Recipe22.5.Applying a Security Policy

Recipe 22.5. Applying a Security Policy


You want to add security considerations to areas of an existing application.


Define an aspect that specifies join points within your application that need to be subjected to additional security. When those join points are encountered, store and authenticate against a specific security implementation within the aspect, as shown in Example 22-10.

Example 22-10. Applying authentication to calls on a specific class
public aspect SecureClassAAspect  {    private boolean authenticated;        public pointcut secureClassAMethods( ) :        call(* com.oreilly.aspectjcookbook.ClassA.*(..));           Object around( ) : secureClassAMethods( )    {       if (authenticated)       {          return proceed( );       }       else       {          LoginScreen loginScreen = new LoginScreen( );          loginScreen.setVisible(true);                    // Use the authentication procedure of your choice here          // In this simple example we are just going to check that           // it is the one person we know of          if ((loginScreen.getUsername( ).equals("Kim")) &&                 (new String(loginScreen.getPassword( )).equals("password")))          {             authenticated = true;             loginScreen.dispose( );             return proceed( );          }          loginScreen.dispose( );          return null;       }    } }


Security is an ideal example of a cross-cutting concern. Security characteristics rarely have anything to do with the simple business logic of an application. They are often intrusive and, unfortunately, the last thing to be applied to a piece of software.

In Example 22-10, the aspect captures when any method on the ClassA class is called and checks to see if the current user is authenticated to run those methods. In this example, authentication takes the form of displaying a login dialog comparing the username and password with some internally stored constants. Once the user has been recognized, the aspect's authenticated attribute is set to remember that no future checks are necessary as the application calls other methods on instances of ClassA.

Example 22-10 uses a simple authentication mechanism to keep this recipe focused on the aspect-oriented characteristics of applying a security policy rather than on the particulars of a specific authentication technology. In practice, consider using a more formal authentication procedure such as JAAS.

By applying security with aspects, you can modularize your security code in one place, apply the security policies transparently to a large degree, and apply security to an application where the concern was not originally part of the design.

See Also

Java Security by Scott Oaks (O'Reilly) goes into more detail on how to use JAAS and Java's other security features in your applications; the call(Signature) pointcut is described in Recipe 4.1; the around( ) form of advice is covered in Recipe 13.4.

AspectJ Cookbook
Aspectj Cookbook
ISBN: 0596006543
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 203
Authors: Russ Miles © 2008-2017.
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