimiter & _                 " Block Changed by " & UserName & " on " & TodaysDate & vbCrLf             sCC = sCC & sText & vbCrLf             sCC = sCC & IIf(liCnt > 0, Space(liCnt), "") & CommentDelimiter & _                 " End of Block Changed by " & UserName & " on " & _                 TodaysDate & vbCrLf & vbCrLf             PutCodeBack(sCC)             Exit Sub         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Error in Block Change: " & e.Message)         End Try     End Sub     Shared Sub BlockUnComment()         Dim iNL As Integer ' number of lines in block         Dim sIN As String  ' input selection         Dim sOUT As String ' commented output         Dim i As Integer         Dim n As Short ' number of chars before first non blank in first line         Dim n2 As Short ' nbr chars before first nb char subsequent lines         Dim s As String         Dim lsCD As String = "'* "         Try             ' Get selected text from active window             sIN = GetCodeFromWindow()             ' ensure the user selected something             If sIN.Length < 1 Then                 MsgBox("Please select block to be commented.", _                      vbExclamation, "BlockComment")                 Exit Sub             End If             ' get the number of lines in the text             iNL = MLCount(sIN, 0)             ' comment the block             For i = 1 To iNL             s = MemoLine(sIN, 0, i)             ' check the uncommented code, it is leaving it to the left margin             ' look for commented lines             Select Case True                 Case Left(Trim(s), 8) = "'* Block"                     ' comment header, dont write to output                 Case Left(Trim(s), 15) = "'* End of Block"                     ' comment footer, dont write to output                 Case Left(Trim(s), 3) = lsCD                     sOUT = sOUT & Replace(s, lsCD, "", , 1) & vbCrLf                 Case Left(Trim(s), 1) = "'"                     sOUT = sOUT & Replace(s, lsCD, "", , 1) & vbCrLf             End Select         Next i             ' now put the code back             PutCodeBack(sOUT)         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, vbCritical, "BlockUnComment")         End Try     End Sub     Shared Function GetCodeFromWindow() As String         Dim s As String         Dim selCodeBlock As TextSelection '= oVB.ActiveDocument.Selection()         Try             selCodeBlock = CType(oVB.ActiveDocument.Selection(), _                 EnvDTE.TextSelection)             GetCodeFromWindow = selCodeBlock.Text         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _                 "GetCodeFromWindow")         End Try     End Function     Shared Sub PutCodeBack(ByVal s As String)         Dim selCodeBlock As TextSelection         Dim datobj As New System.Windows.Forms.DataObject()         Try             selCodeBlock = CType(oVB.ActiveDocument.Selection(), _                 EnvDTE.TextSelection)             datobj.SetData(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.Text, s)             System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(datobj)             selCodeBlock.Paste()         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Could not put code back in window.", _                 MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _                 "PutCodeBackInWindow")         End Try     End Sub     Shared Function CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar(ByVal sIN As String) As Short         ' Return the number of spaces before the first non blank character         Dim iSpCnt As Short = 0         Try             For iSpCnt = 0 To CType(sIN.Length - 1, Short)                 If Mid$(sIN, iSpCnt + 1, 1) <> " " Then                     Return iSpCnt                 End If             Next iSpCnt         Catch             CountSpacesBeforeFirstChar = iSpCnt         End Try     End Function     Shared Function MLCount(ByVal cStrng As String, _                                                  ByVal nL As Integer) _                                                  As Integer         ' VB Replacement for Clipper MLCount Function         ' It does handle word wrap, nL is the max char         ' count per line.         Dim nStptr As Integer, nLenStr As Integer, nLineCtr As Integer         Dim sTemp As String         Dim i As Integer         ' nStPtr is the pointer to position in cStrng         Try             nStptr = 1             nLenStr = Len(cStrng)             nLineCtr = 0             While True                 ' If the pointer to the beginning of the next line                 ' is >= the length of the string, we are outta here!                 If nStptr >= nLenStr Then                     Return nLineCtr                     Exit Function                 End If                 ' Get the next line, not to exceed the length of nL                 ' if nL was greater than 0                 If nL > 0 Then                     sTemp = Mid$(cStrng, nStptr, nL)                     If InStr(sTemp, vbCrLf) > 0 Then                         ' there is a CRLF in the string                         sTemp = Left$(sTemp, InStr(sTemp, vbCrLf) - 1)                         nStptr = nStptr + Len(sTemp) + 2                     Else                         ' new code to handle lines with no crlf                         If Len(sTemp) = nL Then                             ' we have a full line left (at least)                             i = InStrRev(" ", sTemp)                             ' truncate the partial word from the end                             sTemp = Left$(sTemp, i - 1)                             'set the pointer to start the next line at                             'current start point + len(stemp)                             nStptr = nStptr + Len(sTemp)                         Else                             ' this is the last line, because the string is                             ' shorter than the nL length                             Return nLineCtr + 1                             Exit Function                         End If                 End If             Else                 ' nL was supplied as 0 meaning we just look for CRLf                 nStptr = InStr(nStptr, cStrng, vbCrLf) + 2             End If                 ' if the ptr = 2 then there was no crlf in the line                 If nStptr = 2 Then                     Return nLineCtr + 1                 End If                 nLineCtr = nLineCtr + 1                 If nStptr + 1 > nLenStr Then                     Return nLineCtr End If                 End While                 Exit Function             Catch e As System.Exception                 MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, vbCritical, "MLCount")         End Try     End Function     Shared Function MemoLine(ByVal cStrng As String, _             ByVal nLL As Integer, ByVal nL As Integer) As String         ' VB Replacement for Clipper MemoLine() Function.         ' Handles Word Wrap. nLL is the max char/line.         ' Note that if the user asks for a line that is beyond the         ' end of the string, i.e. more lines than are in the string         ' unpredictable results will be returned, assuming we         ' return at all. Therefore, MLCount() must be called         ' before calling MemoLine() and MemoLine must not be called         ' to return a line numbered higher than MLCount() returned.         Static nStptr As Integer         Dim i As Integer         Dim nTmpPtr As Integer         Dim sTemp As String         Dim nPrevStPtr As Integer         Dim lFoundSpace As Integer         Static j As Integer         Dim iST As Integer         Try             ' if NL is 1 > than J then             ' this is a subsequent call to get the next             ' line             If nL = 1 Then                 nStptr = 1                 iST = 1             ElseIf (nL - (j - 1) = 1) And (j <> 0) Then                 iST = nL             Else                 nStptr = 1                 iST = 1             End If             ' Loop through the string until we find the requested line.             For j = iST To nL                 ' Remembering where the previous line started will allow                 ' us to know where the requested line began when we have gone                 ' just past it with the following loop                 nPrevStPtr = nStptr                 ' Get the next line, not to exceed the length of nLL                 ' if nL was greater than 0                 If nLL = 0 Then                     ' nL was supplied as 0 meaning we just look for CRLf                     nStptr = InStr(nStptr, cStrng, Chr(13) & Chr(10)) + 2                 Else                     sTemp = Mid$(cStrng, nStptr, nLL)                     If InStr(sTemp, Chr(13) & Chr(10)) > 0 Then                         ' there is a CRLF in the string                         sTemp = Left$(sTemp, InStr(sTemp, Chr(13) & Chr(10)) - 1)                     nStptr = nStptr + Len(sTemp) + 2                 Else                     ' new code to handle lines with no crlf                     If Len(sTemp) = nLL Then                         ' we have a full line left with no crlf                         ' find last space                         i = InStrRev(" ", sTemp)                         ' truncate the partial word from the end                         sTemp = Left$(sTemp, i - 1)                         ' set the pointer to start the next line at current                         ' start point + len(stemp)                         nStptr = nStptr + Len(sTemp)                     End If                 End If             End If         Next j         ' nStPtr is now positioned to the end of the requested line         ' Now find the end of the current (requested) line.         If nLL = 0 Then             If nStptr = 2 Then                 Return Mid$(cStrng, nPrevStPtr)             Else                 Return Mid(cStrng, nPrevStPtr, nStptr - (nPrevStPtr + 2))             End If         Else             Return Trim$(sTemp)         End If             Exit Function         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("Error: " & e.Message, vbCritical, "MemoLine")         End Try     End Function End Class 
end example


Having retrieved the number of lines in the selected block by calling MLCount, you can set up a loop, shown in the BlockComment method, to call Memo Line for next line in the selected block. Listing 3-15 contains the code for MemoLine.

Complete Connect Class

Throughout this chapter, I have been adding new methods to the Connect class. I've added several new methods that are used to perform the new functionalities that have been added. Table 3-1 lists these methods.

Table 3-1: New Methods




Encapsulates selected code in Block Comments denoting the programmer name and date commented


Strips comment blocking from selected code


Encapsulates selected code in Block Comments and marks as "Changed"


Encapsulates selected code in Block Comments and marks as "Deleted"


Retrieves selected code form text window and returns it in a String variable


Returns processed code to the Text Editor window


Helper function for commenting methods


Returns a count of lines in a memo string delimited by CrLfs


Returns a specified line from a memo string

Because I have added so many new methods to the Connect class, I list the complete code for the class in Listing 3-15. For purposes of simplicity, I placed all of the new code into the one class. In Chapter 10, I show you how to reorganize the code into several classes according to specific functionalities, such as code manipulation, utilities, and so forth.

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Writing Add-Ins for Visual Studio  .NET
Writing Add-Ins for Visual Studio .NET
ISBN: 1590590260
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 172
Authors: Les Smith

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