
  1. The Open VMS DCL Dictionary is an unlikely title for the manual that describes all of the DCL commands and their options. It includes numerous examples as well.

  2. The OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual details the Alpha implementation of SDA.

  3. The OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual details the VAX implementation of SDA.

  4. A detailed description of OpenVMS data structures is found in "the book of Ruth," Internals and Data Structures by Ruth Goldenberg et al. The title is preceded by either VAX/VMS or OpenVMS, depending on the edition. This book is republished often to keep up with newer editions of OpenVMS. The latest complete VAX/VMS edition is for Version 5.5-2. The latest complete Alpha/VMS edition is for Version 1.5. The Alpha edition is partially updated and will continue to be updated.

  5. Baldwin's OpenVMS System Management Guide is a concise yet complete description of the System Manager's Manual.

Getting Started with OpenVMS System Management
Getting Started with OpenVMS System Management (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582818
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 130
Authors: David Miller © 2008-2017.
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