Suggested Projects

 < Day Day Up > 

  1. Aircraft Simulation: Expand on the aircraft engine simulation project. Add a class named EngineComputer that allows you to periodically monitor engine status and set the status of engine components. The EngineComputer might display a text-based user interface that allows the user to interactively monitor engine status. The EngineComputer class should be able to control as many Engine objects as required.

  2. Aircraft Simulation: Expand on the aircraft engine simulation project. Create a class named Aircraft that contains one EngineComputer and four Engine objects. Make Aircraft a composite aggregation. Write a small program to test the functionality of your Aircraft class.

  3. Computer Simulator: Rewrite the computer simulator presented in chapter 8, suggested project 4, as an aggregate class. Implement the following components as separate classes: Memory, Processor, ComputerSystem. The Memory class will encapsulate the memory array and provide a set of functions to read from and write to specific memory locations. The Processor will encapsulate the accumulator and implement the instructions that manipulate the accumulator. The ComputerSystem will be comprised of a Memory and a Processor and contain any code necessary to get the two objects to work together. The ComputerSystem class is also responsible for the presentation of a user interface.

  4. Research: Do some research on the Hubble space telescope. Design a simple application that lets you control and aim the telescope and check its operational status. There should be two primary composite classes: Telescope and GroundStation. A GroundStation object should be able to control as many Telescope objects as necessary. Identify several key component Telescope parts and several GroundStation parts and implement them as classes. The Telescope should be a composite aggregation and the GroundStation perhaps a combination simple/composite aggregate. Layout the design of your Hubble space telescope control system using your UML modeling tool.

  5. Generate Code: Generate the source files for the Hubble space telescope control system and implement the remaining code. Test and run your program.

 < Day Day Up > 

C++ for Artists. The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming
C++ For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming
ISBN: 1932504028
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 340
Authors: Rick Miller © 2008-2017.
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