Managing During Turbulent Markets

Our Company has a set of traditional values - we always believe revenues and profits count. Those values align us with the values of our customers - we're making them more successful, more profitable, and able to grow their organizations. These principles count, whether the marketplace is expanding or contracting. What does change is the focus.

In an expanding market where the focus is growth, companies must decide how to grow at a rapid rate. In a more challenging or declining market, the question is how to cut costs to survive. Both of those are present in all the solutions we deal with. We are an organization that's aimed at profit, and to get that profit, we have to provide a superior solution that people are willing to pay us for. It's understanding the customers' level of pain and how we can make their lives easier.

The CTO Handbook. The Indispensable Technology Leadership Resource for Chief Technology Officers
The CTO Handbook/Job Manual: A Wealth of Reference Material and Thought Leadership on What Every Manager Needs to Know to Lead Their Technology Team
ISBN: 1587623676
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 213 © 2008-2017.
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