Tool 32: Circles of Influence




Team Building (TB)

Tool description

The circles of influence tool allows a team to verify the extent of its self-management, decision-making authority, and problem-solving capability. Circles are used to display forces or problems that are within the team's influence or that are outside the team's influence.

Typical application

  • To evaluate problems and forces influencing a team's performance.

  • To identify a team's areas of responsibility and influence

  • To verify team management and authority.

  • To empower a team by increasing its influence and defining accountability.

Problem-solving phase

Select and define problem or opportunity

Identify and analyze causes or potential change

Develop and plan possible solutions or change

Implement and evaluate solution or change

Measure and report solution or change results

Recognize and reward team efforts

Typically used by





Project management







Customer/quality metrics


Change management

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links to other tools


  • Brainstorming

  • Consensus Decision Making

  • Team Process Assessment

  • Buzz Group

  • Team Mirror


  • Relationship Map

  • Sociogram

  • Delphi Method

  • Critical Dialogue

  • Multivoting

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Notes and key points

  • Each participant takes no more than 10 minutes to list problems for consideration.

  • Use coding such as A-1, B-1, C-1, etc., to designate problems placed into circles of influence A-B-C.

Step-by-step procedure

  • STEP 1 The team's facilitator draws three circles of influence on a flip chart and explains the purpose and application of this tool. A team discussion follows.

  • STEP 2 The facilitator starts the team by providing an example problem for each circle of influence. Further clarification takes place to ensure that each participant understands the process.

  • STEP 3 Participants are asked to develop a list of existing and perceived problems that affect the team's present performance.

  • STEP 4 Once participants have completed their lists, the facilitator collects these lists for encoding and charting problems. See example A Team's Problem Solving Ability.

  • STEP 5 All listed problems are discussed and consensus is reached on where problems should be charted: circle A, B, or C. The first problem determined to be in circle A should be encoded as A-1.

  • STEP 6 All charted problems are recorded on flip charts titled Circle A, Circle B, and Circle C, as shown in the example. A discussion follows on the team's ability to control or influence problems.

  • STEP 7 Finally, the team explores ways to increase the team's influence, expand on its area of responsibility, and therefore, improve team performance.

Example of tool application

click to expand

Six Sigma Tool Navigator(c) The Master Guide for Teams
Six Sigma Tool Navigator: The Master Guide for Teams
ISBN: 1563272954
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 326 © 2008-2017.
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