data bus 97

data encapsulation 235

violating 235

data type 65

primitive 182

reference 182

data types

array 182


boolean 129

byte 129

char 129

double 130

float 130

int 130

long 130

short 129

working with 130

reference 130

DataInputStream 610

DataInputStream class 581

DataInputStream.readUTF() 584

DataOutputStream 610, 612

DataOutputStream class 581

DbC 723

deadlock 474

deep copy

defined 708

default 128

Department of Defense 556


managed 681

dependency 245

definition 245

effects of dependency relationships between classes 245

dependency inversion principle 740

dependency relationship 260

dependency vs. association 245

derived class 266, 297

source code example 270

derived requirements 590

design 680

design by composition 244

Design by Contract 723

design pragmatists 680

development cycle 61

applying 61

code 61, 782

deploying 61

factor 61

integrate 61

plan 61, 782

test 61, 782

using 61

dialog 309

modality 309

Dialogue with a Skeptic 313

difference between abstract class and interface 279

direction 65

distributed applications 554

do 128

dominant roles

modeling 686

Double 149

double 128

double buffered 385

double buffering 385

Dr. Barbara Liskov 723

Dr. Bertrand Meyer 723

DragList 416

DressingBoard class 382

dynamic class loading 750

example code 755

Dynamic Factory Pattern

advantages of 751

dynamic polymorphic behavior 266


case study 482

Java For Artists(c) The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming
Java For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming
ISBN: 1932504052
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 452

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