

h-node (hybrid node), 419, 465


DNS security against, 404

security updates and, 831

wireless network security and, 852–853

hard drive. See disks


acceleration, 760–761

bottlenecks, 561–570

network planning and, 29

network testing and, 30

requirements, analyzing, 193–194

requirements for SUS, 838

requirements for Windows OSs, 80

routing problems and, 274

for server clustering, 658–662

server fault tolerance and, 624–625

smart card hardware, 514

upgrades, 29, 43

WINS performance and, 445

Hardware Compatibility List (HCL), 658

hardware router, 289

hash functions, 716

HBAs (host bus adapters), 659

HCL (Hardware Compatibility List), 658

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 26


defined, 641

multiple interconnections and, 664

in NLB cluster, 680

in NLB process, 681

security and, 668

Heisenberg Principal, 573

Hellman, Martin, 864

hello packet, 230

HelpAssistant account, 796

helper files, 233–234

Helper service, IPv6, 192

HFNetChk tool, 831

hierarchy, CA

overview of, 871–872

planning, 883–884

high availability

Automated System Recovery, 612–618

backup/recovery strategy, 593–594

backups, 602–612

bottlenecks and, 560–570

described, 560

fault tolerance, planning for, 618–625

server monitoring with Event Viewer, 584–592

server monitoring with service logs, 593

server monitoring with System Monitor, 570–580

System Monitor console, creating, 580–584

Windows Backup, 594–602

See also Network Load Balancing (NLB); server clustering

high encryption level, 131

high-level DNS security, 409–410

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 26

hisecdc template, 96

hisecws template, 96

HomeRF, 806

hop count, 218

hops, 430

host bus adapters (HBAs), 659

host list feature, 691

host name resolution, 337–417

DNS basics, 341, 344–353

DNS/DHCP interaction, 387–392

DNS namespace, designing, 357–369

DNS security issues, 404–412

DNS server deployment, 369–377

forwarding, planning for, 383–387

host names, 338–339

hosts file, 339–341

installing DNS service/configuring reverse lookup zones, 353–357

key points about, 469–470

monitoring DNS servers, 412–417

necessity of, 337

NetBIOS over TCP/IP, 338

resource records, 342–344

summary of, 461–464

troubleshooting, 453–457, 468

Windows Server 2003 DNS interoperability, 392–404

zone replication, planning, 377–383

host naming

basics of, 338–339

conventions/limitations, 359–361

host names, 338–339

hosts file, 339–341

kinds of, 337

NetBIOS over TCP/IP, 338

resolution with hosts file, 339–340

Host Parameters window, 696

host route, 217


convergence/heartbeats, 680

IP address configuration for, 689–690

in NLB cluster, number of, 702

NLB error detection, 687

NLB host, 678–679

in NLB process, 681

NLB traffic distribution and, 679–680

security, 691

on TCP/IP networks, 171–172

hosts file, 339–341

hot spare drives, 624

hot-spare node, 649

hot-standby server/N+1 deployment option, 649–651

hot swapping, 15


with Software Update Services, 837–847

with Windows Update Web site, 115–117

“How New Delegation of Authentication Options Improve Security in Windows Server 2003” (Shinder), 800

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 66

hub-and-spoke replication model

described, 428, 435–436

summary of, 466


function of, types of, 239–240

UPSs for, 625

human intervention, 91

hybrid node (h-node), 419, 465

hybrid replication model, 437

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 66

hyperthreading, 563

MCSE Planning and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure. Exam 70-293 Study Guide and DVD Training System
MCSE Planning and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure: Exam 70-293 Study Guide and DVD Training System
ISBN: 1931836930
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 173 © 2008-2017.
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