Breathing Room: Exception-based Reporting

Intelligent Enterprise will streamline the process at the management level to allow more effective day-to-day operations. To my mind, this is the very near future - without the adoption of exception-based reporting in the growing sea of corporate information, corporate managers will fall prey to inefficiency through an overwhelming paper crunch. In traditional data warehousing systems a manager is faced with hundreds of reports that are available to him, and most managers end up using a select and trusted handful of reports to help in daily functions. This leads to a manager ignoring a report when it should be looked at.

Financial departments of large corporations are a strong example of the type of user group best served by exception processing. A manager who is made to look through 80 or more reports will quickly begin to ignore reports that are normally irrelevant to day-to-day operations. Say that one report, analyzing customer payment patterns, shows a weighted average of how many days overdue a customer stands on total invoice remittance. A number of 15 to 30 days may be acceptable, but a pattern of 45-plus days two months in a row may imply the customer is in some financial trouble - and the manager may need to take action to ensure the company is not taking on a significant risk in supplying the customer. Exception-based reporting through an Intelligent Enterprise allows a rule to be established so that the customer entries that have more than 45-plus days for two consecutive months are automatically sent to the manager for a follow-up. With this process the manager's time is freed up under normal circumstances, and when a customer needs his attention, an exception-based report ensures that he is alerted to the situation.

In this way, Intelligent Enterprises have started to complete this data loop: Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Action ->

This loop is key to a process of continuous improvement that companies have to embark on to stay competitive in today's world.

The CTO Handbook. The Indispensable Technology Leadership Resource for Chief Technology Officers
The CTO Handbook/Job Manual: A Wealth of Reference Material and Thought Leadership on What Every Manager Needs to Know to Lead Their Technology Team
ISBN: 1587623676
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 213 © 2008-2017.
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