C format specifier, 46

C, history of, 3–4

C++, history of, 4


as a component-oriented language, 67, 807

history of, 3, 5–7

Internet and, 777

and Java, 3, 6

keywords, 32, 33

library, 19, 34, 38, 559, 561

and the .NET Framework, 6, 7–8

program compilation, 8, 14–18

as a strongly typed language, 35, 283

version 2.0, new features in, 7

CachePolicy property, 782, 799


using ref to create a, 172–174

vs. call-by-value, 170–172

CanRead property, 363

CanSeek property, 363

CanTimeout property, 363

CanWrite property, 363

Capacity property, 716–717, 738, 752

Case sensitivity and C#, 21

case statement, 89, 91–92

and goto, 106–107

Cast(s), 42, 54, 56–58, 60–61, 483, 487, 488–489

as operator, using the, 448–450

and explicit conversion operators, 231, 233–234

catch statement(s), 336–342

for catching all exceptions, 343

and catching derived class exceptions, 355–357

and finally, 348

multiple, using, 342–343

parameter, with a, 348–350

Ceiling( ), 564, 578

Char structure, 569, 583–588

methods, table of, 583–587

char value type, 36, 42

Character(s), 42

constants (literals), 47, 50

escape sequences, 48–50

CharacterSet property, 791

checked statement, 357–359

checksum #pragma option, 445

Class(es), 109–114

abstract, 295–298, 305, 320

base, definition of, 263

as a component, 808

constructor. See Constructor(s)

definition of, 8, 12, 19, 109

derived, definition of, 263

factory, 182–183, 204

general form of, 109–110, 266

generic. See Generic class

and interfaces, 305, 306–310

library, .NET, 7, 8, 19, 34, 38, 559, 561

member. See Member(s), class

partial, 551–552

sealed, 298

static, 206–207

System, list of, 561–562

well-designed, 110

class keyword, 19, 110, 492, 505, 508

Clear( ), 599, 710, 711, 712, 726, 729, 735

Click event, 832, 837

Client, definition of, 807

Clone( ), 599, 616–618

Close( ), 362, 364, 365, 371, 373, 381, 382, 704, 783, 786

CloseMainWindow( ), 704

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 8, 9, 14, 335, 350, 533

CLS (Common Language Specification), 7


blocks. See Blocks, code

managed vs. unmanaged, 8–9, 533

point, Unicode character, 583

section, critical, 553

unreachable, 126, 355

unsafe, 533, 537

Collect( ), 613, 614

Collection(s), 320, 707–775

bit-based, 707, 708, 730–733

definition of, 102, 150, 707

specialized, 707, 708, 733

storing user-defined classes in, 755–758

using an enumerator to access, 764–767

Collection(s), generic, 707, 708, 734–755

classes, 737–755

interfaces, 734–737

Collection(s), non-generic, 707, 708, 709–730

classes, 714–730

interfaces, 709–713

CollectionBase class, 733

CollectionsUtil class, 733

COM components, 807, 808–809

Comments, 19, 20, 867

Common Language Runtime (CLR), 8, 9, 14, 335, 350, 533

Common Language Specification (CLS), 9

Common Type System (CTS), 9

Compare( ), 579, 590, 621, 622623, 624625, 713, 737, 761, 763

comparer property, 722

Comparer property, 747, 749, 752

CompareOrdinal( ), 623

CompareTo( ), 154, 523, 525, 570, 573, 575, 579, 583, 589, 591, 615, 623, 758, 760

CompareTo(T obj), 525, 591, 616

Compilation, conditional, 440


C# command-line, 14–15

JIT, 8, 14, 532

Component class, 808, 809–810, 821, 827

Component property, 821

Component(s), 807–823

and C#, 67, 807, 808

characteristics of, 807

compiling, 811

and component-oriented programming, 823

disposed, preventing use of a, 818–819

model, 808

Components property, 821

Compression.DeflateStream class, 363

Compression.GZipStream class, 363

Concat( ), 627–629

Conditional built-in attribute, 478, 479–480

ConnectionGroupName property, 782

Console class, 21, 362, 365, 367, 369, 379

Console.Error, 361, 362, 365, 369–370

Console.In, 361, 362, 365–369, 379

Console.Out, 361–362, 365, 369–370, 379–380

ConsoleKeyInfo structure, 368

ConsoleModifiers enumeration, 368

const modifier, 555

Constants, 35, 47

backslash character, 48

named integer, 305, 330, 331

ConstrainedCopy( ), 600

Constraint(s), 491–509

base class, 492–500, 507–508

constructor, 492, 504–505, 508

and generic interfaces, 522

and generic methods, 515

interface, 492, 500–504, 508

multiple, using, 508–509

naked type, 508

reference type, 492, 505, 506–507, 508

value type, 492, 505, 508

Constructed type

and method overloading, 531

open vs. closed, 486

Constructor(s), 126–130

base clause to call a base class, 272–276, 281

in class hierarchy, order of calling, 282

default, 127, 129, 130

and inheritance, 270–276, 281, 284–287

overloading, 190–195

static, 205, 207

using reflection to obtain a type’s, 459–463

ConstructorInfo class, 459–460

Container class, 820–821

Container property, 809, 821

Containers, 808, 820–823

Contains( ), 631, 632, 710, 711, 712, 726, 729, 735

ContainsKey( ), 721, 723, 724, 736, 746, 748, 751

ContainsValue( ), 721–722, 723, 724, 746, 748, 751

ContentEncoding property, 791

ContentLength property, 782, 783, 791

ContentType property, 782, 783, 791

continue statement, 85, 105

Contravariance, 406–408

Control class, 827, 830, 832

Control statements. See Statements, control

Controls property, 830, 842

Controls, Windows, 827, 830, 833, 844

Conversion operators, 231–235, 239

implicit vs. explicit, 231, 233, 235

Conversion, type. See Type conversion

ConvertAll<TFrom, TTo>( ), 600

ConvertFromUtf32( ), 583

ConvertToUtf32( ), 583–584

Cookie class, 793

CookieCollection, 793

CookieContainer property, 793

Cookies, accessing, 792–794

Cookies property, 791, 792–793

Copy( ), 154, 593–594, 600

CopyTo( ), 601, 710, 715, 735

Cos( ), 40, 564

Cosh( ), 564

Count property, 710, 717, 731, 735, 738, 743, 747, 749, 752

Covariance, 406–408

Create( ), 781, 785–786, 789

exceptions, 787

and the Uri class, 789

CreateInstance( ), 601

Credentials property, 782, 799

Cross-language interoperability, 5, 445

.cs file extension, 19

csc.exe command-line compiler, 14–15

CTS (Common Type System), 9

CultureInfo class, 622, 623

Current property, 737, 764, 765, 769

CurrentThread property, 702

C# 2.0(c) The Complete Reference
C# 2.0: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 0072262095
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 300

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