

Table groups, in Project Server database, 139

Task creation for collaborative planning, 309

Task delegation, 300–301, 305–307

Task delegation view, 300–301

Task duration, 182

Task fields (enterprise), 40

Task Information dialog box, 241, 277

Task notes, inserting in the timesheet, 315

Task organization, defining, 31–32

Task priorities, assigning, 277

Task progress, outside the normal flow, 290–291

Task rejection (timesheet), 305

Task summary screen (Import Projects), 241

Task updates, rules for accepting, 323–326

Tasks, 330

added to timesheet, 308

for collaborative planning, 309

creating, 307–309

deleting, 423

for project goal, 435

linking documents to, 315–316

linking issues to, 316

linking status reports to, 364

permissions on, 193

Team building, 218, 270–274

Team building attributes, 218

Team-building tools, 11

Team leads (permissions group), 196

Team members (permissions group), 196, 236

Team status report, 365–366

Team Web Site home page, 407–408

TechNet links for Microsoft Project, 51, 121

Template Type list, for a document library, 347–348

Templates, 36, 242–244

creating for the enterprise, 243

deliverable, 22

in EIF directory, 20

on link, 267

on My Web Sites link, 267

for nonenterprise field management, 242–243

in Save to Project Server dialog box, 243

setting permissions with, 200–202

updating, 36

using to build other templates, 244

Templates dialog box, Enterprise Templates tab, 267–268

Terminal Services, 43

Three-server configuration/implementation, 47

Time categories (nonproject), configuring, 179

Time with date, in timesheet view, 296

Time dimension (Analyzer views), 259

Time period selection pull-down dates, 176

Time period settings interface, 176

Time-tracking systems (corporate), 15

Timescale, zooming in and out on, 273

Timesheet (published) fields, 244

Timesheet grouping formats, configuring, 179

Timesheet indicators, 295–296

Timesheet toolbar, 301

Timesheet view, 295–302

with daily reporting, 177

Date range selector fields, 297

Filter/Group/Search, 298

group-by selections, 300

precooked filters, 299

search feature, 300

view options, 296–298

with weekly reporting, 177

Timesheets, 8, 13, 176–180.

See also Timesheet view

adding custom fields, 244

appointment entries meeting criteria, 311

default fields in, 244

hiding tasks from, 314

inserting task notes, 315

linking documents to tasks, 315–316

linking issues to tasks, 316

notifying managers when working days change, 313–314

offline, 338–340

progress reporting through, 302–309

rejecting a task, 305

saving time entries, 304

task added to, 308

time reporting grid with divider bar, 303–304

transferring nonworking time from Outlook, 309–313

To-do list options page, 384–385

To-do list tasks, creating, 382–383

To-do lists, 381–385

creating, 382

deleting, 423

managing, 383–384

permissions on, 193

on Project Center home page, 385–386

in timesheet view, 296

Tools menu, 150

ToolTips, 174, 436

Totals by resource, viewing for the project, 259

Tracking activity-based project costs, 213

Tracking methods, 33, 175

configuring settings for, 174–179

default, 175

determining, 33–34

Tracking options, 33

Tracking progress (with Project Web Access), 293–327

Tracking resource costs, 213

Tracking settings interface, 175

Training, acquiring, 14–15, 22, 35, 107

Training outlines, 22

Training requirements, defining, 35

Training/sandbox environment, second site for, 107

Transactions, permissions on, 193

Trust relationships between domains, 44

Trusted domain, 44

Trusted site, trouble when making, 95–96

Trusted sites dialog box, 96

Two-server configuration/implementation, 47, 58

Implementing Enterprise Portfolio Management with Microsoft Project Server 2002
Implementing Enterprise Portfolio Management with Microsoft Project Server 2002
ISBN: 1590591186
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 185 © 2008-2017.
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