Best Practices

Best Practices

  • Use least privilege.

    Whenever assigning permissions, assign the least privilege the user needs to complete her job function.

  • Assign permissions at the highest possible point in a hierarchy.

    Always assign permissions at the highest point in the container hierarchy and allow them to be inherited by child object to simplify their application.

  • Assign permissions to security groups, not users.

    Assigning permission to security groups by using a structured model will make assigning permissions scalable and flexible. This is helpful when users and files change.

  • Use caution when encrypting files.

    Always archive the DRA when encrypting files with EFS to prevent files from being irreversibly encrypted.

Microsoft Windows Security Resource Kit
Microsoft Windows Security Resource Kit
ISBN: 0735621748
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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